A New Dawn - Chapter 7 - echos_void - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

"What do you mean, you haven't seen Harry for the entire month?!" Sirius raged, and Severus watched everything go down with expertly hidden emotions. Mundungus Fletcher had finally confessed that the Potter brat hadn't arrived in Little Winghing, and the dog was furious.

"The boy didn't get out of the car with his Aunt, so I thought maybe he'd get there by himself!" And wow, that really was a sh*tty explanation. Black seemed to be of the same opinion.

"Bullsh*t! You were just too lazy to report back to us! Did you even watch him when you were supposed to, or did you saunter off like you always do?"

Fletcher sneered at Black and stepped forward to be face to face with the man. "Unlike you, I have more important places to be than watching a teenager all day long."

"A teenager who has never arrived at his home! What if he got taken? Hell, he could be dead already for all we know!"

They weren't getting anywhere.

"The Potter brat has a ridiculous amount of luck." Severus drawled, and all eyes and ears went to him immediately. "I doubt that the Dark side has him. Additionally, the Dark Lord would have summoned me, had he gotten his hands on Potter, if not for me to watch him kill him, but to gloat of his success and about how easy it was to abduct him."

Even if it was subtle and the man was still seething, Sirius' shoulders lost some tension and he took a breather. The escapee then turned back towards Fletcher and growled at him to get out of his house, and that this wasn't over.

All the while Dumbledore sat at the head of the table and had an unreadable expression on his face. Severus knew that face. It was the one he had when he was forced to rearrange his plans and schemes.

If someone asked for his personal opinion, and if he was 100% honest, then he was impressed. Dumbledore had ordered Fletcher to tell Sirius last of them all, which was why the Headmaster had sent Severus to investigate and to trace down any of Potter's magical trace during the day.

However, the only traces he found were minor charms in the Leaky Cauldron, a reparo in a side alley in London, and a few minor everyday spells in Diagon Alley. After that every trace vanished completely. Infact, when he tried to cast Appare Vestigium, a tracking charm that reveals trace magic, footprints, marks, and more, produced like a swirl of golden dust, Potter's footprints ended inside Gringotts, and it was a lost cause to ask a Goblin for the whereabouts of one of their customers, which Potter undoubtedly was.

And that was why he was impressed.

Impressed with the Potter brat. Because the boy had managed, if not knowingly, because it didn't seem like he tried very hard to conceal his presence, to slip under the radar of Albus Dumbledore.

And the most interesting fact; Potter's magical signature was over a week old in Diagon, and in Muggle London it was over three weeks old.

It would be a relatively normal reaction to not want to go back to Petunia Dursley's house. After all, Severus knew exactly what kind of person she was, and he had an inkling as to what might have made Potter avoid that house.

Alone the fact that Petunia hadn't contacted Dumbledore about Potter's absence spoke volumes.

What was a riddle to him though, was how Potter managed to avoid the Ministry's Trace, as he is still underage. The spells in Diagon were easy to explain away, as the Trace never worked in there. The spell in the Leaky Cauldron should have alarmed them, though.

However, Shaklebolt has been keeping an ear open and his eyes out for any mention of Harry Potter doing underage magic, and nothing had been said.

And with that information they could be relatively sure that the teenager hasn't been forced to fight, which was good.

However, a very worrying aspect of Potter's missing status was that, after Dumbledore had mentioned he had put a tracking charm on the teenager's wand, that he couldn't find him. Severus had tried aswell, and it suspiciously like the wand was no more.

And that was concerning.

If Potter was without a wand...

He didn't even want to think about it.

"And what are we supposed to do now? He's just a boy! Oh, he must be terrified, all alone out there!" Mrs. Weasley fretted, and her husband put a calming hand on her shoulder.

"Harry's a clever kid. He knows how to get out of bad situations, he's done so more often than not already!" Severus could see the slight doubt in the man's eyes, surprisingly well hidden with the smile he was giving his wife. "And yes, while he is young, he can be responsible if he wants to. Molly, darling, if you really think about it, then Harry was never the one to initiate any trouble. Remember when we squeezed out the truth from our boys? Most of the time Harry was the one roped into mischief." He started massaging Molly's shoulders and neck.

"I know, but I'm still worried..."

"Mrs. Weasley, I've searched for him on a more professional manner, but I haven't found him either. If I, an auror, can't immediately find him, then I bet he's safely tucked away somewhere." Tonks chimed in, and despite her age and her godforsakingly annoying personality, Severus respected the young woman. "Kingsley has also spread word to keep a look out for him, but none of them have spot him yet."

