Harry Potter and the Multiverse - Chapter 29 - andromeda543 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Harry is in the Room of Requirement, he needs a break from everything. Ron still isn’t speaking to him and accusing him of entering his name in the goblet of fire. Ron has called him a traitor and glory seeker. Hermione keeps looking at him like he will break any moment and blow up. It also feels like the whole school is against him, thinking him a cheater. So far the Slytherins have been quiet but he doesn’t trust the quiet, they must be up to something. He is sorting through some knick knacks when he grabs an orb and suddenly he is pulled into the orb and spitted back out. He groans when he lands on his face. He gets up and looks around, he isn’t at Hogwarts anymore.

“Come out with your hands up.”

Harry startles when he hears the voice. He sees a door open and walks towards it, his hands in the air.

“What the f*ck?”

Harry looks at the person who is pointing their wand at him, “Uh, hey.”

“How did you get here?”

“There was this orb. I touched it and it brought me here.” Harry looks at an older version of himself. This Harry looks unkempt, ragged, he smells like booze and like he hasn’t showered in days. He notices that an arm is missing and that he is limping.

Older Harry walks into the room and levitates the orb out, “This will bring you back to your timeline once it is recharged. I know one like this was at Hogwarts but it was destroyed in the war.” He looks at his younger counterpart, he looks unburdened by the war, by the truth that is yet to come out. “What year are you in?”

“Fourth. I have to compete in the triwizard tournament. Someone put my name into the goblet. The champions were chosen last week.” Harry sits down, “Are you my future?” He is wary of his older self, “Do you know who?”

Older Harry runs some scans, “Yes. You are me and I am you.” He sits down, “And I know who.”

Harry scoots back when the light reveals that the half older Harry’s left face is missing .“What happened to you?”

Older Harry lets out a bitter laugh, “Life happened to me.” He points at his face, “This happened to me when I burned the Burrow down with everyone who was left inside. Used fiendfyre and a spark caught my face. Was able to stop it from spreading.” He points to his missing arm, “Happened when I waltzed into Azkaban to kill several prisoners.” He knocks on his hollow leg, “Got hit by a car in the muggle world.”

“Why would you kill the Weasleys? They are nice people!” Harry doesn’t understand, “Why did you kill prisoners?” He is so confused.

“Oh, how naive and foolish I was at your age. We were so starved for kindness and friendship we latched onto the first people who showed us that. We never questioned anything and just took anything at face value.” Older Harry looks into his younger self’s eyes, “Tell me. Has Draco approached you yet and offered you his hand in friendship again?”

“No, the Slytherins have been too quiet. I don’t trust them.” Like he’s ever going to be friends with Malfoy.

“Why don’t you trust them? Because Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore and everyone else has been telling you that you can’t?” Harry huffs, “Slytherins are so evil. Yet it was Gryffindors who committed the worst crimes. Peter betrayed my parents and sold them out to Voldemort. The good guys aren’t the saints you believe them to be.”

Harry opens and closes his mouth.

The older Harry shakes his head, “They have been nothing but honest with you. The reason they bully you, is because Ron bullies them when you are not around and since you are friends with him, they think he does it on your orders. Like Sirius did on James’. They call you a blood traitor because you are. And not because you are a half-blood, because you disregard their ways. Your heritage. Tell me, what do you know about Lady Magic? Magical rituals? Nothing. What you don’t know could fill several books.” He lets out a self deprecating snort, “I learned all of it when it was already too late. They made sure to keep me ignorant and only feed me what they wanted me to know.” He gets up and returns a few minutes later, “I know you won’t believe me without evidence,” he lets a few folders drop on the table. “Read and weep, you silly naive boy.” He turns around and goes into his bedroom. Seeing this young version of himself brought back some painful memories.

