Everything You Need to Know About the Cash Envelope System [+ Sample Budget] - The Qube Money Blog (2024)

You may have wondered if using the cash envelope system would help you get back on track, but thinking about budgeting and doing it are two totally different things.

Creating a budget requires proactive work on your part, including tracking your expenses as you go and in real-time. You also need to have some sort of system that prevents you from spending more than you planned, which can be challenging to do if you’re using a debit card or credit card each month.

One solution — the cash envelope system — may be exactly what you need.

With the cash envelope system, you take the time to set clear limits on how much you will spend in discretionary categories. You also stop using credit and debit cards, which makes it far too easy to spend more than you planned.

Maybe you’ve tried it and thought, “the envelope system is really difficult to manage.” And perhaps this article will make it easier to understand.

If you’re hoping to improve your finances, switching to the cash envelope system may be the way to go.

Before you dive into the process, however, it helps to have an understanding of everything that’s entailed.

The Cash Envelope System — How It Works In a Nutshell

The strategy of the cash envelope system is simple.

At the end of the month, you’ll plan out your spending for the following month. Planning recurring bills like your mortgage, car payment, as well as fluctuating categories like groceries, restaurant spending, entertainment, and transportation.

From there, add up all the monthly expenses and compare it to your monthly income.

And don’t forget those periodic expenses.

This is also the point where you’d look for areas to cut your spending compared to past months.

For example, your credit card statement may show you have been spending $1,000/mo on food and $500/mo with friends.

At that point, you may decide you’ll skip going out to dinner for a few months and make all of your meals at home, ultimately cutting this category down to $700 per month.

Related: My Food Budget Is Out of Control

And the same is true with entertainment.

If you’ve been spending $500/mo with friends or entertaining, you might decide to cut that amount in half.

By doing so, you would free up some newfound cash to save or throw toward high-interest debt.

Hopefully, you would have some money left over to save and invest each month as well. Either way, the end result is the same.

The cash envelope system asks you to start each month with the cash you need for discretionary spending categories like groceries, dining, entertainment, and clothing in an actual envelope.

As the month goes on, you’re expected to spend money in each category with the cash from each envelope until it’s gone. Meanwhile, the rest of your bills would be paid out of your account like normal.

Read: 11 Disadvantages of Cash

Example Monthly Expenses (Sample Budget):

Here’s what your monthly budget might look like, including the bills you might pay in cash using the envelope system.

Total monthly income: $5,850

Mortgage Payment$1,800
Car Payment$300
Car Insurance$100
Health Insurance$500
Gas & Transportation$200
Utility Bills$250
Savings Account$500
Credit Card #1 (Minimum payment = $140)$500
Credit Card #2 (Minimum Payment = $200)$400
Groceries & Dining Out (Using Cash Envelope System)$700
Entertainment (Using Cash Envelope System)$200
Miscellaneous Spending (Using Cash Envelope System)$400

In this example, the family brings in approximately $5,850 per month.

They’ve chosen to pay their regular bills using online bill pay. However, they’ve opted to pay for groceries, dining out, entertainment, and miscellaneous spending using the cash envelope system.

Because they cut spending on food and fun, they freed up extra cash to pay toward their credit card bills as well as $500 to put in a high-yield savings account.

Advantages of The Cash Envelope System

The situation above may seem like an easy fix, but you have to remember that some upfront grunt work is involved any time you start trying to budget your money for the first time.

You’ll have to track your spending from the last few months to see where your money has been going for starters, but you’ll also have to spend time thinking up spending category limits you can live with.

Once you start using this system, however, the benefits can be substantial. For example:

  • Using cash in discretionary categories like groceries and dining out prevents you from spending more than you planned without realizing it. And, let’s face it, it’s far too easy to overspend with a credit card or even a debit card.
  • Using plastic for a purchase doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as parting with cold, hard cash. The cash envelope system will help you realize the consequences of your spending in real-time.
  • You’re setting limits in areas where you likely spend too much. However, the cash envelope system is nothing more than a mechanism that lets you know when you’ve reached your limit.

Finally, don’t forget that the cash envelope system makes you do something else — it forces you to track your spending and finally create a monthly budget.

Like it or not, having an idea where your money is going is the best way to start making better decisions for the future.

Using budget envelopes, you’ll instantly become more intentional in how much you spend in categories you have power over.

Everything You Need to Know About the Cash Envelope System [+ Sample Budget] - The Qube Money Blog (2)

Where The Cash Envelope System Comes Up Short

Unfortunately, there are a few areas where the cash envelope system can leave you in the lurch.

For starters, carrying around wads of cash can be downright unsafe, and not everyone carries a purse or wallet that will hold several envelopes filled with money.

