Fantasy Worldbuilding Notes: Eldoroth - Chapter 13 - In_The_End_Its_Only_Me (2024)

Chapter Text

World: Eldoroth, 1472 DS (Deshu Sundari; After Sundering)

Nations and Capitals:

Moonshard Peaks/Aelinorin/Lithkren, Quess Empire

Queen Ruvandil (older sister)

Prince Arandil (younger brother)

Ruled by elves. It makes up the entirety of the surface world and is very diverse, being inhabited by elves, humans, halflings, and dwarves.

Azure Scepter/Eil Shessepra/Azrakvol, the Isles of Regalisar/Ilmarion/Thulzabar

Princess Oriane

It's a bunch of islands floating in the sky. It also has never seen any violence because of how isolated it has been in the past, which is now changing. The royal family is said to be descended from the winner of the Enchantment War. Also, the royal family has blue skin, cause divinity and religious stuff.

Emberforge/Narglaur/Ruhnuldir, Subterranean realm

Ruled by dwarves. It's made up of a bunch of city-states all united under the Underking

Simple Villages: Mosswood, Stonegate, Cobbleford, Clayhaven, Slatehill

Trade Hubs: Wharfside, Silvershore, Mercantile Bay, Dockyard, Ambercross, Spicetown, Saltford, Thalassion, Goldvein/Golddurin, Ironhold/Buluk Kazad,

Central Cities: Tirithandor, Hammerfall, Skyward Aerie,

Trade Guilds: League of Merchants, Goldvein Holdings, Silvershore Consortium, Spice Cartel, Dockyard Syndicate

Major histories:

The Great Unity & the Sundering

Everyone vibed until something bad happened.

The Delving

Dwarves carved out the mountains and started establishing city-states

The Enchantment War (Skyward Drift)

Violent contest to find out who the best wizard was and why there are islands in the sky

The Great Conquest

Why the elves control the entire surface of the continent

The War of the Three Hammers

How the Subterranean realm was united

The Four Guild wars (First Guild War, Great Guild War, War of Shadows, Underworld Conflict)

I don't know why I did this, I guess it demonstrates just how independent from nations they really are.

Enchantment War

  • The Challenge Issued: A prominent wizard, known for their mastery of arcane arts, issues a challenge to their peers. They declare their intention to demonstrate their dominance over all other wizards, sparking a competition that quickly escalates into a full-scale conflict.
  • The Gathering of Wizards: Wizards from across Eldoroth heed the call to prove their worth in the crucible of battle. Each seeks to prove themselves as the greatest wielder of magic, drawing upon their vast knowledge and skill to outmaneuver and outwit their rivals.
  • The Unleashing of Spells: As the conflict intensifies, wizards unleash a torrent of spells of unprecedented power. Arcane energy crackles through the air as fireballs explode in dazzling displays of pyrotechnics, lightning arcs across the battlefield, and illusions warp reality itself.
  • The Creation of the Azure Scepter: Amidst the chaos of battle, one wizard rises above the rest, channeling their mastery of enchantment magic to create the legendary Azure Scepter. Infused with the essence of the sky itself, the scepter becomes a symbol of their unparalleled skill and prowess.
  • The Duel of Titans: With the Azure Scepter in hand, the wizard who created it challenges their rivals to a final showdown to determine the true master of magic. In a clash of titanic proportions, spells of incredible potency are unleashed as the fate of Eldoroth hangs in the balance.
  • The Scepter's Triumph: In the end, the wizard who created the Azure Scepter emerges victorious, their mastery of magic unmatched by any other. With the scepter as their symbol of authority, they reign supreme as the undisputed ruler of Eldoroth's wizarding community, their name whispered in awe and reverence by all who seek to follow in their footsteps.

The Great Conquest

  • The Siege of Astral Keep: The High Elves launch their first major offensive against the fortified city of Astral Keep, a key stronghold held by a rival elven tribe. After a prolonged siege, the city falls to the superior tactics and magical prowess of the High Elven forces.
  • The Battle of Silverwood Pass: High Elven forces clash with the defenders of Silverwood Pass, a strategic mountain pass controlled by human clans who oppose the expansion of the Quess Empire. The battle is fierce and bloody, but ultimately the High Elves emerge victorious, securing a vital route into the heart of human territory.
  • The Conquest of Sunfire Isle: The High Elves launch a naval assault on Sunfire Isle, a prosperous trading port held by human settlers. Despite fierce resistance from the defenders, the island falls to the elven armada, opening up a gateway to the rich resources and territories of the southern seas.
  • The Battle of Everfrost Peaks: High Elven forces face off against the savage tribes of the Everfrost Peaks, a frigid and inhospitable region inhabited by monstrous creatures and fierce warriors. Despite the harsh conditions and relentless attacks, the High Elves succeed in subduing the tribes and claiming the frozen wastelands for the Quess Empire.
  • The Siege of Shadowspire Citadel: The Quess Empire lays siege to Shadowspire Citadel, the last bastion of resistance held by dark sorcerers and renegade elves who oppose the empire's expansion. After a grueling siege and numerous assaults, the citadel finally falls, marking the end of organized resistance against the might of the Quess Empire.
  • The Pact of Unity: With the major battles won and the territories conquered, the leaders of the remaining elven tribes and human kingdoms gather to negotiate terms of surrender and alliance with the Quess Empire. The Pact of Unity is signed, formally acknowledging the supremacy of the Quess Empire and establishing a new era of cooperation and prosperity under its rule.

