His Name is Riddle - Chapter 2 - Cmdr_Tom - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 2


Tuesday, 20 August 1996

The Burrows day had started normally, only now it wasn’t just Harry and Ginny on the morning run and exercise. His summer job concluded and the recent battle had convinced Ron that there was benefit to physical training even in a wizard war. That didn’t didn’t surprise Harry or Ron at all, but what did was when Hermione came down ready to work out.

“My understanding was these workouts had an open invitation?” she asked in confusion.

“‘Mione,” Harry replied, “you and that brain of yours have covered our arses many times.”

“And thank you for that, but if the two of you are going to keep developing … tactics that are so physically demanding one ought to develop their body and stamina as well as their minds.”

Harry smiled and nodded his head. “Okay ‘Mione, you were always welcome. Just not expected. Surprises are good though.”

“Thank you, and if I’m willing to work out more, maybe the rest of you will pick up a book occasionally?”

The Weasleys and Harry exchanged looks, “Nope!” they said in unison.

Hermione rolled her eyes and all of them continued with their day.

Things got interesting though, when Bill flamed a message in. All for them were in the kitchen continuing with their healing lessons. Ron had to remember the lessons that his mum had taught him years ago. When Bill’s illusion flamed into the floo Ron pounced. “Bill! My brother! How are you doing? “ The others all rolled their eyes at the obviousness of it, but it was still funny.

“I take it I disturbed class?”

“Your family mate, you’re never interrupting.”

Hermionie took Ron’s hand, “Remember, you are here voluntarily.”

“Oh… sorry, just a conditioned reflex.”

“Anyway,” Harry said, “Bill, you obviously flamed for reason. What’s up?”

“Thank you, Harry, but actually I need my sister.”

Ginny’s head popped up, “Um okay, why?”

“Nimbus sent some business materials through Gringotts. I need you to come down.”

“Business materials?”

“Ginny, I’m trying to be respectful of your privacy, even if the concept is foreign to you. Please come down today. I promise you it’s good news.”

“Well, okay be there in a few. “

“And Harry… Did you talk with Susan Bones recently?”

“Yes, that’s legitimate.”

“You do like to make my life interesting, don’t you?”

“Actually, I was just trying to look out for a friend.”

“Alright, well none of it is a problem. See you soon.”

Molly smiled. “Let me guess, you four will be back after lunch but before supper?”

- - -

They went to get changed and Ginny then went down to HArry’s room, again happily catching him with his shirt off. She was truly starting to believe he was wise to the game and happy to play along.

“So with the battle, you forgot to catch me up on chat with Susan. Should I be jealous?”

Harry double checked but Gin’s expression showed she was kidding. ny did have a teasing smile on her face as she sat down on his bed leaning against the wall.

“You will never have a reason to be jealous babe. Thank you for understanding that it was the battle that just distracted me.” He said as he did put a shirt on. Ginny pouted briefly. “Back in July, we weren’t the only Death Eater attack?”

“Merlin, how bad?”

“She lost her aunt, Madam Bones.”

Ginny nodded her head. “So she needed someone who could relate.”

“I don’t think you realize how accurate you are, Gin.” Harry replied just as heard Hermione and Ron at the door.

“Oi, you lot ready?” Ron asked.

“Just come on down, you two should hear this also.” Harry replied. He kicked his desk chair over for Ron to sit on. Hermoine then borrowed his lap. Harry muttered, “I should get some more chairs for this place.” as he hopped on to the top of his dresser.

“I don’t see a problem, mate.” Ron said with cheek.

The ladies just smiled and shook their heads.

Harry continued double checking that the lid was closed for the silence charm to be up. “For reference, this conversation I want to keep quiet between us.” Everyone nodded. “So last month the same night at our Battle of the Burrow, a second separate attack killed Madam Bones.”

“From the Wizengamot?” Hermione clarified, in surprise.

“You know her?” Ron asked.

“I know of her. She was head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and they got her?”

Harry nodded. “Gin, what I was meaning is, that was her last living family member. Susan’s been in the D.A. for the last year and we were friendly before that. ‘Mione, I know you two have had a few classes together. Frankly, I’m just happy to try to be a mate. However…” Harry took a breath. “With her aunt’s passing, the house passes to her. She is now Lady Susan Bones of House Bones.” Harry paused for a moment to let that register.