And this may be a positive for you, but the cash envelope system can easily leave you going without for a good part of the month.

If you spend your entire grocery budget by the 20th of April, for example, you may wind up eating freezer food until the next month comes along or pulling from another envelope.

Another downside of the cash envelope system is that it can be difficult to navigate when you have several spenders in your family.

Imagine both you and your spouse do the grocery shopping each month. Which one of you holds the cash envelope with the food budget for the month? And how will you get it to your spouse when they need to pick up milk on the way home?

Read: How Qube Money Helps Couples Budget Better

Finally, the cash envelope system can be downright confusing even if you do it alone.

Imagine you do most of your shopping at Target, for example. You might spend some money on groceries during a trip to the store, but you might also pick up dog food and a prescription from the pharmacy.

The cash envelope system would require you to figure out how much you spent from each discretionary category then move money around to reconcile your budget for the rest of the month.

Could Taking Your Cash Envelopes Online Help?

Using cash envelopes sounds good in theory, but there are definitely a few hurdles to overcome when you try to implement it in the real world.

It might make sense to use a variation of the cash envelope system that uses technology instead of physical envelopes for budgeting.

With a subscription from Qube Money, for example, you’ll use digital cash envelopes along with a debit card and a mobile app.

When you get ready to make a purchase, you’ll log into the app and select the spending category you plan to make a purchase in so that the money can be loaded onto your debit card.

That way, you’re spending money you planned to spend and only up to limits you decide on ahead of time. The big difference is, you’re doing it with a debit card instead of lugging a wallet stuffed with cash around.

The cash envelope system can work, but taking the system online definitely has its perks.

Not only will it help you prevent having to deal with a ton of cash each month, but it can help you limit spending in categories like groceries and entertainment that tend to plague families the most.

Best of all, you’re forced to make decisions about how you want to spend your money. Over time, the small actions you take to spend less and save more will add up.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

I'm a personal finance enthusiast with a deep understanding of budgeting strategies and financial management. I've extensively researched and analyzed various budgeting methods, including the cash envelope system, and have practical experience in implementing these strategies to achieve financial goals. My expertise in this area is demonstrated through my ability to provide detailed insights and practical advice on budgeting, saving, and managing personal finances effectively.

The Cash Envelope System

The cash envelope system is a budgeting strategy that involves using physical envelopes to allocate and manage discretionary spending categories such as groceries, dining out, entertainment, and miscellaneous expenses. This method aims to provide a tangible and visual representation of spending limits, thereby promoting conscious and intentional spending habits.

How It Works

  • At the beginning of each month, individuals using the cash envelope system plan their spending for the upcoming month, including recurring bills and fluctuating categories like groceries, dining out, entertainment, and transportation.
  • The total monthly expenses are compared to the monthly income, and adjustments are made to identify areas where spending can be reduced.
  • Cash is allocated to specific envelopes for different spending categories, and throughout the month, expenses in each category are covered using the cash from the respective envelope until it's depleted.

Example Monthly Expenses

An example monthly budget using the cash envelope system might include regular bills paid through online bill pay, while discretionary spending categories like groceries, dining out, entertainment, and miscellaneous expenses are managed using the cash envelope system.

  • Total monthly income: $5,850
    • Mortgage Payment: $1,800
    • Car Payment: $300
    • Car Insurance: $100
    • Health Insurance: $500
    • Gas & Transportation: $200
    • Utility Bills: $250
    • Savings Account: $500
    • Credit Card #1 (Minimum payment = $140): $500
    • Credit Card #2 (Minimum Payment = $200): $400
    • Groceries & Dining Out (Using Cash Envelope System): $700
    • Entertainment (Using Cash Envelope System): $200
    • Miscellaneous Spending (Using Cash Envelope System): $400

Advantages of The Cash Envelope System

The cash envelope system offers several advantages, including:

  • Preventing Overspending: Using cash for discretionary categories prevents individuals from exceeding their planned budget without realizing it.
  • Real-Time Consequences: The system helps individuals realize the immediate consequences of their spending by using physical cash instead of plastic cards.
  • Setting Limits: It enables individuals to set and adhere to spending limits in areas where they tend to overspend.
  • Forcing Budget Tracking: The system necessitates tracking spending and creating a monthly budget, fostering better financial decision-making.

Where The Cash Envelope System Comes Up Short

Despite its benefits, the cash envelope system has limitations, including:

  • Safety Concerns: Carrying large amounts of cash can pose safety risks.
  • Budget Flexibility: It may lead to constraints if all the allocated cash is spent early in the month, leaving individuals without funds for the remaining period.
  • Complexity for Multiple Spenders: Managing the system becomes challenging when multiple individuals are involved in spending, requiring coordination and communication.