The War of the Three Hammers

  • The Skirmish at Ironhold Pass: The conflict begins with a skirmish at Ironhold Pass, a strategic mountain pass that serves as a gateway to the dwarven realms. Rival dwarven clans, each vying for control over the pass, clash in a brief but intense battle that sets the stage for the larger conflict to come.
  • The Battle of Hammerfall: The first major battle of the war erupts at Hammerfall, a fortified city held by one of the rival dwarven clans. The opposing factions engage in a protracted siege, with both sides suffering heavy casualties before the defenders are ultimately forced to surrender.
  • The Siege of Buluk Kazad: The stronghold of Buluk Kazad, home to one of the most powerful dwarf lords, comes under siege by a coalition of rival clans seeking to weaken their rival's grip on power. The siege is long and bloody, with the defenders holding out against relentless assaults and siege engines before finally succumbing to the overwhelming numbers of their foes.
  • The Betrayal at Khaz Modan: Amidst the chaos of the war, a treacherous betrayal occurs at Khaz Modan, a neutral city that serves as a center of commerce and diplomacy among the dwarven clans. A trusted advisor to the ruling council orchestrates a coup, seizing control of the city and aligning it with one of the warring factions, tipping the balance of power in their favor.
  • The Battle of the Three Hammers: The climactic battle of the war takes place at the ancient dwarven citadel known as the Three Hammers, where the ruling clans of the dwarven states gather to settle their differences once and for all. In a fierce and bloody conflict, the three rival factions clash in a battle that rages for days, culminating in a decisive victory for one of the factions and the unification of the dwarven states under their rule.
  • The Stone Accord: With the war finally brought to an end, the victorious faction convenes a council of dwarven lords to negotiate the terms of peace and unity. The Stone Accord is signed, establishing a new era of cooperation and solidarity among the dwarven clans and laying the foundation for the rise of a unified dwarven nation ruled by the Underking.

First Guild War

  • The Skirmish at Wharfside: Tensions erupt between the Ambercross Association and the Silverwave Consortium over control of Wharfside, a bustling port city crucial for maritime trade. The skirmish sees the Ambercross Association's forces clash with those of the Silverwave Consortium, marking the beginning of the conflict.
  • The Raid on Silvershore: Seeking to weaken their rivals' influence in maritime trade, the Ambercross Association launches a daring raid on Silvershore, a key trading hub controlled by the Silverwave Consortium. Despite fierce resistance, the raid proves successful, as the Ambercross forces seize valuable resources and disrupt their adversaries' operations.
  • The Ambush at Cobbleford: In retaliation for the raid on Silvershore, the Silverwave Consortium orchestrates an ambush at Cobbleford, a strategic crossroads town under the control of the Ambercross Association. Employing guerrilla tactics, the Silverwave forces catch their adversaries off guard, inflicting heavy losses and temporarily halting the Ambercross advance.
  • The Battle of Mercantile Bay: The conflict escalates into open warfare as the Ambercross Association and the Silverwave Consortium vie for control of Mercantile Bay, a vital harbor for trade. In a massive naval engagement, Ambercross ships clash with those of the Silverwave Consortium, resulting in a fierce battle for supremacy over the waves.
  • The Siege of Dockyard: Determined to secure a decisive victory, the Ambercross Association lays siege to Dockyard, a fortified city controlled by the Silverwave Consortium and serving as a crucial supply depot. Despite facing staunch resistance, the Ambercross forces persist in their assault, gradually wearing down the defenders until they emerge victorious and claim Dockyard as their own.
  • The Truce of Saltford: With the Ambercross Association emerging victorious in the majority of engagements and the toll of war mounting on both sides, the warring factions agree to a temporary ceasefire and negotiate the terms of a truce at Saltford, a neutral trading post. The Truce of Saltford marks the end of the conflict, with the Ambercross Association securing a decisive victory and consolidating its dominance in the mercantile world of Eldoroth.

