Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (2024)

By Kelley | Out of the Kitchen


Remember that awesome trip to Iowa I took a few weeks back? Just when I didn’t think it could get better, it did. The second day we were treated to a VIP tour of the Better Homes and Gardens Headquarters which is located in downtown Des Moines. It was a highlight of the trip for me. I loved it so much that I keep fantasizing about packing up and moving to Iowa. And more specifically, I fantasize about moving into the test kitchens themselves. I’d happily make the their “entertaining” kitchen my home. I would keep my clothes in one of the many storage nooks and sleep on the sunny bench that wraps around the large dining table.

It’s been a long week so please give me a break when I tell you the fantasy is reoccurring and does not include my husband or kids.

There wasn’t one point throughout the tour where one of the bloggers wasn’t snapping away with their camera. With all the oohing or awing, I think it’s safe to say we all loved the tour. It was so much fun to get a behind the scenes look at the day to day operations. I don’t think I could pick a favorite part if I tried. As much as I loved the entertaining kitchen, I loved the energy in the test kitchens even more. The prop room was out of control and they have a cookbook library that rivals anything I’ve ever seen.

Just talking about it makes me giddy. Excuse me for a moment while I revisit my fantasy……..
Yep, my husband and kids still aren’t a part of it.

The kind people at Meredith sent each one of us home with the latest edition of the Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook. It conjured up such sweet memories for me. I grew up on the iconic book, fondly remember it being my Mom’s go-to recipe book. Brownies, pancakes, and pasta salad. All things I learned to make from my mom’s old cookbook. My mom actually gifted me with my own copy when I got married and to this day she still uses hers! Fifteen editions, this has been a best seller since 1930. We got to see a copy of the first edition and though a bit tattered it was hanging in there!

Being a food blogger, it’s all about creating and developing new recipes. I don’t spend as much time going through my hefty collections of cookbooks. A past time that I could easily waste an afternoon (or three) doing. After this trip I was inspired to go back through my trusty Better Homes and Gardens book and start cooking some of my old favorites. SOOOOOOO, because I love this book so much, and because I loved my trip to the test kitchens so much and more importantly because I love all of you so much, I’m giving away two (2) copies of the Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook. I hope that it will inspire you in the kitchen and remind you why you love cooking. It’s definitely what it did for me.

All you have to do to enter is tell me what your favorite cookbook is in the comment section below. Winner will be choose at 8p MST on Wednesday October 31st. For an extra entry, come on over to Facebook and like me there. Just make sure to leave a separate comment below telling me!

*This is not a sponsored post. I was not compensated in anyway by Better Homes and Gardens. The giveaway is hosted by yours truly. All opinions and comments are mine. I really love the cookbook and want to share it with you!


    Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (7)ShannonPermalink

    I have to say I bought a little cookie cookbook at the Corningware outlet store its called Modern Publishings Popular Brands Cookbooks COOKIES. Long name but love the Golden Nugget cookie!!!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (8)Heidi @foodiecrushPermalink

Oh man that is a hard one! I’d have to say my go-to is America’s Test Kitchen The New Best Recipe Book but for lingering and savoring photos I just ordered Donna Hay’s Seasons cookbook and a new one called Home at 7 Dinner by 8. So jealous of your trip to BHG!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (9)DianaPermalink

Can’t pick a favorite cookbook, cook, blog, webite or cooking show. LOVE them all. My husband won’t even go in a bookstore with me anymore because I always come home with a cookbook. I sit down and read each one of the recipes and try to imagine the flavor combinations and what it would taste like. I know – I really need to get a life!!

    Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (10)KelleyPermalink

    Sounds like a great life!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (11)HollyPermalink

My mother had the BH & G cookbook as her go-to source, and I haven’t looked through a copy for a while now. Favorite book now? I like Jamie Oliver’s Meals in Minutes because it gives recipes for whole meals including dessert, with step-by-step directions from start to finish.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (12)MichellePermalink

It’s hard to pick a favorite! I love the Barefoot Contessa’s books and cook many things from her books.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (13)AnnalisePermalink

So hard to pick just one! But my favorite it probably Sky High Cakes, with Baked Explorations a close second. So jealous of your Better Homes and Gardens tour!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (14)KlimtPermalink

I still have my BH&G cookbook that was a wedding gift in 1970.
My favorite changes regularly. Right now: Ina’s most recent!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (15)HeatherPermalink

How do you pick a favorite cookbook?! I have a million and use many of them! They are like old friends. If I had to pick I would have to say my Betty Crocker Cookbook.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (16)HeatherPermalink

Liked you on FB! 🙂

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (17)HeatherPermalink

Love the pics!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (18)gailPermalink

my fave is joy of cooking

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (19)gailPermalink

liked you on fb

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (20)MaureenPermalink

I like a cookbook that was from the preschool that I went to. It was created by the mothers. The copy I have was my grandmothers. The name of the book is called Beyond Peanut Butter & Jelly.
But of the books that are not from a special project I love love my Susan Branch cookbook Heart of the Home.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (21)Michelle BlumenthalPermalink

“The Perfect Recipe” by Pam Anderson

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (22)Judy @ A Meek PerspectivePermalink

I received a Pillsbury Cookbook as a wedding gift instead of the BHG cookbook and they are very similar. It is my most used cookbook. My favorite would have to be The Healthy Kitchen by Andrew Weil and Rosie Daley…a textbook and cookbook in one!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (23)MariaPermalink

What a fun tour! Hard question, but Baking From My Home to Yours-I adore Dorie!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (24)Sarah H.P.Permalink

One of my favorite cookbooks is Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (27)Becky @ Project DomesticationPermalink

Cookbook collections make me so happy. It’s hard to pick a favorite. But I’ll attempt.

