The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

Appleton Fet-CrecM 2S TucvJoy, January 17, 1956 YMCAOffers Finance Members Delay Action on Major Items Endorse. Plan to Reclassify Employ In Appleton Sewagt) Trtatrrrtnt Plant Coffee Drinkers Will Give Dimes For Polio Drive 27 Moforisfs PayaiSlalion For Speeding AppUton Arrest 15 Saturday Series oi Nine Art Lectures Coffee drinker will help the March of Dime drive Friday The common council finance; tdna Wiqand TO Talk committee whisked through Superintendent Relnhold F. and Saturday when restaurants On Grk History, oaten of routine Business Mon- nunt ana uirector of ruouc ma supper clubs in the area day night at city hall, delaying Works Edwin Ihisiyn.kl be re- will aid the Outagamie county until nest meeting action on moved from the city statutes. 'polio foundation tn IU current several ma lor Mem liwludtne Broehm tald he had discussed fund nmniiin Mythology Monday The lineup of speakers for an recommending a salary for the the matter with City Attorney Eating placet will donate art lecture series of nine appointed city civil Ion Jury and recommended to cupU of coffee but, lnitead of at the VMCA wai announced Menae coordinator. tht committee that the action being billed for the drink, pa- today by Mlu Mary Allhoen Committeemen approved and lnmucr tn "l-itrona will be asked to contribute women'.

dir-inr ih. lh council for final ao- nr schedule, for the three po- to the March of Dlmei. women airecior at me Y. i(loo by alliens were covered by the Supper cluba win participate The lecture will begin Mon- publlc Work. Edwin cltT' n'w PUn- on both Friday and Saturday day night and continue on sue-j Dusty mkl that sewage treat-l Committeemen, in a lengthy while reUauranta will parUcl- On N.

Badger Avnu Twenty, even molorUU have forfeited deposit of SUM each at the Appleton police lUUon on speeding rifleen were arre.ted by Ap-plcton polict Saturday on N. Badger avenue. They art: Richard L. Abendruth, 27, route 1, Appletun. Edwin J.

Curry, 79. 200 E. Murray avenue. ces.lve Monday nighu until ment plant employe be reclas- moicaiea uiey nsa on haturday only. a sire to aisrupi roe cur-' Mr-t, la i titled from plant onerator one.

Participants la the Annual Hclu Oratorical contest to present at 1:10 Thursday end end about o'clock. Mi.i (' p. at 3.200 plut cost of f1 afternoon, Jan. 28, at Appleton High achool are shown her a. they look over thelrn ld- 'ZatT rCrJ Happy Is The Day Alfred C.

Hermann, 54. route speeches. Left to right, tht boys are David Otte. William Mielke, Rof Stohlmin, John.'.

certain ir-no cUo ec 2, Menaiha 1 1 1 11 tj ei a fe.sor of classic's will 'regulartUe. In salaries due l0 'fonted with a to boo.t 1 1 JCS PdtttdU.C 11 the tlArtin irv rrf vt.tA! Aureu J. van amp, Z7, rout alulcu ala ruinaia ounon, osi-v-rcccni i iiuio; 2, Appleton. I on "Greek History and Myth- payments among per- ology" In the opening talk Mon-innel at the plant prompted P'uton lh KQPC AVVaV KenneUj D. 32.

1102 W. Summer street. nit request for reclassification. day night. ABoiker pay Of Oepuly ntllclall.

Nutt.iWWkiUMi iti Jackson, Franklin PTA's Set Meeting I aaM mmw State Historical Society Plans Annual Founders Day Dr. Maurice Cunningham, professor of classics at Law- renc rnllrcm will Hlirtiaa "Rft. Norman R. Tornow, 32. 1001 Jeffer.on Mena.ha.

lwrence W. Miller, 38, route 2, Appleton. Acting on anotner referral iM.Mk.ili.ruto4.rM4 fronvthe board of public Tne committee disallowed by ''ZZXEXZZTZi Talks on scouting and a play-; man M.lhoofy- me finance group recommena- 1... ii at 'uww 1-. 1 a i.

iii-w k. 1 11, are rieni. 7JU W. lirain street ir uj nciJirwn 111(11 kuuoi fu- un dan. u.

irmiuuun trailing lor uie 41 Ih-. rubw David D. Le.prrence. 31. 624 The Slate Hl.tor- Tayco street, Mena.ha Society of Wisconsin re-tract young hi.torlsns the .,11.

in k. UmtrA rfi.Hn. a1 W. P. Gilbert.