The Great Guild War

  • The Skirmish at Mosswood Crossroads: Conflict erupts as the Silverwave Consortium clashes with the Ambercross Association at Mosswood Crossroads, a crucial trading junction. Survivors of the previous war, both guilds vie for dominance over lucrative trade routes, marking the beginning of the Great Guild War.
  • The Siege of Ambercross Citadel: Determined to expand their influence, the Silverwave Consortium lays siege to Ambercross Citadel, a formidable stronghold held by their new rivals, the Granite Fist Guild. The siege becomes a grueling test of endurance and resolve as both guilds vie for control of the region's most powerful economic center.
  • The Battle of Slatehill Pass: As the conflict intensifies, the Ashen Syndicate and the Obsidian Cartel clash in a pivotal battle for control of Slatehill Pass, a strategic mountain pass crucial for trade and commerce. The battle is fierce and bloody, with both sides fighting tooth and nail for control of the vital chokepoint.
  • The Raid on Stonegate: In an attempt to expand their influence, the Ashen Syndicate launches a daring raid on Stonegate, a fortified town controlled by the Emerald Alliance. The surprise attack triggers retaliatory strikes and escalates the conflict as rival guilds vie for control over strategic territories.
  • The Accord of Cobbleford: Amidst the chaos of war and mounting casualties, leaders of the warring guilds convene at Cobbleford to seek a resolution. After intense negotiations, the Silverwave Consortium, Granite Fist Guild, and Emerald Alliance agree to end hostilities and form the United Guild Coalition, ushering in a new era of cooperation and stability in Eldoroth.
  • The Truce of Thalassion: With the United Guild Coalition formed and hostilities ceased, representatives from the remaining guilds convene at Thalassion, a neutral city-state, to negotiate a truce and bring an end to the Great Guild War. The Truce of Thalassion marks the formal end of the conflict, as guild leaders commit to rebuilding and forging a new future for Eldoroth.

The War of Shadows

  • The Summit of Moonshard Peaks: Eldoroth's guilds, weary of endless conflict, gather at the grand halls of Moonshard Peaks to negotiate a lasting peace. The Sunfire Alliance, the Shadow Consortium, and a coalition of guilds, including the Emerald Union and the Steel Brotherhood, convene to forge the Treaty of Moonshard Peaks, under the watchful eye of the United Guild Coalition, a coalition formed from survivors of the previous war.
  • The Betrayal at Mosswood Crossroads: Despite the hopeful start, treachery strikes swiftly. A rogue faction within the Sunfire Alliance, secretly aligned with the Shadow Consortium, ambushes the diplomatic convoy en route to Mosswood Crossroads. The attack shatters the fragile peace, casting suspicion on all sides.
  • The Fall of Shadowspire Citadel: Exploiting the chaos, the Shadow Consortium launches a ruthless assault on Shadowspire Citadel, aided by dark allies from the depths of Eldoroth. The Sunfire Alliance, alongside their allies in the Emerald Union and the Steel Brotherhood, mount a valiant defense, but the citadel falls, signaling a dark turn in the war.
  • The Shadow Siege of Shadehaven: With Shadowspire Citadel in their grasp, the Shadow Consortium turns its sights on Shadehaven, a prosperous city protected by the Emerald Union. The United Guild Coalition, once a symbol of unity, fractures under the pressure of war, splitting into two rival factions: the Dawnwatch Guild and the Duskblade Guild. As the city braces for siege, the United Guild Coalition's former members, now divided, each pledge their support to one of the warring factions, while a third faction emerges in the shadows - the Nightfall Syndicate, a criminal organization capitalizing on the chaos of war.
  • The Sunfire Counterattack: Outraged by the Shadow Consortium's aggression, the Sunfire Alliance rallies their forces, joined by loyal allies from the Emerald Union and the Steel Brotherhood. Together, they launch a daring counterattack against the Shadow-held territories, supported by the clandestine efforts of the Dawnwatch Guild and the Duskblade Guild, each vying for dominance in the wake of the United Guild Coalition's dissolution.
  • The Battle of Twilight's End: The conflict reaches its climax at Twilight's End, an ancient battleground steeped in legend and mystery. Here, the forces of light and shadow clash in a cataclysmic showdown, with the Sunfire Alliance, the Emerald Union, and the Steel Brotherhood leading the charge against the Shadow Consortium and their dark allies. Amidst the chaos, the rival factions of the Dawnwatch Guild and the Duskblade Guild vie for control, while the Nightfall Syndicate lurks in the shadows, seeking to exploit the chaos for their own gain.
  • The Rise of the Nightfall Syndicate: As the dust settles and the victors emerge, a new threat looms on the horizon. The Nightfall Syndicate, born from the remnants of the United Guild Coalition and fueled by the greed and ambition of its members, rises to prominence in the lawless aftermath of war. With the Dawnwatch Guild, the Duskblade Guild, and the Nightfall Syndicate now vying for control of Eldoroth, the realm teeters on the brink of chaos, with the future hanging in the balance.