“I can REALLY see why she would want to talk with you.” Gin said, nodding her head and the other agreeing.

“Not done yet babe. Susan has… scores to settle.” Harry said with a look of understanding with Ginny. “And it is no secret, I’m joining the fight against Riddle.”

“Harry, you’re leading it.” Hermione corrected.

Harry shrugged. “I prefer to think the Order is doing that, but I will admit to leading the public support. Can we agree to that?” Nods approved. “Well to the end of putting Riddle in the ground, Susan is going old fashioned. She’s out for blood and offered the house alliance of Bones to Potter.”

“Harry, mate, please tell me you said yes!” Ron said with eagerness.

“A major House headed by someone I’ve been friendly with offers an alliance as we begin a war… oh you bet arse I did.”

Gin raised her hand. “Sorry. lowly commoner here, translation?”

Hermione watched Harry to make sure her explanation was correct. “Susan has agreed to support and defend Harry not just personally but with the entirety of her family’s resources. Property, staff, money…” she trailed off.

“Yes,” Harry replied.

“Merlin's beard,” Ginny replied, then she turned to Ron. “How do you understand this?”

“This kind of approach was used pretty normally in the old days of war for strategic alliances. And I do appreciate war history . If Hogwarts would have a class on military history, THAT’s one I would take.”

“Okay, I’m the one snogging you so, I’ll be the crass one. Do you know … numbers as you say?”

“You’re not even being crass, babe. In this situation it is a legitimate talk. Realistically, House Potter has been dormant for 15 years. It’s well funded. I have three vaults at Gringotts. But, like, no staff, or personnel, only own two addresses.”

“Grimmauld Place and ?” Hermione asked.

“Legally and technically, I own our place in Godric Hollow. But it’s been abandoned ever since… and I have no desire…”

“We get it babe.”

“Moving on, House Bones is fully active. Staffed even. Her numbers I don’t know and I don’t want to know.”

“Harry,” Hermione added, “I think her family a generation or two back are the ones who discovered veritaserum… so her numbers are going to be significant.”

“Wow… I don’t really care, but wow. And she came to me. Merlin...” He shook his head out of a daze. “Anyway, She and I will need to … formalize more of this but I wanted to keep you aware.“

“Harry, can I ask you something?”

“Don’t start being bashful now ‘Mione.”

“What is your plan for House Alliances? Why are we looking at that? I thought we were looking for Horcruxes. Forgive me but I don’t want us to lose focus.”

“That concern is fair ‘Mione. No, I’ve not forgotten about them. In fact, today I plan to pick up some tools for fang harvesting. But for reference, we still need to find three more of them. Houses often bring with them libraries, I’d be happy to ask for library access.”

Hermione face lit up. “Library! As in MANY books.”

The other three laughed.

“Mostly though, you notice how we’ve been involved in like 3 major battles this year? I have a dream that maybe it is not just a bunch of us teens on the front lines. I REALLY can’t believe I am saying this but if Gin can work up general public support, maybe I can work up political support. Then there are… less glamorous ideas of safehouses, finances, and the like. Bloody hell. “

“Language, Harry, you’re nobility, remember?” Hermione corrected, while trying to stifle a laugh.

“Alright let's get to the Alley.” Ginny gave Hermione a nod that she returned. Ginny stayed behind while the other two headed out.

“What’s on your mind, babe.”

She walked straight to Harry and wrapped her arms around his chest that he welcomed. “Pride, respect, admiration, love. Are you going to be okay?”

“I admit to the nerves of continuing to be in new territory. But I still believe I’m right.”

“Harry,” She waited until she could see those emerald eyes looking at hers. “ I believe in you.”

- - -

They flamed to the Alley, the same Alley they have been to dozens or more times. The Twins lived here. Gin had worked here. Bill and Fleur still did. But this time it had a different feel to it. At least to Hermione and Ron. They couldn’t quite put their finger on it. Ron leaned over and quietly asked, “Mione, is it me or is everyone looking at us.”

Now that he mentioned it, Hermione started to look closer, and yes. It definitely seemed that the eyes of the locals here were very much watching them. “Um guys?” she called up to Harry and Ginny ahead of them. “I think we’re being watched.”

Harry and Ginny stopped and turn around. “More than usual? “Harry held his hand out to shake Ron and Hermione’s hand. “Hi, Harry Potter, Chosen One.”