Harry looks at the folder, he opens it and the first he sees is an inheritance test done in 2005. He reads it and his eyes go wide, this cannot be! He quickly grabs the next paper, it’s a document declaring him an adult since he had to compete in the tournament. He reads a note saying that Mr. Potter failed to show up at Gringotts after numerous attempts were made to reach him. Harry frowns, he received no mail from them. He looks through the deeds for the Potter and Black properties he owns. He never knew he had all this. His eyes go wide when he sees the total balance of his fortune. The next folder has Ron’s name on it, he takes it and as he keeps reading, anger takes him over. He reads about Hermione, Ginny, Molly, Kingsley, Moody and Sirius. He pushes everything away, he gets up and runs outside. He breaks down in tears.


Older Harry finds his younger self, hours later, “It’s all true. They were paid to be my friends and Ginny was selected to be my wife. Dumbledore made use of my money and greased the wheels for his future.” He sits down next to him, “I found out by accident.” He takes a sip of vodka, “Everything about my life was planned.”

“Is that why you killed them all?” Harry is hugging his knees, “Who did you kill in Azkaban?”

“Yes. I killed Fudge, Mme Bones, Sirius and Tonks. Everyone who was a culprit or a conspirator. Fudge turned a blind eye or accepted bribes. Mme Bones too, but only after Voldemort came back. Before I burned the Burrow down, I killed Fleur, Bill and their children. I sent their hearts to Molly,” he laughs, “I heard her scream from miles away. I had my fun with some of them before I ended their pathetic lives.”

“What did you do to them?” Harry is scared of this older version. He can feel the dark power coming from him.

“Do you really want to know?”

Harry nods, “Yes.” He needs to know what kind of darkness he is capable of.

“I laid a trap for Ron. He thought he was uncovering a secret Death Eater hideout but I was waiting for him.You see Ron made it his mission to exterminate all Death Eaters. You know Ron hates spiders, I put him into a coffin with spiders and let him suffer for days. He was crying like a baby and calling for his mummy to save him. Afterwards I let him out and delivered him to Bellatrix Lestrange who was in hiding. She tortured him for weeks and when she was done with him, I took him to the Chamber of Secrets and I made him confess everything. For every lie he told me over the years, for every time he used me, I broke a bone in his body. When I was done with him, his bones were shattered to pieces and since I used a dark curse, his bones couldn’t be mended. He was forced to use a wheelchair and he had to be magically. Of course everyone tried to find out what happened to him but I obliviated him. I also put a trigger into his mind. Every time he thought about me or what he did to me, a spider would attack him and he would have a seizure.”

Older Harry stretches his legs, “Hermione wanted to be Minister of Magic, being hailed as one of the golden trio opened a lot of doors for her. She was working at the Ministry when I found out. The first thing I did was make sure she got fired, I cast a spell on her that was undetectable and she insulted the head of the ICW. I made her tell her truth, how she sees the world. She managed to insult a whole country when she called him a child eating barbaric. After she was fired, she tried to get back in because she thought she was unjustly fired and she researched. I had all the books attack her and eat her flesh. She developed a fear of books and she blamed Draco for her misfortune. She went after him hard,” he smirks, “I faked some evidence that made it look like Draco so she would believe she was right.” He laughs, “Draco destroyed her in court. He brought up all her sins. She had her wand snapped, magic bound and was expelled from the magical world. She was allowed to retain her memories. She had to move in with her parents and one day, I followed her and used compulsions on her like she did on me. I made her attack people and when the coppers arrived I made her attack them too. She was shot.”

Harry shudders, “Are you a Dark Lord?” His olderself’s voice is so cold and emotionless.

“Yes.” Older Harry is not sparing his younger self, he needs to know the truth. “This is what they made me.”


“For Ginny I had something special planned. I kidnapped her and then I hired guys to rape her. She fell pregnant and I ripped the child out of her womb. I healed her and hired more guys, then I sold her to a group of masoch*sts to be raped, tortured, abused and used. After a few years, I picked her up and I took her to a filthy brothel and passed her around. She was riddled with diseases after we left. I brought her back to the wizarding world and made her sell her body. She infected the people she f*cked with her diseases. Some of them died and when they found it was Ginny, they forcefully removed her from the Burrow and killed her.” He looks at his younger self, “She raped me then obliviated me and only after she was satisfied she let me think our first time was perfect.”