The Underworld Conflict

  • Seeds of Discord: In the aftermath of the War of Shadows, Eldoroth is left fractured and vulnerable. With the collapse of the United Guild Coalition and the rise of the Nightfall Syndicate, tensions simmer beneath the surface as rival factions vie for control of the realm's resources and trade routes.
  • The Spark of Conflict: A series of escalating disputes and power struggles erupts among the remnants of the guilds, exacerbated by the clandestine machinations of the Nightfall Syndicate and other criminal organizations. Acts of sabotage, extortion, and violence become increasingly common as rival factions vie for dominance in the lawless underworld of Eldoroth.
  • The Rise of the Underworld: As the conflict intensifies, the Nightfall Syndicate, now rebranded as the Dockyard Syndicate, emerges as a dominant force in the criminal underworld, wielding influence over illicit activities such as smuggling, extortion, and black market trade. The Spice Cartel, a rival crime organization, rises to prominence alongside them, fueling the flames of conflict with their insatiable greed and thirst for power.
  • The Guilds Unite: Recognizing the need for stability and order in the face of growing chaos, representatives from the remaining guilds, including the League of Merchants, Goldvein Holdings, and Silvershore Consortium, convene to negotiate a truce and form a new alliance. Together, they pledge to end the cycle of violence and establish a new era of cooperation and prosperity for Eldoroth.
  • The Treaty of Emberforge: After months of tense negotiations, the leaders of the five major trade guilds gather at Emberforge, the high capital of the Dwarven realm, to sign a historic treaty formally ending the Underworld Conflict. Under the terms of the treaty, the Spice Cartel and the Dockyard Syndicate agree to disband their criminal operations and integrate into legitimate trade guilds, while the League of Merchants, Goldvein Holdings, and Silvershore Consortium pledge to uphold the principles of fair trade and mutual cooperation.
  • The Birth of Modern Trade Guilds: With the signing of the treaty, the five major trade guilds are officially established: the Spice Cartel, the Dockyard Syndicate (formerly the Nightfall Syndicate), the League of Merchants, Goldvein Holdings, and the Silvershore Consortium. Each guild is tasked with overseeing specific aspects of Eldoroth's trade and commerce, from spice smuggling to maritime shipping, ushering in a new era of economic prosperity and stability for the realm.

Quessian law

The Law of the Emperor's Road: Travelers must pay tolls and tariffs when passing through checkpoints along major roads, with penalties for evasion or refusal.

The Wizard's Accord: Wizards must register with imperial authority and adhere to a code of conduct, including prohibitions against using dark magic or interfering with the natural order.

The Law of the Right of Challenge: Disputes between nobles may be resolved through formal duels, overseen by a designated arbiter and subject to strict rules of engagement.

The Sacred Law of the Ancients: Relics and artifacts of ancient civilizations are protected by law and may not be disturbed or removed without permission from the Imperial Loristarion’s Council.

Proclamation of the Sylvan Watch: The empire’s forests are under the protection of the Sylvan Watch. Unauthorized logging, hunting, or foraging in these forests is forbidden. Violators will be fined, arrested, or conscripted into the Sylvan Watch for a period of service.

Covenant of the Stars: Astrology and stargazing are regulated by the Imperial Observatory. Prophecies and omens must be reported to the imperial authorities. Tampering with astrological instruments is considered treason.

The Charter of Commerce: All merchants must belong to a recognized trade guild. Smuggling and black market trade are punishable by confiscation and exile.

The Code of the Subterranean Pact: Mining rights are granted by the Imperial Geomancers’ Council. Subterranean citizens are protected under the Treaty of the Deep. All excavations must be reported and approved by the Underking’s envoys.

Subterranean law

Unity Laws: All kingdoms under the Underking’s rule must abide by the laws set forth by central authority

The Law of the Right of Challenge: Disputes between nobles may be resolved through formal duels, overseen by a designated arbiter and subject to strict rules of engagement.

The Law of the Forge: Every dwarf is entitled to learn the art of smithing, for the forge is the heart of the city.

The Edict of Stone: The secrets of stonecraft must not leave the realm, preserving the integrity of dwarven architecture and tunneling skills.

The Code of the Deep: Exploring the depths is a communal right, but the treasures found within belong to the realm, not the individual.

The Decree of Ale: Brewing and consumption of ale are sacred rites, to be enjoyed responsibly and in honor of the ancestors.

The Pact of the Clans: All clans, regardless of their craft or wealth, stand equal before the throne of the Underking.

The Mandate of the Mountain: Respect for the mountain and its resources is paramount; reckless mining is forbidden.

The Oath of the Beard: A dwarf’s beard is a symbol of their honor and wisdom; to falsely swear on one’s beard is a grave offense.

