The Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (2024)

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The best cookbooks to start 2019 with are ones that are both new and old. Instead of rounding up my favorites from the past year, I’m sharing the cookbooks I actually love to use in my kitchen. They’ve changed the way I cook, and I hope they become staples on your shelf as you start another year in your kitchen.

The Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (1)

Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, I will receive a small commission.

It’s about time I finally talked to you about cookbooks, isn’t it? I mean, it’s not like I have over 100 cookbooks on my bookcase, spilling out onto the floor in my office or anything…

I’ve had a thing for cookbooks since college. I loved perusing the ones from my grandmother’s kitchen, flipping through the pages to discover new recipes.

The range of my cookbooks is wide, highlighting every cuisine you could think of, as well as those staple books that I turn to for general mystery solving (the age oldwhat the heck am I going to make for dinner solution providers!).

The Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (2)

Instead of simply telling you about my favorite cookbooks from the past year, I wanted to send you into 2019 with a mix of new and old. These are the cookbooks I actually USE.

You know, the ones that have a few stains on the pages. The ones that I practically have memorized because of how often we use them. These are the ones that I think every cook should have in their collection!

The Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (3)

1. Sister Pie: The Recipes and Stories of a Big-Hearted Bakery in DetroitThe Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (4)– I absolutely love reading the stories in this comprehensive book devoted to PIE. The no-fail crust is pure perfection and I am in love with the recipes – both sweet and savory! If you love pie, this is one that you absolutely have to have.

2. co*cktail Codex: Fundamentals, Formulas, EvolutionsThe Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (5)– a newer co*cktail book that I stumbled upon in a store in Portland in November. For anyone who likes their co*cktails, this book will open your mind to a whole new take on classic recipes. I haven’t dug completely into it just yet, but so far I am seriously impressed. Not to mention it’s from the authors ofDeath & Co!

3. 101 Asian Dishes You Need to Cook Before You Die– if you are trying to get more Asian flavors on your dinner table, this cookbook is for you. The Man and I are big Jet Tila fans. So when this book came out we both added it to our wishlist. The recipes are straightforward and flavorful, so they are easy to incorporate into your weekly menu rotation.

4. The Flavor Bible– THIS BOOK. I’ve had it for YEARS and I still refer to it consistently. It’s a source of inspiration to create seasonal recipes. However, it also helps me when I’m stuck on trying to figure out what vegetables will pair best with a particular meat that I want to cook for dinner. Also, there’s nowThe Vegetarian Flavor Bible!

5. Skinnytaste One and Done– I actually bought this book for my mom because she has an Instant Pot and is always asking for ways to use it more. Then I promptly bought it for myself as well. It has recipes for the IP, slow cooker, Air Fryer (the next appliance on my wish list), sheet pan, skillet, dutch oven, and so much more. This is my new weeknight savior for inventive and quick dinners.

6. The Science of Good Cooking– from Cook’s Illustrated, this book is one of my go-to reference guide for the science of cooking. If you are a fan of how Alton Brown teaches cooking and enjoyGood Eats, this book is for you. Not only does it provide you with thorough explanations, it gives you recipes to use over and over again.

7. Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good CookingThe Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (6)– I haven’t watched theNetflix show yet, but this book is the modern go-to guide for cooking. It’s like aMastering The Art Of French Cooking, but for all food and told in a colorful way. I highly recommend reading this one the whole way through before you cook from it!

8. co*cktails on Tap: The Art of Mixing Spirits and BeerThe Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (7)– The Man got me this book a few years ago and I absolutely LOVE it. It gives me a great reference for using beer in co*cktails and the recipes are all so inventive. For the beer-lovers out there, this is a must-have.

9. Sauces: Classical and Contemporary Sauce Making, Fourth EditionThe Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (8)– my new resolution for 2019 is to get into sauces. Sauces are so versatile and they can elevate any meal, no matter how simple it may be. I have used this book as a reference because it’s detailed and vast in the sauces it encompasses. I plan to use it a lot more for weeknight meals and not just recipe development next year!

The Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (9)


It’s Day ELEVEN of the 12 Days of Jolly Giveaways! Just a couple days left and then it’s on to the next year!

For those of you who love cookbooks, or simply want some amazing recipes to try out in 2019, I am giving away THREE of the cookbooks from my roundup above. I am giving away Sister Pie: The Recipes and Stories of a Big-Hearted Bakery in DetroitThe Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (10),Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good CookingThe Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (11), ANDSkinnytaste One and Done!Just head to the bottom of the post to enter to WIN!

The Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (12)

Be sure to keep up with all of the giveaways this year –check out this page for all the current posts!There is one more giveaway after this, so be sure to keep an eye out!

The Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (13)

The Best Cookbooks To Start 2019 With - Cake 'n Knife (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.