“How did she rape you when you wanted to have sex with her?” Harry is confused by this.

“Because she used a love and lust potion attuned to her as well as compulsions. I didn’t have a choice. I was made to want to have sex with her.” Older Harry looks at him expectantly, “You also saw why on the inheritance test.”

“Oh,” Harry hugs himself, “I don’t want that to happen to me.” He rather not think about what he saw on that.

Older Harry says nothing to that, “I also killed all the other Weasley children and sent their hearts to Molly. I don’t know if she noticed that each heart had a message for you. I wanted her to lose everything she loved and she loves her family above all else. I thought she cared about me but all she cared about was my money. Then I made sure Arthur knew the truth but it turned out, he knew all along and went along with everything. So I made sure everyone was at the Burrow and then I told them that I knew and that this was my revenge.” The look on their faces was hilarious.” He sighs, “I simply killed those in Azkaban, I was almost caught on my way out.”

“What year is this and how old are you?” Harry is afraid of the answer.

“It’s 2025 and I am forty-five years old. We are at a Potter Cabin in Brazil. After I got my revenge, I left Britain.” Older Harry yawns, “Haven’t been back there.”

“Do they know it was you? I mean other people?” Harry wonders how he got away with everything.

“Draco does, he helped me. He is the current Minister. He is the reason I was able to get into Azkaban.” Older Harry looks at the sky, “He wanted revenge too, Ron and Kingsley killed his parents and sister after they gave themselves up.” He lets out a long sigh, “He and Remus were lovers, Tonks was jealous and wanted Remus for herself. She tried to kill Draco but killed Remus instead. That is what landed her in Azkaban. Sirius was arrested for the attempted murder of the Supreme Mugwump. He thought I was impersonating him. Fudge was arrested for corruption.” He lets out a bitter laugh, “Of course the puppet master behind it all was already dead but I made sure to ruin his reputation.”

“Dumbledore,” Harry’s been reading his name in every folder he read.

“Yes. That man is hiding behind his grandfatherly persona while he plans people’s lives in his private time.” Harry summons a book, “Only good true thing Rita ever wrote.”

Harry reads the back cover, “I never have questioned him before you know. He’s Albus Dumbledore so I trusted him.” He sighs, “You asked me earlier if Draco approached me. Why?”

“Because turning down his offer of friendship sealed my fate. It was a test by Lady Magic to see if I had grown up or learned anything. When I declined Draco’s offer the path of becoming a Dark Lord was set.” Older Harry starts to cry, “It started with Severus dying in the graveyard Voldemort was brought back. At the time I didn’t know how important he was going to be to me.”

“Voldemort, did you kill him?” Harry isn’t ready to tackle that.

“No. Voldemort is still alive.” Older Harry gets up, “Follow me. Time for you to learn about your scar and the secrets Dumbledore kept.” He leads him into the library, “The scar you have is a horcrux. A soul piece of Voldemort lives in you.” He points to his own scar, “Voldemort removed it and reabsorbed it. It’s faded now.”

“You made a deal with him!”

“Yes. After I found out the truth I sought him out and told him what I learned. We made a vow to not go after each other.” He shows his counterpart some newspapers, “Dumbledore died in 1996. He put on a ring with a curse and the curse killed him. Albus thought the ring was a horcrux, Voldemort created seven and me, that was unintentional. Dumbledore left me notes and I started to hunt the horcruxes but I never found any of them. Turns out Voldemort called them back to him and he was sane again. After Dumbledore died, Voldemort took over Hogwarts and a lot of people, myself included, went into hiding.”

“Why was Bellatrix hiding? She is still in Azkaban.” Harry can’t believe that Harry made a deal with Voldemort.