The Rule of Arms: While every dwarf has the right to bear arms, they must also serve in defense of the realm when called upon.

Regalise law

The Royal Decree of Sanctuary: Certain locations, such as temples or embassies, are designated as sanctuaries where fugitives can seek refuge from pursuers, under penalty of royal wrath if violated.

The Law of the Right of Challenge: Disputes between nobles may be resolved through formal duels, overseen by a designated arbiter and subject to strict rules of engagement.

Religious Cults

The Stonefather Cult:


The dwarves of the subterranean kingdom worship a deity known as the Stonefather, who is believed to be the creator and guardian of the underground realms. The Stonefather is revered as the embodiment of strength, resilience, and endurance, reflecting the virtues highly prized by dwarven society.

Dwarven mythology teaches that the Stonefather crafted the underground world from the depths of the earth, shaping the mountains, caverns, and mineral veins with his mighty hands. He is said to dwell deep within the heart of the earth, where he watches over his creations and guides the fate of the dwarven people.


The Stonefather cult emphasizes the importance of hard work, craftsmanship, and loyalty to the community. Dwarves offer prayers and sacrifices to the Stonefather before embarking on mining expeditions, crafting intricate metalwork, or undertaking journeys into the depths of the earth.

Rituals often involve the use of precious gems, metals, and minerals found within the kingdom, symbolizing the dwarves' connection to the earth and their reverence for the gifts bestowed upon them by the Stonefather. Ceremonies may include the forging of sacred artifacts, the lighting of torches in underground shrines, or the chanting of ancient hymns in honor of the deity.


Within the Stonefather cult, there may be a hierarchy of priests, known as Stonekeepers, who serve as intermediaries between the dwarves and their deity. These priests oversee religious ceremonies, interpret omens and signs from the Stonefather, and provide spiritual guidance to the community.

The most devout followers of the Stonefather may aspire to join the ranks of the Stonekeepers, undergoing rigorous training and initiation rituals to prove their worthiness. These individuals are revered as wise counselors and guardians of dwarven tradition, entrusted with preserving the teachings of the cult for future generations.


Despite its central role in dwarven society, the Stonefather cult may face challenges from rival belief systems, internal schisms, or external pressures. Some dwarves may question the efficacy of traditional rituals in the face of changing circ*mstances or technological advancements, while others may challenge the authority of the priesthood or seek alternative spiritual paths.

The Forge-Mother Cult:


The dwarves of the subterranean kingdom worship a deity known as the Forge-Mother, who embodies the principles of craftsmanship, ingenuity, and creativity. The Forge-Mother is revered as the patroness of artisans, inventors, and engineers, guiding the dwarves in their quest for innovation and mastery of their craft.

According to dwarven mythology, the Forge-Mother forged the first tools and weapons from the fires of creation, imparting her divine knowledge to her chosen people. She is believed to reside within the heart of the hottest forges, where she continues to inspire dwarven craftsmen and bless their works with her divine touch.


The Forge-Mother cult places a strong emphasis on craftsmanship and innovation, with dwarves striving to emulate the divine artistry of their patron deity in their own work. Rituals often involve the lighting of ceremonial forges, the crafting of intricate metalwork, and the recitation of prayers invoking the blessings of the Forge-Mother.

Dwarven artisans may dedicate their finest creations to the Forge-Mother, offering them as tokens of gratitude for her guidance and inspiration. These offerings could include ornate weapons, intricate jewelry, or elaborate machinery, each imbued with the essence of the dwarves' devotion to their deity.


Within the Forge-Mother cult, skilled artisans and master craftsmen may hold positions of influence and authority, serving as stewards of the dwarven cultural heritage. These individuals are revered as living embodiments of the Forge-Mother's teachings, entrusted with passing on their knowledge and skills to future generations.

Temples dedicated to the Forge-Mother may be overseen by a council of elders or a high priestess, who presides over religious ceremonies, administers sacred rites, and interprets the will of the deity. These religious leaders play a central role in fostering creativity, innovation, and excellence within dwarven society.


Despite its focus on progress and innovation, the Forge-Mother faith may face challenges from conservative factions within dwarven society, who view tradition and stability as paramount. Disputes over the proper application of divine teachings, conflicts between rival schools of thought, or tensions between religious and secular authority figures could test the resilience of the faith.

The Deep Ancestor Worship:


The Deep Ancestor Worship is a religious concept centered around reverence for ancient dwarven ancestors. Many Dwarves follow this religion along with another. Dwarves who follow this faith believe that their ancestors' spirits inhabit the caverns, tunnels, and underground cities that make up their subterranean realm.

According to the teachings of the Deep Ancestor Worship, the dwarven ancestors possess vast wisdom, knowledge, and power accumulated over countless generations. They are revered as guardians and guides, watching over their descendants and offering counsel in times of need.