"The only thing we can do-" Lupin spoke up to fill the lull in the conversation. "Is to keep our eyes open and try to contact him. Have any of us tried to send him an owl?"

And oh wow, Severus was not impressed. Noone had sent the boy a single owl.

Now Black could be excused, as he hadn't known that the boy was missing until a few minutes ago, but the rest who had known since the morning?

That was disappointing.

"I'll write one!" Black immediately, and threw a challenging look at Dumbledore, who had forbidden him to write to his godson. Why the Headmaster had decided that was necessary, went over Severus' head. With a resigned sigh, Dumbledore waved his hand and a piece of paper and a quill appeared infront of the owner of Grimmauld Place 12, who immediately began penning the letter.

The silence that followed was awkward to say the least, but the potions master wasn't a teacher at Hogwarts for nothing and has witnessed more awkward silences than murders at this point.

When Black then opened the door to walk up to the owlery, Potter's shadows, Granger and Ron Weasley, the youngest Weasley and the Weasley Twins were all standing there, wide eyed, like deer caught in headlights and looked incredibly guilty.

The last person to leave the room (Fletcher) must have forgotten to put up a muffling charm.

"Harry's missing?!" Granger exclaimed, horror evident in her voice. Severus decided now was a very good moment to high tail it out of there to avoid that drama.

Honestly, these brats were too nosy for their own good, and it would be easier to just include them in the planning. They usually find out everything somehow anyway.

And like the Dungeon Bat he was, he swept past everyone with a curt nod to Dumbledore, who acknowledged him with a slight nod in return, and was out the door in a matter of seconds.

Well, time to play "Finding Harry".

"Good morning everyone! Today we'll delve into the rich histories of three of the more prominent pureblood families: the Fawleys, the Greengrasses, and the Parkinsons. Each of these families, members of the Sacred 28, has played significant roles in the wizarding world, shaping its culture and politics across centuries.

Let's begin with the Fawley family. The Fawleys have long been known for their involvement in magical governance and their contributions to magical law. Their history dates back to the Middle Ages, where they were influential in the establishment of the early councils that preceded the modern Ministry of Magic. One of the most notable Fawleys was Hector Fawley, who served as Minister for Magic from 1925 to 1939.

Hector Fawley's tenure as Minister was marked by significant events and challenges. He oversaw a period of increased tension between the wizarding and Muggle communities, particularly as the rise of Grindelwald's influence began to cast a shadow over Europe. Fawley's policies were often seen as progressive, aiming to foster better relations with Muggles while maintaining the secrecy mandated by the Statute of Secrecy. However, his forward-thinking approach was not universally welcomed, especially among more traditional pureblood factions.

The Fawleys have also made substantial contributions to magical education. They were early benefactors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, funding the construction of several key facilities. Their support for education has continued through the generations, with many Fawleys serving on the Hogwarts Board of Governors. This emphasis on education reflects their belief in the importance of knowledge and learning in preserving magical heritage.

Next, we turn to the Greengrass family. The Greengrasses are renowned for their expertise in magical botany and potion-making. Their ancestral home, Greengrass Manor, boasts one of the most extensive private collections of magical plants in Britain. This interest in herbology and potions has been a defining characteristic of the family for centuries.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, members of the Greengrass family were pivotal in the development of several groundbreaking potions. Artemisia Greengrass, for example, was a celebrated potion-maker who developed the Wolfsbane Potion, significantly improving the quality of life for werewolves. Her work demonstrated the family's commitment to advancing magical knowledge and their willingness to address the needs of marginalized magical beings.

In more recent history, the Greengrasses have been known for their political neutrality. Unlike some other pureblood families, they have largely stayed out of the conflicts that have divided the wizarding world. This neutrality has allowed them to maintain their influence regardless of the prevailing political climate. However, their stance has sometimes been criticized as passive, particularly during times of significant social upheaval.

Lastly, let's explore the Parkinson family. The Parkinsons have a reputation for their staunch defense of pureblood values and traditions. Their history is marked by a consistent involvement in the politics of the wizarding world, often advocating for policies that protect and prioritize pureblood interests.