“He broke his Death Eaters out in my fifth year. Bella almost got caught in 2006 and had to lay low. Anyway, Lucius became Minister and they went hard against mudbloods and traitors. Britain became a dictatorship. Lucius was killed by Arthur Weasley and then Draco became Minister.” Older Harry lets out a bitter laugh, “I told you I found out by accident. I was looking through Reggie’s things when I touched a feather. It pushed me out of my body and I was a ghost no one could see. I was floating from room to room when I overheard Ginny, Sirius and Hermione talking about me. Ginny was pregnant with our daughter but she had an abortion because it was a girl. She wanted a boy because she needed a male heir to keep her hands on the fortune. She also complained that without potions I couldn’t get it up. Then Hermione said it was because of the broken bond. I had no idea what she was talking about and then Sirius said that they made sure my bond with Severus was broken and that I would suffer no consequences. Then he asked if Hermione was any closer to bonding my soul to Ginny’s.”

“What did you do?” Harry has trouble believing Sirius would do something like that.

“I talked to Kreacher, the Black house-elf and he told me about soulbonds and such. He also took me to a secret meeting at Gringotts where I got the test.” Older Harry opens his shirt and shows him a scar above his heart, “You were told you got this as a baby. Truth is, it was your soulmark which was burned away with a spell. Once I was at Gringotts I got a purge and learned the whole truth. The goblins had been sitting on the information for years, they were just waiting for me to come to them. After that, I reached out to Voldemort and started to plot my revenge.”

“You said Snape was important. How?”

“The prophecy about me and Voldemort, it talked about a power he knows not. That power would have been soul magic.” Older Harry huffs bitterly, “The soul magic we could have practiced would have been able to kill Voldemort using the horcrux inside me.”

Harry never heard of soul magic before. “Don’t you care what happens to the people who are left in Britain?”

“No.” Older Harry looks at younger Harry, “They don’t care about you. They just care enough to let you fight a war for them. They prefer to sit on their asses and judge you whilst doing nothing to aid you.”

“I am going to change things!” Harry doesn’t want to turn into this version, “I’m going to talk to Snape.”

“You won’t remember any of this.” Older Harry frowns, “I don’t remember this and I am you.” He laughs bitterly, “You are destined to become me. Take a good look, this will be you in the future.”

“I won’t accept that!” Harry gets up, “I will not become a hollow bitter version like you!”

“You are deluding yourself if you think you can change the future.” Older Harry watches his younger self walk off. He walks into his bedroom and looks at the Deathly Hallows, he had hoped to summon Death and fix this but it was just a story after all. He opens another bottle of vodka and drinks it.


Harry is turning around on the couch, he refuses to believe that he can’t change things! He will! He gets up and walks into the kitchen. He looks at the orb which is glowing and suddenly he is sucked in again.

The older Harry was watching from the shadows, “Good luck.”

Harry groans, his head is hurting. He gets up from the floor and wonders how he got here. He remembers looking for a quiet place. He is looking through his pockets when he removes a cut out article. He reads it and frowns, it’s from 1999. Suddenly an image flashes in his mind and he remembers. He quickly leaves the room of requirement and runs into Draco, “Sorry.”

“Potter,” Draco takes a step back, “I’ve been looking for you.” He takes a deep breath, “Look, we got off on the wrong foot and unlike everybody else, I and many in my house don’t believe you put your name into the goblet. So,” he holds out his hand, “Fresh start as friends?”

Harry shakes it, “Yes,” he drags Draco behind him, “I need to talk to Snape. You’ll need to hear it too.” They make their way to the dungeons, Harry knocks on the door.

Severus opens it and is surprised to see Potter and Malfoy, he raises his eyebrow at the clasped hands, “Yes?”

“Can we come in?” Harry realises he was still holding Draco’s hand, “Sorry. I have a story to tell.”

“Fine,” Severus lets them in, “What story might that be?”