Followers of the Deep Ancestor Worship engage in rituals and ceremonies to honor their forebears and seek their blessings. Offerings of food, drink, and precious gems are placed at ancestral shrines and burial sites, accompanied by prayers and incantations invoking the spirits of the departed.

Dwarven clans and families often maintain ancestral halls or crypts where the remains of their ancestors are interred. These sacred sites serve as gathering places for religious ceremonies, where rituals are performed to commune with the spirits and seek their guidance in matters of importance to the community.


The hierarchy of the Deep Ancestor Worship is based on lineage and familial ties, with clan elders and ancestral priests serving as intermediaries between the living and the dead. These religious leaders preside over rituals, interpret signs and omens from the ancestors, and provide spiritual guidance to their communities.

Certain individuals within the faith may be believed to possess a special connection to the ancestors, endowed with the ability to communicate with the spirit world or receive visions and prophecies. These individuals are revered as oracles or seers, revered for their insights into the will of the ancestors.


While the Deep Ancestor Worship fosters a strong sense of kinship and continuity with the past, it may also face challenges from external threats, societal changes, or conflicts within dwarven society. Disputes over ancestral inheritance, disagreements over religious doctrine, or tensions between rival clans could strain the cohesion of the faith.

The Crystal Guardians:


The Crystal Guardians are a bit less popular. It venerates the mystical properties of crystals and gemstones found within the depths of the earth. Dwarves who follow this faith believe that each type of crystal possesses unique spiritual energies and can be harnessed for various purposes, including healing, protection, and divination.

According to the teachings of the Crystal Guardians Cult, certain crystals are imbued with the essence of elemental forces or ancestral spirits, making them powerful conduits of magical energy. Dwarves revere these crystals as sacred artifacts and seek to uncover their hidden mysteries through meditation, study, and ritual.


Followers of the Crystal Guardians engage in rituals and ceremonies centered around the use of crystals for spiritual enlightenment and empowerment. Crystal altars and shrines are erected within underground temples and sacred caverns, adorned with precious gems and illuminated by the soft glow of enchanted crystals.

Dwarven priests and priestesses of the Crystal Guardians lead ceremonies that involve meditation, chanting, and the manipulation of crystal energies to invoke blessings from the earth and the ancestors. Participants may use crystals for scrying, dream interpretation, or channeling spiritual guidance from the divine realm.


The hierarchy of the Crystal Guardians is organized around the mastery of crystal magic and the interpretation of divine messages received through the medium of crystals. Priests and priestesses who demonstrate a deep understanding of crystal lore and a talent for harnessing crystal energies may rise to positions of leadership within the faith.

Specialized roles within the Guardians include crystal healers, crystal diviners, and crystal artisans who craft intricate jewelry and talismans imbued with magical properties. These individuals are revered as guardians of dwarven spirituality and entrusted with preserving the ancient traditions of crystal magic.


While the Crystal Guardians offer dwarves a path to spiritual enlightenment and magical mastery, it also faces challenges from skeptics, rivals, or external threats. Disputes over the proper use of crystals, conflicts with other religious sects, or attempts to exploit crystal magic for selfish or destructive purposes could test the faith's resilience.

The Union of Celestial Harmony:


In the sprawling world of mixed races, the Union of Celestial Harmony stands as a beacon of spiritual cohesion. This religion venerates a pantheon of celestial beings representing the diverse origins and interconnectedness of the empire's peoples. At its core is the belief in the balance and harmony of all things, with each deity embodying different aspects of existence.


Followers of the Union engage in rituals and ceremonies that celebrate the unity of their empire and honor the celestial beings. Offerings are made at altars adorned with symbols representing the elements, celestial bodies, and the races of the empire. These offerings may include food, flowers, or symbolic items crafted by skilled artisans.

Prayers are recited in various languages, reflecting the linguistic diversity of the empire, and rituals often incorporate music, dance, and meditation to attune individuals to the cosmic harmony. Pilgrimages to sacred sites, such as mountaintop shrines or ancient forests, are undertaken to commune with nature and the divine.


The Union of Celestial Harmony is guided by a council of elders representing the different races and regions of the empire. These elders, known as Harmonizers, serve as spiritual leaders and arbitrators, ensuring that the teachings of the faith remain inclusive and relevant to all.

Beneath the Harmonizers are priests and priestesses who oversee religious ceremonies and provide guidance to the faithful. These clergy members undergo rigorous training in theology, philosophy, and diplomacy to serve as mediators between the mortal realm and the celestial beings.


Despite its emphasis on unity and harmony, the Union of Celestial Harmony may encounter challenges from within and without. Sectarian divisions based on racial or cultural differences may arise, threatening the cohesion of the faith. Additionally, external forces, such as political conflicts or religious intolerance from neighboring regions, may pose threats to the empire's religious freedom and stability.