One of the most infamous members of the Parkinson family was Perseus Parkinson, who served as a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic during the early 20th century. Known for his conservative views, Perseus was a vocal opponent of Muggle-born integration and pushed for legislation that would limit the rights of Muggle-born witches and wizards. His tenure was marked by controversy and division, reflecting the broader tensions within the wizarding community.

Despite their controversial history, the Parkinsons have also contributed to the cultural and social life of the wizarding world. They have been patrons of the arts, particularly in supporting magical theater and music. This patronage reflects their belief in the importance of preserving and promoting wizarding culture, even as their political stances have sparked debate and dissent.

Understanding the histories and contributions of the Fawley, Greengrass, and Parkinson families provides us with valuable insights into the complexities of pureblood culture. Each family, with its unique legacy and influence, has shaped the wizarding world in profound ways. By examining their histories, we can better appreciate the rich tapestry of traditions, values, and conflicts that define the magical society."

Hadrian definitely hadn't known anything even remotedly to do with that. Fawley, Greengrass and Parkinson were all in Slytherin, well, Fawley had graduated last year, but still.

The course was now halfway done, and they were in the almost at the end of talking about the history of each family of the Sacred 28. Up until now they've spoken about Abbot, Bulstrode, Carrow, Crouch, Nott, Ollivander, Prewett, Weasley, Selwyn, Shacklebolt, Shafiq, Slughorn, Travers, Yaxley, Rowle, Flint, Gaunt, Lestrange, McMillan, Burk, Flint, Longbottom and now Fawley, Greengrass and Parkinson.

The only ones left were the Blacks, and wasn't Hadrian excited to hear about Sirius' family's history, the Malfoys and the Rosiers. Those three families would be being spoken about after lunch, and now he focused on getting the three essays about the families done.

During the last four days Mrs. Rosier had been absolutely ruthless. She needed everyone to come to the morning lectures, which started at 7:30 a.m. and ended at 12:00 a.m., during which they spoke about three families and make one essay per family, and repeat the same process after lunch from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

That meant that during those nine hours, she expected full concentration and focus, and didn't accept any half-assed essays either.

Thank Merlin for pepper-up potions.

As per usual, the stern teacher went around while everyone was writing, looked over a student's shoulder, and gave corrections or help to struggling wixen. She also encouraged working together, as long as everyone from the group put in an equal amount of work as the others.

Lunch rolled around and Harry was ready to burst from excitement, and finally,finally,the time was there and Mrs. Rosier started talking.

"Good afternoon, everyone. We'll continue now with the last three families. We delve deeper into the intricate history and significant influence of the Malfoy family, one of the most prominent pureblood families in the wizarding world. The Malfoy legacy is a rich tapestry of power, political maneuvering, and complex social dynamics.

The Malfoy family's origins can be traced back to the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066. Armand Malfoy, the family's progenitor, was granted land and the title of nobility by William the Conqueror in return for his support during the invasion. This early acquisition of land, notably the vast estate that would become Malfoy Manor, laid the foundation for the family's enduring wealth and status.

Throughout the medieval period, the Malfoys were astute political players. They were known for their strategic marriages, often allying with other powerful families to consolidate their influence. This period also saw the Malfoys becoming staunch supporters of the Statute of Secrecy, enacted in 1692, which sought to protect the wizarding world from Muggle persecution. The Malfoys viewed this separation as a means to preserve their own power and the purity of their magical bloodline.

One of the key figures in the Malfoy family during the 18th century was Brutus Malfoy, who played a crucial role in the formation of the Ministry of Magic. Brutus was a cunning and influential wizard who believed in the superiority of purebloods and worked tirelessly to ensure that the Ministry reflected these values. His efforts in this period helped solidify the Malfoys' influence within the governing body of the magical community.

In the 19th century, Abraxas Malfoy emerged as a significant figure within the family. Known for his ambition and shrewdness, Abraxas was involved in numerous Ministry initiatives and was a key player in the wizarding world's political landscape, much like his father Brutus. He was particularly known for his role in lobbying for laws that favored pureblood families, ensuring that the Malfoys and their allies remained at the top of wizarding society. Abraxas's involvement in various scandals, including accusations of dark magic, only served to enhance his reputation as a formidable and ruthless individual.

The early 20th century saw the rise of Lucius Malfoy, born in 1954, who continued the family's tradition of political involvement and strategic alliances. Lucius was educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he was sorted into Slytherin House. As a young man, Lucius became deeply involved in the Death Eater movement, a group dedicated to pureblood supremacy and led by the dark wizard Voldemort. Lucius's involvement in this group further cemented the Malfoys' association with dark magic and extremist ideologies.