Harry shows them the article, “So I was sent to the future.” He explains about the orb and meeting his older version.

Draco and Severus read the article, “Muggle registration act a success.” Draco looks up, “It says here that my father became Minister.”

Severus looks at Potter, “The future?”

“Yes,” Harry opens his shirt and shows Snape his scar, “You have the same.”

Severus’ eyes narrow, “How do you know that?”

“Because we are soulmates,” Harry sees the suspicion in Snape’s eyes, “Watch my memories.”

Severus takes out his wand, “May I?” Harry nods and Severus takes them. He places them in the pensive and together with his two students they dive in. They are ejected some time later, “I believe you.” Severus puts his hands on Harry’s shoulders, “The reason you remembered is because you brought something back with you from the future. Otherwise you would not have remembered.”

“I remember being angry and putting it in my pocket. I really didn’t like that Harry. He was bitter and cold hearted. I want to avoid becoming him.” Harry feels warmth spread through him as Snape touches him.

“You’re already here, that is a big change.” Draco looks between them, “I think you should kiss. If you are soulmates, a kiss should restart your bond.”

“Or we could have sex?” Harry blushes, “I wouldn’t mind that.” Harry frowns, “Wait! Why I am suddenly interested in my own gender?”

Severus raises an eyebrow, “I think we should talk to the goblins first. And I believe your older version gave you a magical purge.”

“I’ll tell Remus to meet us there,” Draco blushes, “We’ve been in contact, he’s been trying to help me and mother find a way to get away from my father.” He sighs, “I am not surprised my older self threw his lot in with them after the so called-good guys killed his lover.”

“I do hope you are not lovers yet,” Severus looks at Draco, “And I wish you would have come to me.”

“I don’t know if I could trust you,” Draco looks down, “Father made me believe you would side with him.”

“I have a role to play Draco,” he looks at Harry, “A role which made me bully and verbally abuse one of my students. I am sorry for that.”

“I know,” Harry takes a deep breath, “Can we go to Gringotts now?” The sooner this is done the better.


“You’ll have to bond. The sooner the better,” Griphook looks at the pair, “I am afraid the spell that was used on you, enabled Voldemort to create a living horcrux in you. Your soul was already weakened and couldn’t fight his soul piece off.”

“Oh,” Harry sags in his chair, “If the bond wasn’t broken..”

“Voldemort’s soul piece would have died in that room.

Remus puts a hand on Harry’s shoulder, “I am sorry.”

“Not your fault,” Harry looks at Griphook, “Sirius, can he be arrested for this?”

“We’ll have to check the laws,” Griphook hands Harry a ring, “Your Lordship ring. It will protect you against most spells and potions.”

Harry puts it on, he looks at Severus and blushes. This means they’ll have to have sex.

Remus clears his throat, “Who is Harry’s magical guardian?”

“You are.”

Remus curses.


Harry is waking up, he lets out a content sigh, “I can feel you staring at me.”

Severus looks at his bedmate, “You are a beautiful sight,” he kisses Harry’s neck, “How do you feel?”

“A bit sore but great,” Harry turns around, “You?”

“Sore,” he kisses Harry, “I can still feel you inside me.” He pushes their groins together and it doesn’t take long for them to climax and spill over each other, “How is your head?”

“Quiet,” Harry kisses Severus’ jaw, “I don’t feel this streak of anger running through me.” They got rid of his horcrux yesterday evening. It was a painful battle inside his mind but he and Sev beat Voldemort and destroyed the horcrux. Their souls were more powerful than Voldemort’s.

“I am glad,” Severus kisses the now faded scar, “The first task is next week. It’s dragons, you will have to retrieve an egg.” He wants Harry to win this and he will help him achieve victory.

“Do dragons speak parseltongue?” Harry wiggles closer to Severus, “Want to stay here. I feel exhausted.”

“I believe so, yes.” Severus kisses his ear, “It’s Sunday, so you can stay.”