1- Baking from My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan (I’ve actually made EVERY SINGLE RECIPE in it. It’s stellar. Beautifully written with clear instructions and her stories and connections to food are beautiful.)
2 – America’s Test Kitchen Family Cookbook – Foolproof, my go-to.
3 – The BAKED NYC baking cookbook series. It’s one of my favorite NYC bakeries and I love their take on American Classics.

I too have the BH&G cookbook that I was gifted on my wedding. It used it a lot in the first years of marriage and pull it out occassionally. My very favorite recipe that I make often is their Two Bean Tamale Pie!

Such a cool trip!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (29)Lindsey (Cafe Johnsonia)Permalink

This is looking choosing a favorite child! 🙂

I have a very old copy of the red and white BH&G cookbook that I really love. It’s falling apart now and being held together with tape.

I think it’s a tie between The Joy of Cooking and my old Martha Stewart Living Cookbook.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (30)HeatherPermalink

America’s Test Kitchen cookbook!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (31)LizPermalink

I just found your website and liked your Facebook page! So happy. I live in Mammoth Lakes, CA and am a novice baker. I would love to someday open a bakery, but need to master baking at 8,000′! Looking forward to learning from you, thanks for sharing!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (32)LizPermalink

Oh! And I mostly read blogs. I like Smitten Kitchen, Joy the baker, How Sweet It Is, etc. thanks!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (33)Rocky Mountain WomanPermalink

Right now, my favorite cookbook is An Everlasting Meal…

I’m consuming it bit by bit…

It’s more than a cookbook, it’s a blueprint for eating.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (34)Kelly GuerinPermalink

I like you on FB 🙂

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (35)Kelly GuerinPermalink

My favorite cookbook of all time is Pioneer Women’s first cookbook. Probably because I can cook all of the recipes, they aren’t too hard, beautiful pics, and good people 🙂

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (36)Sherry D.Permalink

This could change daily, or hourly…The Pioneer Woman Cooks, Recipes From an Accidental Country Girl. It is entertaining, beautiful to look at and GREAT recipes!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (37)Sherry D.Permalink

I like you on Facebook!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (38)MarlenaPermalink

I remember when we were roommates in Arcata, it was my first time cooking for myself, and I bought the better homes cookbook because I didn’t know how to make anything! It was a lifesaver! Anyway, it’s hard to pick a single favorite cookbook, but one I love is Cape Town Food because it reminds me of my travels and captures the unique combination of flavors of food there.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (39)Marissa K.Permalink

As of right now, it’s 1000 Recipes for Simple Family Food by Eleanor Maxfield. I bought it from the “Last Chance” cart at Barnes & Noble for $10, what a steal! The thing’s 1 1/2″ thick and has a great recipe called Italian Pesto Chicken Burgers that I just made for dinner. Yum!!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (42)Angie CenterPermalink

I really love the Our Best Bites Cookbook. There are some yummy ideas in it.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (43)AndreiaaaPermalink

Hi 🙂
My favorite cookbook is Miss Dahl’s Voluptuous Delights 😀

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (44)JillPermalink

I really don’t use cookbooks often anymore since I follow so many food blogs. 🙂 Ha. But I would like to check out America’s Test Kitchen since you can’t view their recipes online.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (45)JillPermalink

I like you on FB.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (46)KatyPermalink

I like you on facebook.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (47)KatyPermalink

My favorite cookbook is Better Homes & Garden Anyone Can Cook. It really helped me when I was learning how to cook.

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (48)Morgen TealPermalink

I collect cookbooks and I can’t imagine living without them! I read them like books and nothing beats curling up with a couple to get inspired for the month’s menu!
My favorites are the old “Church lady” type books. Compilations of favorite recipes from years gone by!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (49)Morgen TealPermalink

Also liked you on FB 🙂

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (50)Juliana WaltersPermalink

These cookbooks are my favorite! I own 2 of them. I have an anniversary edition (the one with the gold diamond on the front), and the redo/reprint of the 1953 edition. They are such great “go to” books. I would love another copy. They are all very different. Anyway, thank you, and I liked you on facebook!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (52)Averie @ Averie CooksPermalink

fave cookbook – so hard!

I have a Taste of Home Best of Recipes book that’s 1000+ pages, same as a Cooks Illustrated one. I have some baking cookbooks from the early 90s that I love. Girl I really cannot pick just one! Needless to say, I have wayyyy too many cookbooks but use all of them! Great post!!

    Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (53)KelleyPermalink

    Me too, I could never pick one!

Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (54)KalliopePermalink

Just discovered your blog and I first thought is, “I would like to live in this kitchen!”
I am Greek and I love cooking-baking, especially now with the crisis, I believe that psychotherapy is!
Everyday I look new – simple recipes on the Internet, from today will follow you faithfully!

    Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (55)KelleyPermalink

    Awe, thank you! Welcome and so glad to have you here!


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Better Homes and Gardens Tour {Giveaway} (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.