During the Wizarding War, Lucius Malfoy was a prominent Death Eater, participating in various missions and supporting Voldemort's cause. However, after Voldemort's fall in 1981, Lucius claimed he had been under the Imperius Curse, a defense that allowed him to avoid imprisonment and maintain his family's influence. During Voldemort's absence, Lucius continued to exert significant influence within the Ministry of Magic, using his wealth and connections to sway decisions and promote policies that favored pureblood interests.

Narcissa Malfoy, née Black, was an equally important figure in maintaining the family's status and influence. As a member of the noble and ancient House of Black, Narcissa brought additional prestige to the Malfoy name through her marriage to Lucius. Known for her beauty and poise, Narcissa was fiercely protective of her family and played a key role in the family's social maneuverings. Her actions often reflected the Malfoy values of loyalty to family and the preservation of their social standing.

The Malfoy family's wealth, largely derived from their extensive lands and investments in various magical enterprises, allowed them to be significant patrons of the arts and education. They donated substantial sums to institutions like Hogwarts, often with the intent of ensuring their influence was felt within these establishments. Their contributions to magical society, while substantial, were often viewed with suspicion, seen as attempts to buy favor and manipulate public opinion.

In addition to their political and social maneuverings, the Malfoys were also known for their extensive collection of dark artifacts. Malfoy Manor housed numerous magical items of dubious origin, reflecting the family's long-standing association with the darker aspects of magic. These collections were not merely for show; they were symbols of the family's power and a testament to their willingness to engage with dangerous and forbidden knowledge to maintain their status.

Throughout their history, the Malfoys have exemplified the complexities of pureblood culture. Their story is one of ambition, power, and a relentless pursuit of influence. They have navigated the shifting tides of wizarding politics with skill and cunning, always ensuring that they remain at the pinnacle of society. Despite the controversies and scandals that have surrounded them, the Malfoys have proven to be resilient and adaptable, able to weather the storms of change while preserving their legacy.

Now let us continue with the Blacks, and yes, the same Blacks that was once Narcissa Malfoy née Black's family.

Known for their motto, 'Toujours Pur,' or 'Always Pure,' the Blacks are a cornerstone of pureblood society, with a legacy that spans centuries.

The origins of the Black family date back to the Middle Ages. Their commitment to preserving pureblood lineage has been a defining characteristic since their earliest days. The family’s ancestral home, Nightshade Estate in London, serves not only as their residence but also as a repository of their history and values. The Black family tree, meticulously maintained and displayed within their home, marks their pride in their lineage and the connections they have forged over the years.

One of the earliest notable members of the Black family was Phineas Nigellus Black, born in 1847. He served as the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the late 19th century. Phineas Nigellus was known for his cunning and often abrasive personality, which made him unpopular among students and staff. Despite this, his tenure was marked by a strong emphasis on the superiority of pureblood wizards, reflecting the Black family’s deep-seated beliefs.

Phineas Nigellus's influence extended beyond Hogwarts. He was a vocal critic of Muggle-born witches and wizards, and his conservative views were reflected in the policies he supported. His portrait, which continues to hang in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, remains a testament to his enduring legacy and the values he championed.

Moving into the early 20th century, we encounter Arcturus Black, born in 1901. Arcturus was a significant figure within the Ministry of Magic, serving on the Wizengamot, the high court of the wizarding world. His tenure was marked by his efforts to enact laws that favored pureblood families and restricted the rights of Muggle-borns. Arcturus's political career was characterized by his strategic thinking and ability to navigate the complex landscape of wizarding politics.

Arcturus Black’s influence within the Ministry of Magic helped consolidate the Black family's power. He was instrumental in forging alliances with other prominent pureblood families, further enhancing their status. His marriage to Melania Macmillan, another pureblood, reinforced these alliances and ensured the continuation of the Black family's traditions and values.

Arcturus and Melania's children continued the family’s legacy. Orion Black, born in 1929, was a pivotal figure in maintaining the family's influence. Orion married his second cousin, Walburga Black, who was born in 1925. Walburga was a fervent believer in pureblood supremacy and played a crucial role in upholding the family’s traditions. Her influence was felt strongly within the family, and she was known for her uncompromising attitude towards those she considered blood traitors.