“I will simply talk to them, if that doesn’t work, I’ll figure something out.” Harry kisses Severus’ chest when his stomach grumbles.

Severus gets up, “What are you going to do about Granger and Weasley?” He gets dressed and asks Dobby to bring them breakfast.

Harry smirks, “Hermione used a time turner last year. They are illegal. I am sure someone will do something with that information.”

“That is how she attended all the classes,” Severus smirks too, “She will be expelled for this. It is cheating and it states clearly in the Hogwarts charter that cheating means expulsion. I know you hate Lucius, but we will need his influence and power on this. He is back on the board of governors and he will make sure she pays for her actions.”

“Okay,” Harry gets up too, “Ron, I will wait until he approaches me.”

“By now, Draco has informed the others of your acceptance of friendship. You’ll find a safe place here.”

Harry kisses him, “Thank you.” He digs in, “Can we have sex again?”

“Have you finished your homework?”


“Then yes.”


Hermione is facing the board, she can’t believe she has to justify herself to them for being a good student, “You are just jealous that I am smarter than you and that I was able to take many classes last year and not fail any of them.”

“Miss Granger, we are here today because you cheated. You used a time turner to attend all your classes and that is cheating.” Lucius is loving this, “What assurances do we have that you did not go back in time and changed your homework after you got a bad mark or retook a test?”

“I would never!” Hermione is outraged, “You are prosecuting me because I am a muggleborn!”

“Spare me,” Augusta looks down at her, “This has nothing to do with your blood status. It says in the charter that using a time turner is considered cheating.”

“The headmaster gave it to me! I had permission and professor McGonagall knew too!” She isn’t in the wrong!

“Be that as it may but the headmaster had no permission from the Ministry to give you a time turner. Everything was done illegally.” Lucius' eyes gleam, “I vote for immediate expulsion from Hogwarts.”

“You can’t do that! I didn’t cheat!” Hermione turns to Lady Longbottom, “You can ask Neville how smart I am!”

“Speaking of my grandson, he told me it was you who stunned him in his first year. You never apologized for assaulting him!” Augusta sneers, “Do you think because you are a muggleborn the rules of our society don’t apply to you?”

“Miss Granger also illegally brewed polyjuice potion in her second year with ingredients she stole from Master Snape.” Lucius smirks, “The ghosts love to talk. Especially Myrtle.”

“I second the motion to have her expelled.” Lady Longbottom looks down at her, “And you are not as bright as you think you are. Books don’t have all the answers.”

“Now, now, now,” Albus gets up, “I am sure this is all a small misunderstanding. Hermione is the brightest witch of our age and I am sure we can clear this matter up. She didn’t use the time turner to cheat. Simply to attend more classes.” Albus has been silent until now, he will smooth this over.

“Which is cheating. Why should she have the means to better her education and not others? This just shows your bias,” Lord Greengrass shakes his head, “I am sure you wouldn’t have extended the same means to any other student from any other house.” He sees several nods, “And as it stands, you also had no permission.”

“I am sure the paperwork was just lost,” Albus' eyes twinkle, “Wouldn’t be the first time.” He will make sure it miraculously appears.

The doors burst open, Fudge enters with two Aurors, “Hermione Granger, you are under arrest for breaking out Sirius Black and facilitating his escape.” Fudge can’t believe his luck.

“Excuse me?” Albus wants to know why he wasn’t warned about this, “Miss Granger did no such thing!”

“We caught Sirius Black earlier this morning. We watched his memories and we saw Miss Granger breaking him out and he escaped on the hippogriff that was supposed to die.”

“Harry was there!” Hermione won’t go down alone for this!

“We know. We watched his memories and we saw how you forced him to use the time turner with you to go back in time.”

“Forced?” Hermione huffs, “We saved an innocent man!”

“We saw you use a compulsion on him. Mr Potter was not happy when he learned of that. He’s been wondering if you have used compulsion on him in the past.” Fudge is happy, “You’ll be in a cell next to Mr Black.” He looks at Albus, “We arrested Barty Crouch Jr this morning. Funny how the wards at Hogwarts did not alert you that an imposter was at the school. And Alastor is curious how you did not realise it was not him!”