To navigate these challenges, the Harmonizers strive to foster dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among the empire's diverse populace, promoting a shared vision of peace and prosperity under the guidance of the celestial beings:

Eluviel, the Starweaver: Representing creativity, inspiration, and the weaving of destiny, Eluviel is venerated as the celestial muse who guides artists, musicians, and storytellers. Followers seek Eluviel's blessing for artistic endeavors and creative pursuits.

Lúthil, the Moon Guardian: Symbolizing protection, intuition, and the cycles of life, Lúthil watches over the night sky and guides travelers on their journeys. Followers pray to Lúthil for safe passage and guidance during times of transition.

Aurion, the Sunbearer: Radiating warmth, vitality, and enlightenment, Aurion is revered as the bringer of light and life. Followers honor Aurion during harvest festivals, solstice celebrations, and rites of passage, seeking blessings for abundance and growth.

Talanas, the Earthkeeper: Embodies stability, fertility, and stewardship of the land, Talanas is revered as the guardian of the natural world. Followers offer gratitude to Talanas for the bounty of the earth and strive to live in harmony with nature.

Súrion, the Sky Sentinel: Symbolizing protection, justice, and the rule of law, Súrion watches over the world from the heavens, ensuring order and balance. Followers invoke Súrion's guidance in matters of governance, diplomacy, and conflict resolution.

Elenáth, the Spirit Guide: Represents wisdom, insight, and spiritual enlightenment, Elenáth guides seekers on the path to self-discovery and enlightenment. Followers engage in meditation, reflection, and spiritual practices to commune with Elenáth and receive guidance on their spiritual journey.

The Way of Eternal Balance:


The Way of Eternal Balance teaches that all things in the universe are interconnected and governed by a delicate equilibrium. Followers of this faith believe in the existence of a cosmic force known as the Great Harmonia, which maintains balance and order throughout creation. The Great Harmonia is neither deity nor entity but rather an abstract principle that permeates all existence.

According to this belief system, the world is composed of opposing forces, such as light and darkness, life and death, creation and destruction. These dualities are not inherently good or evil but rather necessary components of the cosmic balance. Followers strive to understand and respect these dualities, seeking to live in harmony with the natural order of the universe.


The Way of Eternal Balance emphasizes mindfulness, meditation, and introspection as means of attuning oneself to the rhythms of the cosmos. Followers engage in daily rituals of reflection, seeking to cultivate inner harmony and align their actions with the principles of balance.

Ceremonies and festivals are held to honor the cycles of nature and celebrate significant milestones in the cosmic calendar, such as the equinoxes, solstices, and celestial alignments. Offerings of food, incense, and symbolic objects are made to the elements and spirits representing the dualities of existence.


Unlike hierarchical religions with structured clergy, the Way of Eternal Balance values individual autonomy and personal responsibility in matters of spirituality. Followers are encouraged to seek wisdom and guidance from within, trusting in their own intuition and connection to the cosmic forces.

However, there may exist wise elders or spiritual mentors within the community who offer counsel and support to those seeking guidance on their spiritual journey. These mentors, known as Balance Keepers, serve as facilitators rather than authority figures, helping others navigate the complexities of existence.


The Way of Eternal Balance faces challenges in a world often characterized by conflict, imbalance, and discord. Followers may struggle to maintain their spiritual equilibrium in the face of adversity, temptation, or societal pressures to conform.

Additionally, the abstract nature of the faith may lead to misunderstandings or misconceptions among outsiders, who may perceive it as lacking structure or coherence. Despite these challenges, followers of the Way of Eternal Balance remain steadfast in their commitment to living in harmony with the universe and upholding the principles of balance and unity.

The Royal Covenant:


The Royal Covenant holds that the Arcane Sovereign, revered as the divine progenitor of the kingdom of Regalisar, bestowed upon the royal family a sacred duty to uphold the principles of unity, justice, and harmony. According to this faith, the royal lineage is believed to be descended from the Arcane Sovereign, symbolized through their vibrant blue complexions, imbuing them with a divine mandate to lead and protect the people of Regalisar.

The Azure Scepter, created by the Arcane Sovereign, is revered as a symbol of the covenant between the royal family and the divine. It is believed that the scepter serves as a conduit for the sovereign's will, guiding the rulers of Regalisar in their stewardship of the kingdom and ensuring the prosperity and well-being of its inhabitants.


The Royal Covenant emphasizes the importance of leadership, service, and sacrifice as core values of its faith. Members of the royal family are expected to lead by example, embodying the virtues of integrity, compassion, and humility in their dealings with their subjects and with one another.

Rituals and ceremonies are conducted to reaffirm the covenant between the royal family and the divine. These ceremonies often involve the presentation of offerings and tributes to the Azure Scepter, as well as solemn vows of allegiance and fealty to the sovereign's lineage.