Walburga and Orion had two sons, Sirius and Regulus. Sirius Black, born in 1959, was the first in his family to be sorted into Gryffindor House at Hogwarts, breaking the tradition of Slytherin affiliation. His rebellious nature and rejection of his family's values made him an outcast, but it also positioned him as a key figure in challenging pureblood supremacy.

Regulus Black, born in 1961, initially adhered to the family’s beliefs. He was a member of the Slytherin House and followed in his family's footsteps, showing a keen interest in maintaining pureblood purity. Regulus's later actions, which displayed a complexity and depth of character beyond his upbringing, are notable, though he largely remained loyal to the family's core values during his lifetime.

The Black family also had a significant network of connections through marriage and alliances with other influential pureblood families. Cygnus Black III, born in 1938, married Druella Rosier, and their union produced three daughters: Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa. Each of these women played a crucial role in the family's history and its interactions with other prominent families.

Bellatrix Black, born in 1951, married Rodolphus Lestrange, further cementing the Black family's ties to dark magic and extremist pureblood ideologies. Known for her intense loyalty to her family's values, Bellatrix became one of the most feared witches of her time. Her fierce dedication to the pureblood cause made her a formidable figure in the wizarding world.

Andromeda Black, born in 1953, broke away from family tradition by marrying Ted Tonks, a Muggle-born wizard. This act of defiance led to her being disowned and erased from the family tree. Andromeda's decision to marry outside of pureblood circles was a significant departure from the family's strict adherence to blood purity, highlighting the internal conflicts and varying personal values within the Black family.

Narcissa Black, born in 1955, married Lucius Malfoy, aligning the Black family with another powerful pureblood house. Narcissa’s role in the Malfoy family was significant, particularly in maintaining their social status and influence. Her fierce loyalty to her family and her strategic mind were critical in navigating the complex social dynamics of pureblood society.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the Black family's wealth was largely derived from their vast estates and investments in various magical enterprises. Their financial influence allowed them to be significant patrons of the arts and education within the wizarding world. However, their philanthropic efforts were often viewed with suspicion, seen as attempts to reinforce their status and manipulate public opinion.

The Blacks were also known for their extensive collection of dark artifacts. One of their residences, Nightshade Estate, housed numerous magical items of dubious origin, reflecting the family's long-standing association with the darker aspects of magic. These collections were not merely for display but were symbols of the family's power and a testament to their willingness to engage with dangerous and forbidden knowledge to maintain their status.

The Black family’s history is a testament to the complexities of pureblood society. Their adherence to the ideology of pureblood supremacy has been both their greatest strength and their downfall. Their wealth, derived from various investments and estates, allowed them to wield considerable influence, but their rigid belief in pureblood superiority often led to internal strife and conflict with broader societal changes.

Understanding the Black family provides us with valuable insights into the broader themes of power, legacy, and the intricate dynamics of pureblood society. The Blacks exemplify the intersection of personal choice, family loyalty, and societal pressure in the wizarding world. Their legacy is one of ambition, power, and the relentless pursuit of influence, marked by moments of both profound courage and dark deeds.

And last but not least, the one I told you I would explain since I am a Rosier; the Rosier family.

The Rosiers, much like the Blacks, have a complex and multifaceted history characterized by their unwavering commitment to pureblood ideology and their involvement in various pivotal moments in magical history.*

The Rosier family can trace their roots back to the early medieval period. Their name has been synonymous with power and dark magic for centuries. The family’s ancestral home, Shadowmere Hall, located in the secluded moors of northern England, serves as a testament to their enduring legacy. This imposing manor, shrouded in enchantments, has been the seat of Rosier power for generations.

One of the earliest notable members of the Rosier family was Antoinette Rosier, who lived during the 14th century. Antoinette was known for her mastery of the Dark Arts, which she used to protect her family’s interests during a time of great turmoil in the wizarding world. Her contributions to the family’s collection of dark artifacts and grimoires were significant, laying the foundation for the Rosiers' reputation as formidable practitioners of dark magic.

Moving into the 17th century, we encounter Desdemona Rosier, a prominent figure during the height of witch trials across Europe. Desdemona was a powerful witch who used her influence and magical prowess to protect fellow witches and wizards from persecution. She was also instrumental in the establishment of various safe havens for magical folk, reinforcing the Rosiers’ status as protectors of purebloods.