Albus swallows hard.


“Father told me Albus has been trying to get Black released since it was the rat who killed those muggles and not him.” Draco sits down next to Harry, “My father is happy which is weird. He is rarely happy.”

“Sirius won’t ever be let free,” Harry hands him his homework to look over, “Fudge and Mme Bones know about the soulbond and what he and the others tried to do.”

“You got lucky, you know that, right?” Draco yawns, “Are you going to stay with uncle Sev tonight?”

“I know,” Harry puts his homework away, “Yes. We’re practicing spells for the task and then we’ll shag.”

Draco groans, “I don’t need to know that. But uncle Sev is happier since you started shagging. He smiles more.”

“Once you and Rem start shagging, you’ll be happier too.” Harry smirks and gets up, “Toodles.”


Harry is facing the dragon, “Hello. My name is Harry Snape. The golden egg is a fake and I am meant to retrieve it.”

The dragon regards Harry then takes a sniff, “You can take it. Your soulmate came to visit us. He was nice and fed us properly. He talked about you, he cares for you a great deal.”

“Thank you,” Harry approaches the egg and takes it, “Do you have a name?”


“I will come and visit before you leave, Glinda.” Harry walks back and holds the egg in the air. The Slytherins are clapping and cheering him on. He sees Ron approach him but turns his back on him and joins the Slytherins.

“That was easy,” Pansy and Daphne hoist him up on the shoulders, Pansy pats his knee, “I am still waiting for you to have your own army of snakes.”

Harry winks at Severus, “Don’t I already?”


Later that night, Ron approaches him in the Gryffindor common room, “That was mental.”

“Hm.” Harry goes over his homework, just because he is a champion, doesn’t mean he is exempt from doing his schoolwork.

“Must be mental to put your name into the goblet.” Ron fidgets, “You didn’t put your name in.”

“No. Something I’ve been telling you for weeks.”

“Well, sorry. We can be friends again and you can stop spending time with those evil snakes. Bet one of them put your name in it.” Ron smiles, “So, have you opened the egg?”

“Nope, I like my new friends. They certainly don’t accuse me of being an attention and glory whor*.” Harry gets up, “And they don’t want to be my friends to share my glory. That’s why you are here, aren’t you? Now that you saw me succeed and people cheering for me, you want to share in that.”

Ron opens and closes his mouth, Harry shakes his head and leaves. He has a potions master to shag.


Ron is jealous, Harry should have accepted him back! Instead Harry is hanging out with Neville, Seamus and Dean, not the mention those evil snakes. He approaches them and sits down.

Harry rolls his eyes, he gets up and the others do to and follow him. He looks back and sees Ron sitting alone in the Great Hall. He gets mad when he sees his brothers join Harry and his new friends.


Harry looks up from his homework, “I don’t want to go to the Yule Ball. I want to take you but I know I can’t.”

“I can give you a potion that makes you sick,” Severus gets up and massages Harry’s shoulders, “You would be bedridden for two days.”

“Yes.” Harry moans, “Feels good.”

“I will also give Draco the potion, Pansy has been after him.” Severus sees the tent in Harry’s trousers, “Bedroom.” He takes Harry’s hand in his, “And we could go together but it would lead to too many questions.”

Several hours later, they are lying naked in bed, “Do you regret that we didn’t have time to build a friendship first and had to have sex to complete the bond?”

“Do I wish that things had been different? I do,” Severus looks down at Harry, “I wish you were a bit older. It helps that you are legally considered an adult, but you are still only fourteen.” He kisses him, “Then again, what does it say about me that I didn’t fight this? That I took you to bed regardless?”

“Because it was necessary to defeat Voldemort before he became corporal,” Harry traces Severus’ soulmark, which is now visible again, “Blame those who tried to break our bond and hide it from us. If it weren’t for their meddling, I wouldn’t have your cum leaking out of me right now.”