Ginny did the same. “Crimson Witch, pleased to meet you.”

Hermione gave them both a sour look. “Ha ha you two.”

Harry shrugged. “I’m not saying we’re not. I’m saying I’ve been watched so closely for so long that I’ve learned to tune it out.”

Ginny smiled sheepishly.

Ron led them to a corner and continued to look around. “I really think ‘Mione may have something here.”

Harry slipped closer bringing Ginny with him and clearly taking his friends seriously. “Okay, well I admit my blindness to that, and if both of you are feeling it. What’s the vibe? Hands on wands and get the hell out or… “

Hermione shook her head. “No, I don't get a hunted or threatened vibe. I feel like we are a curiosity.”

Ron nodded. “More... just stay aware.”

“Alright. How about we test a theory.” Ginny suggested. “Harry and I go to the bank. You two go to…?”

“Good idea. Flourish and Blotts?” Hermione suggested. Class starts in less than 2 weeks, might as well get the books.”

Ron sighed. “‘Mione, I love you, I hate you sometimes. But ya, that's a decet plan, sis. Maybe we’re all paranoid. But if there’s a problem, make some noise. The Alley isn’t that large.”


Harry and Ginny finished the walk past the marble columns of the bank and into the teller area. “Ginny Weasley for William Weasley, please, I’m expected.”

Bill came up smiling widely. “Thanks for coming, Ginny. Harry, thank you for the escort.”

“Always my pleasure, Bill.”

“So dear sister of mine, I bring you good news. Regarding numbers for yourself. But you also have a right to privacy. Would you be alright with Harry coming back with us?”

Ginny smiled. “I can’t imagine there is anything I’m not going to turn right around and tell him anyway. He might as well hear it from the source. He’s family.”

“That he is.” Bill replied, “and I was rather certain you would say that, but you are entitled to make your own decisions.”

Bill led them back to his office, and they sat down as normal.

“Well Miss Weasley, it appears it is time for you to open your own deposit box here.”

“Um, Bill, I’ve been pretty good at not losing my sickles, thank you.” She looked mildly insulted.

Bill kept smiling. “Perhaps, but dear sister, today is your payday. Nimbus sent transfer instructions for your first payout. This payout seems to be $512 Galleons.” She had already been loosely holding Harry’s hand. She squeezed it and started to tremble. She was silent for a moment. Then she took in what seems the world’s largest deepest breath. Tears started to swell in her eyes, and Bill knew Ginny’s feelings about being seen crying.

“I wondered if this would happen,“ he said with the warmest smile. “I’m going to give you the office for a moment. Just call when you like. Harry, I trust you to take care of our lady,” said with a nod as he rose and left.

Harry rose with Bill. Then when the door closed he turned and knelt near Ginny. “Just us now babe.”

“YES! MERLIN and MORGANA!” She cried with her entire being. She fell around Harry, happy tears flowing. Harry obviously caught her, held her, rubbed her back. “I - I can’t believe it. Harry, look I know it that’s nothing compared-”

“Oi, no don’t even. Never compare to me. This is an all you moment. And I get it, I truly truly get it. Remember, I didn’t know about anything till I was 11. So you celebrate, you process.”

“I’m smart enough I was sure this would pay more than working for the Twins, but… Merlin… I thought I’d be nice to everyone for Christmas. I hoped at best, maybe for one year I could cover my own bill at Hogwarts. But this is like moving out money. This is like, I could actually take care of the family money… They’d never let me of course, but … Merlin. Thank you, I love you, thank you.”

“I will happily take the ‘love you’s’, but I don’t deserve the-

Ginny shut him up their favorite way, kissing his mouth shut. Grabbing neck and pulling him closely. She was actually far more aggressive than usual, throwing Harry’s balance off falling back into Bill’s desk. Frankly, she didn’t care. Harry said celebrate, this is celebrating. Most of all she just wanted to convey just how truly much she appreciated his never ending support. His confidence, All the variety of ways he’s been protector from legitimate monsters to well meaning burecrats, and everything between. Eventually, the tears slowed and she needed a breath, so she pulled away and looked at him with fire in her eyes and moved a finger to his mouth.

“Shut up and just let me thank you, because for a hundred different reasons I wouldn’t be here without you. So thank you so very much, Harry Potter.”