Lawrence col-cancellation of assessment, for to Richard L. Burgey, 33, Long leased plans today for its an- often-neglected economic pha.e meeting Lake. nual founder, day commemora-of history. Everest wa. a past of the Franklin UM 1 nine property -utomobUe.

Fleni Z. LZtfJZ or the rranklln ulk on Slnce owntn Newberry ttnH claimed hi. automobile w. Parent-Teacher on 8 from S. Lawe east lo the d'n2" "hen iSZUtZi- s- on w.

Water tn front of water street in front 01 Mm. Msk Lalb, route 1. Ilor- lion wheduled for Saturdav. president of the society. nd Jeck011 lonvllle.

28 In Madison. I The Madison Louisa M. Bray-associations at 7.45 Thursday "The History of Political railroad track. 1 T-4A ThiinHav! 'Th in.inni pniiii-i riim Peter E. Schrofer.

34. Home- That evenlnt the traditional ton chapter of the Daughters of evening. The combined rouo. Parties" will be of a The action paves the way for Yl' PP" mors. ftov.

IN-M i. 14. r1 Trrr-i 1 in i ir rri trilh ir.urr park. founders day banquet wUl be the American RevoluUon will wl mcfl U)e franklin by Pnlllp Bkrky- lopping off of $188.80 in as- Clarence E. Ludholi.

37. 155 held at Memorial Union on the present special award of mer- irence on no. u. sessmenu from me city ire as-1 1 v. m.v .111 campus of the university of me state itistoncai society.

1 oicvcns, pmi-iurers dooks, committeemen j. S. Lee street. Kurt W. Bartx.

30. Clinton-Wisconsin. on the evening of the banquet. At voenier, cnairman of of tne uutagaraie county were told that Inasmuch as the Highlighting the banquet will The sward ill go to the soclcfy rranklln Pack 12 Cub Scouts. Federation of Republican Worn-.

lot involved were long and ville. Frank E. Allen. 65, 210 W. be the presentation of national, for Its leadership In advancing i en- wi" ''rture on "The Re-'sloped down a tecp incline wa.ninglon street, New and local awards for out-the knowledge of history ipuoucan any loaay on fee.

that area abutting property s4 mimwm wkw vtU ffjsewt ibwismN sW UrtsMs test I lie tk rnavw tmrnwrnm ft rertwaj achievement In the throughout the 1 nTwi20 owners receive no benefit from VA Arre.ted on 8. Memorial ficid of state and local hl.tory Started 4 Years Age Sco.u,f1 W'U Cul- Dr. Marvin Kagen. Appleton thi, glre.t improvement. fJ drive Monday were: I Awards be Made Th hold, many meet- nd Scouting.

Iphy.lclan. will speak on "The payment of an e.Umated Kg 0: Bruno J. Kern, 47, route 2, The American A.soclat 1 0 lngi nd gathering, throughout lne oramauc presemauon uemocrauc Party Today" on premlum dut $17,52109 w.Tca ro ww Arrtarot. ct sss ro a. INSOII IB soon a.

AO iril lAL AMNOI SMSNT IN FRIDAY'. POST. INT. Tkta iUm win "'lt ALVA MaADt-tT. wk bu Chilton.

Unr Klt anH tvwl HUtnrv will the State each Year but found- w'u OC given oy marine ivouer. feo. I. Hnme Mutual 'A IS i Seldon 8.

Pooler. 24, Shloc- present Its award for the best day la Its major event. Nancy Goehler. Marilyn Sal- Tom Dietrich, resident artl.t company for corn-ton, regional biography of the past Founders day banquets were herlich and Judy Goehler, all of Lawrence college. wUl dls-UfnUon Insurance received Frank B.

Dlehn. 28, 153 year. The association is com- more than 40 years Pech studenU from thejeuss "History of Landeceping" comrnltle cty Jame. Kimberly poed of all major historical nd. with one Interruption, they of Mis Ruth Mckennan.jon March 8.

Icarries policies covering em- thesler E. Cahoe. 58. 2008 N. societies and oraniiations in hsve been held ever since.

I I wyae uuncan oi roe In the munlclDal ooera the United State, and Canada. I Since Its founding in 1846, the I WO rOX VJtleS fYttn rence Conservatory of Music department. will "Music detail Since the street department, police and Superior Other Arrest. Arre.ted on Walter Friday were: I Another award to be made is society haa grown to be one of si p-r(J avenue the $1,000 David Clark Everest the largest In the United States. "am" 10 7.