The 18th century saw the rise of Ignatius Rosier, a charismatic and influential wizard who played a key role in the political landscape of the wizarding world. Ignatius was a member of the Wizengamot and was known for his persuasive oratory and staunch defense of pureblood rights. His tenure was marked by efforts to enact laws that favored pureblood families and restricted the integration of Muggle-borns into wizarding society. Ignatius’s legacy is one of political acumen and unwavering commitment to the preservation of pureblood supremacy.

Ignatius Rosier's influence extended beyond politics. He was also a noted patron of the arts, supporting various magical artists and musicians. This patronage was not purely altruistic; it served to enhance the Rosiers’ cultural capital and reinforce their status within elite wizarding circles. Ignatius’s contributions to the arts are still recognized today, with many magical artworks and compositions attributed to his sponsorship.

In the 19th century, we find Septimus Rosier, a figure renowned for his contributions to magical academia. Septimus was a celebrated scholar and author, whose works on the Dark Arts are considered seminal. His extensive research and writings provided a deeper understanding of dark magic, though his works were often controversial and faced criticism from more conservative elements within the magical community. Septimus’s academic legacy is a testament to the Rosiers’ intellectual rigor and their complex relationship with the darker aspects of magic.

The early 20th century brought about a period of both consolidation and expansion for the Rosier family. Elvira Rosier, born in 1905, was a key figure during this time. She married into the Prewett family, forging an alliance that brought significant political and social advantages. Elvira was known for her beauty and charm, as well as her skill in potion-making. Her contributions to the family’s wealth and influence were substantial, ensuring that the Rosiers remained at the forefront of pureblood society.

During the time of Gellert Grindelwald, the Rosiers played a significant role in the complex web of alliances and conflicts that defined that era. Grindelwald, a dark wizard whose ambitions and ideology threatened the very fabric of the magical world, sought the support of influential pureblood families to bolster his cause. The Rosiers, with their deep-rooted beliefs in pureblood supremacy and their extensive network of connections, became key allies.

The association between the Rosiers and Grindelwald began in the 1920s, when various members of the Rosier family attended his rallies and were captivated by his vision of a new world order where wizards ruled over Muggles. This period saw members of the Rosier family, such as Magnus Rosier, actively participating in Grindelwald's movement. Magnus was known for his fervent support of Grindelwald’s ideology and his willingness to employ dark magic to achieve these ends.

Magnus Rosier's involvement with Grindelwald extended beyond mere support. He was instrumental in organizing covert operations and securing resources for Grindelwald’s campaign. The Rosier estates, including Shadowmere Hall, were rumored to have hosted secret meetings and provided sanctuary for Grindelwald’s followers. This collaboration brought the Rosiers significant power and influence, but it also marked them as targets for those opposed to Grindelwald's rise.

The fallout from Grindelwald’s defeat in 1945 was profound for the Rosier family. Magnus Rosier, along with other key supporters, faced trials and imprisonment for their roles in supporting Grindelwald. This period of reckoning saw the Rosier family’s fortunes wane, but their deep-seated influence within pureblood circles ensured their survival and eventual resurgence.

One of the most infamous members of the Rosier family was Evan Rosier, born in 1960. Evan was a Death Eater and a staunch supporter of Voldemort during the First Wizarding War. His involvement in various dark activities and his participation in the Death Eaters’ campaigns of terror cemented the Rosiers' association with dark magic and extremist ideologies. Evan’s death at the hands of Aurors was a significant blow to the family, but it also highlighted the Rosiers’ commitment to their cause, regardless of the cost.

The Rosier family's influence was not limited to Britain. They established connections with other pureblood families across Europe, particularly in France and Germany. These international alliances further enhanced their status and allowed them to play a significant role in the broader wizarding world. The Rosiers were known for their strategic marriages, often allying with other powerful families to consolidate their influence and ensure the continuation of their pureblood lineage.

Throughout their history, the Rosiers have been adept at navigating the complex and often dangerous landscape of wizarding politics. Their wealth, derived from various magical enterprises, including potion-brewing and artifact trading, allowed them to exert significant influence. The family’s extensive collection of dark artifacts and grimoires, housed within the vaults of Shadowmere Hall, is a testament to their long-standing engagement with the darker aspects of magic.

The Rosier family's legacy is marked by a series of powerful and often controversial figures who have shaped the course of wizarding history. Their commitment to pureblood supremacy, while often placing them at odds with broader societal changes, has ensured their place among the most influential families in the wizarding world. The Rosiers exemplify the complexities of pureblood society, where power, ideology, and personal ambition intersect in ways that have profound and lasting impacts.