While the royal family may possess magical abilities inherited from their divine ancestry, the overt practice of magic is often discouraged in order to avoid any perception of attempting to usurp the role of the Arcane Sovereign. Instead, members of the royal family may employ their magical talents discreetly and judiciously, using them to protect the kingdom and uphold the principles of the covenant.


The Royal Covenant establishes the royal family as the spiritual and temporal leaders of the kingdom of Regalisar. At the head of the hierarchy is the reigning monarch, who serves as the earthly representative of the Arcane Sovereign and the guardian of the covenant. Beneath the monarch are various members of the royal family, each entrusted with specific responsibilities and duties in service to the kingdom.

While the royal family holds a position of authority within the religious hierarchy, they are also bound by the principles of the covenant and are expected to govern with wisdom, compassion, and justice. Advisors and counselors may offer guidance to the monarch, helping to ensure that their decisions align with the will of the divine and the best interests of the kingdom.


The Royal Covenant faces challenges in a world where power and authority are often contested and where the principles of unity and harmony may be threatened by internal strife or external threats. The royal family must navigate political intrigue, social unrest, and the ever-present specter of war while upholding the sacred trust placed upon them by the Arcane Sovereign.

Additionally, the perception of the royal family as both secular and religious leaders may lead to accusations of divine right or undue influence. It is incumbent upon the rulers of Regalisar to govern with transparency and integrity, earning the trust and respect of their subjects through their actions and their adherence to the principles of the covenant.

The Veiled Covenant:


The Veiled Covenant, followers of the Shrouded Wanderer, hold a deep-seated enmity towards the Arcane Sovereign, viewing them as the ultimate symbol of tyranny and oppression. They believe that the Arcane Sovereign embodies everything they despise about the established order, using their power to subjugate and control the arcane realms for their own selfish ends.

According to their teachings, the Blood Moon represents a celestial omen of the Arcane Sovereign's downfall, signaling the rise of the Shrouded Wanderer and the dawn of a new era of darkness and chaos. They see themselves as the vanguard of this dark revolution, carrying out acts of violence and subversion to hasten the demise of their hated enemy.


The Veiled Covenant engages in dark and forbidden rituals to harness the power of the Blood Moon and channel its energies against the Arcane Sovereign and their followers. These rituals often involve sacrificial offerings, demonic pacts, and the summoning of otherworldly entities to aid in their quest for domination.

Followers of the Veiled Covenant wear veils and masks adorned with symbols of the Blood Moon, concealing their identities as they carry out acts of sabotage and terror against the forces of the Arcane Sovereign. They revel in the chaos and destruction they sow, seeing it as a testament to their devotion to their leader and the cause of darkness.


The Veiled Covenant operates as a highly organized and disciplined organization, with a strict hierarchy of authority and obedience. At the head of the hierarchy is the Shrouded Wanderer, whose word is law and whose will is absolute. Beneath them are the Nevae Junto, a council of powerful wizards entrusted with carrying out their leader's most nefarious commands.

Within each cell of the organization are various ranks and positions, each with its own responsibilities and privileges. Followers are expected to obey their superiors without question, with disobedience punishable by torture, death, or worse.


The Veiled Covenant faces numerous challenges in their quest for vengeance against the Arcane Sovereign and their followers. Their malevolent actions have earned them the enmity of other factions and organizations, who seek to thwart their plans and bring about their downfall. Additionally, infighting and betrayal are common within the ranks of the organization, as ambitious followers vie for favor and advancement.

Despite these challenges, the followers of the Veiled Covenant remain resolute in their commitment to their cause, believing that through darkness and chaos, they will ultimately emerge victorious and see the Arcane Sovereign's reign of tyranny brought to an end.


Quessians: Surface-slugs(all), Sun-struck traitors(dwarves), Nebulites(celestial harmony), Fae-forsaken(humans), Zen-zies(eternal balance)

Subterraneans: Gem-gobblers(crystal guardians), Furnace Fiends(Forge-mother), Cavern crawlers(all), Pebble-pushers(Stonefather), Tunnel-troggs(humans)

Regalise: Eclipse-cursed(elves, dwarves), Skyblighters(all), Airborne Ankle-biters(halflings), Bluebloods(royal family), Blueblood Zealots(royal covenant), Scepter-tainted(humans), Crimson Outcasts(veiled covenant),

Path to Regalisar:

Some unassuming mountaintop where sky leviathans, piloted by Regalise citizens, scoop travelers into mouths and carry them to Azure Scepter, where they can travel to whatever isle they are looking for. If the traveler has poor intentions for Regalisar, the sky leviathan will swallow them.

Fantasy Worldbuilding Notes: Eldoroth - Chapter 13 - In_The_End_Its_Only_Me (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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