“Okay, okay, Gin. I will file this under our ‘Partners’ ruling. Acceptable?”

“Very.” Then she took a deep rebalancing breath. Harry brushed away a few tears that ‘officially never happened.’

“On your schedule, babe.”

“Let me just get another breath or two please.”

“Hey, you forgot the best part.” Harry remindeed with a grin.

“Oh? Please do tell.”

“Now you have a great explanation why your parents don’t need to buy your textbooks. Told you not to worry.”

The reminder from their first date was perfect, giving her a great rebalancing laugh.

“Okay… let’s give Bill his office again.”

Harry slipped out the door and waved Bill back in. Still he was cautious. When he came in he was almost tackled by Ginny hugging him. “Thank you too. Dad would never have let me go without you. I wouldn’t have tried to negotiate without your encouragement, I never would have signed that contract without your approval.”

“Just being a brother,” he replied.

She let go and returned to her seat. “Ya well, today you get to be my favorite. “

Bill smiled brightly. “That’s quite kind.”

“Today only.” He looked at him in fake scorn.

“Understood,” Bill chuckled. “Now as your brother and… your account manager, may I offer some guidance?” Ginny nodded. “Congratulations, this is well earned and yours. Obviously pick up a few things. As someone who grew up under the same roof I will fully tell you, enjoy it. But you are in a sales job. Very erratic and very peak and valley, feast and famine. This payout was great for you. We can’t guarantee another one. Save most of this. Squirrel away as much as you can while Crimson flies so whenever she may fly into the sunset Ginevra has a nice nest egg to do whatever she wants.”

“Absolutely, my most aggressive idea was maybe, to cover my own expenses at school.”

“That makes all the sense in the world to me. I’m just saying you are in the desirable situation of living at home or school for another 3 years, but with a respectable income stream. There are far worse situations than graduating and having your own money already.”

“Mine… wow.”

“I get it.” Harry said, holding her hand and rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

“Next time, I’m buying you dinner,” she said.

“Well, let’s not go crazy.”

“Bill, remind Harry it’s the 20th century, and a girl can buy her boyfriend dinner if she wants.”

Bill held his hands up in defense, “That is completely a fight between you.”

“Harry, please don't make me invoke Rule #3.”

“As you wish, but only occasionally.” Harry relented.

“That’s all I ask. So, Bill, you said I need my own deposit box?”

“That would be the most appropriate. You don’t need a full vault. Just a box for safe keeping and future deposits. I’ve taken the liberty of starting the papers. I trust you brought your wand?”

Ginny raised her hand and flicked her wrist,drawing her wand to her hand from her wrist holster. She looked at Harry. “I still think that is the sexiest thing.”

Bill smiled as he rolled his eyes. “Sign her, Wand here. And your key.” He slid a brass key with ‘707’ engraved on the end. Let's get you set up.” Ginny did.

“Now before we leave the privacy of my office.” He turned to Harry. “Susan Bones?”

“Did I get you in trouble?”

“Actually, no, just the opposite. Your note was sufficient for a letter she owled came to me. When I read it she was interested in purchasing the Guards and Wards package. I filed the request so quickly management was quite happy so yes she’s been reassigned to me, with a nice commission.”

“Okay, so… problem?”

“Not so much a problem, as a preference not to be blind sighted. Next time drop me an owl or message.”

“Ah, agreed, this conversation happened maybe 20 minutes before last Friday’s battle.”

“Understood then. No harm, no foul. May I ask why?”

Harry briefed him to which Bill even more agreed with connecting the two of them.

“It's a tragedy these things happen. If I somehow can help by being trustworthy, for you and your friends, happy to do so. For now though, why don’t we get Ginny to her deposit box.

Bill led them down a different hall than even Harry had traveled but essentially very close to the main lobby. Into a room with black marble flooring lined on three sides with steel drawers. Bill scanned the room, “Let’s see 707, ah here. Bill drew his wand, “Let me just open the attunement, and yes. Ginny if you would please just attune in.”Ginny did and could see the aurora of the box grow with a bit of flame magic that always seemed to connect with Ginny’s magic. She actually quite liked it. A moment later, the popping of an apparition sound delivered the galleons directly to the box. “Alright Ginny, open it up.”

Her hand shook as she did, but she willed her hand steady to use and key and opened it her own personal treasure box. She stood there and just looked at it for a moment of disbelief.