Now you're going to ask: "But Mrs. Rosier, you haven't told us how you're connected to all this!" Well, it has been decided by the head of my family, that it is time to reveal our secret and make it public knowledge.

I told you about Evan Rosier, but I haven't told you about his hidden twin. Also known as me, Lorraine Rosier. Our grandmother's sister decided, after having our mother give birth to my brother and I, to take me away from Britain and raise me here in the USA, more or less as a failsafe if my brother would turn to the wrong political side. Which, unfortunately, he did, and died in the process. The family magic was then passed on to me, and until I return to Britain, which I am planning on doing in a few years after the political situation has calmed down, which means that yes, I am the heir to the Rosier seat on the Wizengamot.

Currently the Rosier seat is vacant, but that will soon cease to be the case.

That was the last family, please only ask personal questions about me and my personal history if it is relevant to the essay you will write."

When Nathan, Holly, Jackie and Hadrian were finally done with their last essay, they were allowed to leave the lecture early, went out to get some icecream and watch some no-maj skateboarders in the skatepark.

"Guys, I am so relieved that that chapter is done." Jackie was lying on the floor and staring up at the sky, which was taking on all kinds of colours due to the sun setting. "Like, I know that it was important, and a lot of things now make so much more sense, but these last five days were more exhausting than any final exams I've had, and that's saying something, considering I'm from the House of the Horned Serpent."

Hadrian was pretty sure that that was the Ilvermorny equivalent to Ravenclaw.

"Yes! Thank Merlin for pepper-up potions! I know that you should only drink one of those a day, but if I hadn't drunken that second one yesterday, I would have fallen asleep at my desk!" Nathan groaned, and his girlfriend snickered with her head in his lap.

"Well, babe, you do have the bad habit of staying up too late." And Nathan made a betrayed face at that. "Speaking of, how come you're not dead on your feet? I literally keep you up all night fu-"

"OKAY, okay, I think that's enough details, thank you!" Hadrian chimed in, because he really did not want that mental image, thank you.

Jackie burst out laughing, and the rest soon joined in with a furiously blushing Holly, hiding her face in her boyfriend's stomach.

"What do you think will we talk about tomorrow?" Her muffled voice was obviously trying to change the topic, and Hadrian decided to help her out of her misery.

"Well, I read the course plan a few days ago, and it said pureblood manners and etiquette, and one on one lessons. Not sure about the one on ones though."

"Ah, well." Jackie sighed. "Maybe we're gonna have tea with some of the assistants after having the etiquette lessons, to practice them. I just hope it won't be as dry as the Indepth History of the Sacred 28."

He made a face at that. Yeah, as interesting as all of that was, it was very dry. He laid down next to Jackie on the floor, which was still warmed up from the sun.

"Hey guys?"

He turned his head to look at each one of them.

"Wanna go to a restaurant tonight? I really crave some good food- nothing against your cooking skills Holly- I think we deserve to treat ourselves after that chapter."

"I'm a bit short on money..."

"That's okay, Nathan, I can pay." He quickly reassured the teen, who immediately shook his head.

"No, Hadrian, I can't let you do that. I can pay for myself, I do have the money, just not with me-"

"Nathan, I really don't wanna do this, but I'm gonna pull my 'I'm legally emancipated and therefore an adult'-card, which means that you will do as I say since I'm literally responsible for you three when we're out, legally speaking. And I come from an Ancient and Noble House aswell. I have enough money for a lifetime and I honestly would rather spend it on my friends than let it rot in a vault in Gringotts."

That shut all of them up real good, and soon they found themselves sitting in a fancy restaurant, eating luxurious foods and being served as if they were royalty.

At first they were hesitant to order anything as expensive as what was on the menu, but Hadrian only needed to raise an expectant eyebrow and they finally ordered what they wanted.

They had an awesome time, and then went out to do a bit of good old muggle clubbing, before going back to their appartement, actually more dead than alive.

Just as Hadrian wanted to fall into his bed, a knock at his window drew his attention to a barn owl with a rolled up letter at its foot.

He quickly let the bird in, took the letter and put it on the desk next to his bed unopened, conjured up a little nest for the very tired bird, and after a few minutes of petting the bird, went to sleep.

He really did not have the mental capacity left to read a letter at almost 1 a.m.

A New Dawn - Chapter 7 - echos_void - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.