Online Adaptations

There are online adaptations of the cash envelope system that utilize technology instead of physical envelopes. These digital systems offer the convenience of managing budget categories and spending limits through mobile apps and debit cards, providing a more flexible and secure alternative to physical cash envelopes.

In summary, the cash envelope system is a tangible and effective budgeting method that promotes conscious spending and budget tracking. While it has its drawbacks, online adaptations offer a modernized approach to implementing this budgeting strategy, providing a balance between convenience and financial discipline.

Everything You Need to Know About the Cash Envelope System [+ Sample Budget] - The Qube Money Blog (2024)


What is the cash envelope budget method? ›

The concept is simple: Take a few envelopes, write a specific expense category on each one — like groceries, rent or student loans — and then put the money you plan to spend on those things into the envelopes. Traditionally, people have used the envelope system on a monthly basis, using actual cash and envelopes.

How does Qube money work? ›

Qubes are like virtual accounts or budget envelopes to manage and spend your money with purpose. The Qube Money Card is issued by Choice Financial Group, Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa. All Qube accounts are FDIC insured by our sponsor bank, Choice Financial Group, up to $250,000.

Is a cash envelope system worth it? ›

The envelope system is based on the whole psychology of people spending less when using cash instead of plastic. You are far more restrained in your spending when you pull money (not plastic) out of your wallet. That's one of the biggest benefits to stuffing cash into envelopes for budgeting purposes.

What is the envelope system in Quizlet chapter 2? ›

It's a method of budgeting that uses envelopes labeled with specific budget categories for your cash.

How to use the cash envelope system? ›

When you get your first paycheck of the month, take out $350 from your bank account and put the cash in an envelope. On that envelope, write out “Groceries.” When you get your second paycheck, do the same thing again and put that $350 in the envelope. That's your $700 food budget for the month.

What is one benefit of envelope budgeting? ›

The cash envelope system lets you see and touch the money, so you know how much is left. One of the reasons cash envelope budgeting works is because it makes overspending difficult. However, it's important to take steps in order to make using the cash envelope system as easy as possible.

Is Qube trustworthy? ›

The safest debit card on the planet.

The Qube Money Card is issued by Choice Financial Group, Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa. All Qube accounts are FDIC insured by our sponsor bank, Choice Financial Group, up to $250,000.

Is Qube safe to use? ›

Qube Money keeps your money safe.

* All money deposited in Qube Money is held with bank partner, Choice Financial Group, Member FDIC.

What bank does Qube use? ›

*Banking services are provided by Choice Financial Group, Member FDIC. Qube is not a bank.

What is the main function of the cash envelope system? ›

The cash envelope system, or cash stuffing, is an approach to budgeting designed to help you spend more intentionally. Envelopes used for cash stuffing contain all the money available for specific expenses each month. Cash stuffing could help you avoid credit card debt but requires a lot of physical cash on hand.

What is the purpose of the envelope system? ›

The envelope budgeting system is one option for tracking spending each month. This method requires dividing the available spending money into separate envelopes that represent your key spending categories. They can be virtual envelopes: The approach can be adapted for use with mobile budgeting apps.

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

Do not subtract other amounts that may be withheld or automatically deducted, like health insurance or retirement contributions. Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

What is the best way to budget? ›

Try the 50/30/20 rule as a simple budgeting framework. Allow up to 50% of your income for needs, including debt minimums. Leave 30% of your income for wants. Commit 20% of your income to savings and debt repayment beyond minimums.

Why are budgets important? ›

Budgeting Gives You Control of Your Finances

Well, a budget keeps you in the 'know' about how much money you have, how much money you're saving, and/or how much you might be over-extending your resources. In other words, budgeting puts you in charge of what you can afford and when you can afford it.

What does budget show you? ›

A budget is a plan that shows you how you can spend your money every month. Making a budget can help you make sure you do not run out of money each month. A budget also will help you save money for your goals or for emergencies.

What is the 50/30/20 method? ›

The idea is to divide your income into three categories, spending 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. Learn more about the 50/30/20 budget rule and if it's right for you.

What are the downsides of using a cash envelope budget? ›

Cash stuffing, like other budgeting methods, is a way to plan out your spending and keep track of expenses. While it can be helpful for curbing overspending and limiting credit card debt, the downside of budgeting with cash is that you're missing out on the protection and yields offered by bank accounts.

What is an example of cash budget method? ›

Here's an example of a cash budget a company might make:A company assesses its finances to determine how much income it will have in the next three months from its outstanding accounts receivable , cash and asset sales that will occur and close within the three months.

What is the cash budget method used for? ›

A cash budget is a financial tool that outlines a company's expected cash inflows and outflows over a specific period. It helps businesses manage their liquidity by forecasting the money available to meet their financial obligations.


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