1500." on March 12. firemen, library and park per- lit Dr. Harold Schneider aiMMMAl a.rt4 ka aval. Janael DO YOU NEED OFFICE OR STORE SPACE? WE HAVE A BUILDING 35x50 FT. a ar-iisis eiiiu ww urueil Ulk on Sociology and How It ment aerk Broehm prize in Wisconsin economic ns.

irom inwOiogicai 3e mi nary hUtory. The prize is voted an- state, and 11 foreign zmer AppIe. nually for the best book length has one of the Urge.t librar-l of Thilmanr Wllmer J. 37, 805 Newberry street.

iilhnHu tn hill K. Pertain, to March 10. Richard J. Friebel. 23.

118 ter department for $2,148.80 for 1 anil AmnAnw mnA work in me ueia. io iai u. nunv.u Second street. Kimberly. Everest wa the lnternaUonal- n.Uon, containing more than j.

Its share of the e.Umated Anthnnv FttlnV AH llW. i Aon (Wl KV V., witk adcasle aterac fstllltlea. ef ArTLETON'S basierf eort aide Uecks board of associate, of Chicago premium. taeateg Theological seminary.

Other Actio Ave. ilea w. The board Is an advisory groujl of business and profes- In other action, the recommended to the wel- Kimberly avenue. Kimberly. and 1.800.000 Peter A.VanKrey.

23, 422 the Marathon corporation. All manuscripts. Scholar, from aU sf til E. Kimberly avenue. life a great lover of hl.tory, over the world use It.

re.earch bpen nma 01 Other arrests for speeding Everest set up the prize which facilities. The society also op-j were: bears hi. name In 1949 to the official mu-banquet which begins at 8:30. FOI TNroStMATION Call locally, A. Hansen, 1107 W.

Wlaronaia Phone RE 4-2683. men who are active fare and recreation (ordl-Christlan lavmen and indioate nnri pnmmiiiM iht lh l. Immedlete Occupency! Beat farnteatd. Large srk-tng aajseewt baildlnf. tear entamaee far freight ifdlvert.

Charles M. Van Eyck, 28. ileum and stale archives. All members of tne society ana concern for Protestant theo-'arv schedule, for Relief Dlre- itor T. A.

W. Hammond, Street 430 E. Spring street, arrested Byrd street, arrested on E. Plan, for founder day In-their gue.U are Invited to at-ogjcai education. Friday on N.

Oneida iWisconsin avenue Sunday. elude an afternoon open house tend all events of the day. Rea-' Douglas D. Schmuhl. 21.

Wau-I Mrs. Irene R. Zlmmer, 821 at the newly-renovated society ervations for the banquet may toma. arre.ted on W. College s.

Weimar arre.ted on headquarters from 4 to 6 o'-be made at the society's office, avenue Friday. jE. Sooth River street Satur-clock and a reception at the 818 State street, Madison, James F. Smith. 28.

1007 Memorial Union, preceding the through Jan. 27. A non-wWe ersof.y Tesf ghrtn by 80 psy.oolsf. Jwl hSaf tockl dinting Is ffte kes of aff socef gmt for impm ing pttotytity. feacnee yo how fw meef people, to fcaaeve a grttohJ, soc eeeereWe anproves yesar eonversanonW tbility, dtvtopt aeff-eonfioWe nd does lei mosf MghthA aoo knpklng way.

ALBERT EDWARD WIGS AM, D.U at aasw )lewaJif SHOES 7 7 ydckS AQfcocuD anion Avacxjocr FINAL CLEARANCE Shoe aie i 300 PAIRS 400 PAIRS 1 I Women's Shoes formerly to $16.95 NOW Women's Shoes formerly $8 95 to $14.95 NOW Accept the first lesson free and an Autogrcphed Copy of (Arthur array's llzt Daotock 6- 4- FOR MEN All Florsheim SALE SHOES All Roblec SALE SHOES NOW Yet, even you've never e'eneed kefere, yee com leerw ke be sic step re eM deiicee ki minutes rhe Artkwr Murrey wey. After tfcet the rest it eo.y The secret's in Arrhur Murrey's unique discovery "The Firs Step te popularity." Once yev sweeter It, yen wiU be able te teed or follow Hie Welti, Fes Tret er any da nee yo wlefc, Over the past 44 years Arthur Murray end his teacher have tavaht almost mlWo people how to denee thie quick and aasy way. Ta prove haw easy It te become realty good dancar Arthur Murray offers yaw FREE TRIAL LESSON Why not coma ns today or phono INu 5192 DO it NOW! NOW 75 PAIRS Boys' Shoes formerly to $8.95 NOW 5- 10- 4- sudrs si I (TJL. ARTHUR MURRAY 1511 Main Wis. aU U2L 5392 it ALL SALES CASH ALL SALES FINAL 7 vacKylewa, 1 "The Horn of Fine Footweor" Irving Zuelkt Building.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.