Harry rubbed her back calmingly, “I get it, babe. I do get it. But you’re the one that came up with idea battle brooming. You’re the fastest witch in the world at 160 miles an hour. You're the first non pro quidditch player Nimbus has ever given a promotional deal to. That’s all you.”

“Bill…“ she asked hesitantly, “how do withdrawals work?”

“Ah,” he replied as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “Good question. Very complicated system. You reach in your deposit box, and you take out some of your money that you earned yourself. Then you go and do whatever you want with it, because you earned it.”

“Harry, how much muggle money do you carry? I think you called it ‘just in case.’”

“Gin, I’m different. I bounce between both sides of the Cauldron a lot more than you.”

“I know, but there may come a day where I’m there without you and I would like to be prepared. I’m not going to copy you but I need a frame of reference, so please give me a number, in galleons if you can.”

“If it’s just a general trip with nothing specific, 20 galleons.”

“And you’ve always been fine?”


“I’ll get 10 converted to muggle, and I will take 20 for our side.”

Bill nodded “I think that is quite well reasoned.”

Gin still needed to breathe through disbelief that no wards were going to be triggered as she picked up the coins and put them into her purse. She locked up in backup and pocketed the key. All while constantly looking at Bill confirming she wasn’t doing anything wrong.

He finally came over and hugged her again. “You’ve earned it, Ginevra. Enjoy it.”

When they left the bank, they did meet the others just outside Flourish and Blotts. They did step off to the side to try to stay out of the way. With Ginny being unable to shake her smile. It was so beaming that Hermione was already smiling before they could actually speak. “Wow, somebody’s happy. What’s the news? What happened?”

“Nimbus pay day.” Ginny explained. “And it was MUCH better than I ever hoped. Respectfully, I’d rather not talk specifics but suffice to say, I’m NOT on the level of a noble,“ she said with a playful look to Harry. “but I’m not worried about school supplies or any Hogsmeade visits this year.”

Hermione leapt into a congratulations hug. “I’m so happy for you!”

Which Ron followed after, “Congrats sis, you seriously deserve it.”

“Thanks, you know Ron, you still haven’t told me what poster is your favorite. I seriously want you to have one. Autographed and everything. You have been great to me this summer.”

“I’m just not used to going to your room,” he shrugged.

“Well just like a vampire, I invite you. Just knock first.”

Harry hopped on with a smile., “Oi, he has to knock for you. But you NEVER knock for me.“

“Harry, you and I snog. Knocking is for people who don’t.”

The other three laughed at that. Ron was able to get to a smile and a headshake.

Harry gave him a hearty pat on his back. “Sorry man, but to your credit, you’re doing real well with that.”

“Merlin, I’m trying.” he said exasperatedly.

Hermione grabbed his shoulder, “Hey.” When Ron looked her way, she leaned up and kissed him. “Rewards for the effort.”

Harry let them have their moment, but then, “Alright, so after we parted ways, still get the watched vibe.”

Ron and Hermione exchanged looks, “Yes, I don’t know why, but I swear they are.”

Finally the door opened and the store clerk stepped out. “Excuse me,” the clerk interrupted. He looked more curious than anything.

“I’m sorry.” Harry said, “Yes, we’ll be on our way.”

“No, not that. You were part of them, weren’t you?”

“Um what ‘them’?”

“From last Friday… you lot were part of that team that showed those damned Death Eaters what for ain’t ya.”

The other three smiled and nodded to Harry. He simply said, “Yes, us and some friends.”

The clerk let off a loud whistle through his teeth, gathering the attention of everyone. “It’s them! Or at least it’s four of them.” Then from every direction, the clerks, owners, staff, and locals approached and surrounded the quartet. “On behalf of the Diagon Alley Association, thank you. We’ve been waiting for the ministry to do something like that for years.” As he put his hand out to shake. Everyone around them simply wanted to shake their hands and do the same.

Harry simply accepted it and said, “Happy we could help.”

With a new point of view, Hermione looked more closely. “Guys, not the stores. Look at the windows. Harry took a closer look. Having learned long ago to essentially ignore and block out advertisem*nts and flyers, he looked. Every displayed a poster, ‘His Name is Riddle and We are NOT Afraid.‘

His Name is Riddle - Chapter 2 - Cmdr_Tom - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.