Severus laughs, “I bet your parents didn’t imagine this for you when they did break the bond with Albus and Sirius’ help,” he leans down and kisses the rose mark on Harry’s skin. “I believe if they had fully succeeded, we both wouldn’t have had a scar. Something went wrong.” He kisses Harry’s throat, “And you love being full of me.” He nibbles on the underside of his jaw, “And it’s not like we only have sex. We have private dates, we talk. Couples stuff as you call it.”

“I was drawn to you,” Harry blushes, “I fought it, didn’t want to be drawn to you. I hated you.”

“It was the bond, whatever was left of it, trying to push us together. I thought it was because of my vow,” Severus cards his hand through Harry’s hair, “I want to kill your uncle and aunt.”

Harry is silent for a long time, “Is this because of what happened to the other Harry?”

“Yes and because it means that it would happen to you too if you were to go back this summer,” he tugs on Harry’s hair, “I am many things, murderer, torturer but there is a line I will never cross and that is rape.”

“Okay,” Harry takes a deep breath, “What about Dudley?”

“The state can take care of him,” Severus kisses him, “Thank you.”

“You know what you can do? To thank me?”


“Suck my co*ck.” Harry moans loudly when Severus swallows him whole.


“You made half the school sick,” Harry sits down next to his lover, “Ginny was complaining that she missed the dance.”

“It was not half the school. It was only a handful,” Severus hands Harry a potion, “Pepper-up. And Miss Weasley can complain all she wants, I did Mister Longbottom a favor. He even thanked me.”

“I heard Ron made a fool out of himself,” Harry snickers, “He tried to ask Fleur to dance with him but he stepped on her toes and when he took a step back he collided with Cedric who spilled his glass over Cho’s dress.”

“Hm,” Severus kisses the side of Harry’s head, “Albus and Minerva are not happy that you spent so much time with my snakes. She is going to talk to you.”

Harry groans, “Great.” He eyes the egg, “So, any idea how I can breath underwater for an hour?”

“Gillyweed but I suggest you use a bubble head charm. I will teach you.”

“When will we get a new DADA teacher?” Harry starts his homework, “Draco told me the board will hire one.”

“Soon,” Severus starts his work, “I am taking you out later. I found a nice place for a date.”

“I can’t wait until we can go out in public. I want to show you off,” Harry hums, “I wish we could help Narcissa.”

“Me too. At least Draco is safe here at Hogwarts.”


“You wanted to see me Professor?” Harry enters McGongall’s office and sits down.

“Yes. It has come to my attention that you are spending too much time with the Slytherins and shunning your house and friends.”

“You mean Ron came to you to complain that I have made friends with others who are not him and that he is unhappy.” Harry raises an eyebrow, “Funny that Neville, Lavender and the others don’t have a problem with me spending time with students from other houses. They even join me. Neville and Pansy have struck up a friendship.”

“Harry, you need to be careful. They are children of Death Eaters. After the mark was displayed at the World Cup, you need to be extra careful. They are only your friends because they want something from you. I care about you and you’re making a mistake.”

“Really? Now you suddenly care about my safety? And since when are children copies of their parents? And it was a house-elf who cast the dark mark. Something which I was almost framed for.” He takes a deep breath, “Are you forbidding me from being friends with them?”

Minerva nods, “I do. It’s for your own good. Ron is your true friend. After we lost Hermione, Ron needs you.”

“I see,” Harry gets up, “If that is all Professor?”

“You may go.”

Later that evening, Harry is ranting to Draco and Luna, “I can’t believe her.” Something in his mind clicks, “Wait, Luna, are you Draco’s sister?”



Draco chuckles and explains everything to Harry.


“Minerva McGonagall, who do you think you are, that you can forbid a student to make friends with other houses.” Lucius was appalled when Potter told him that.

“It’s for his own good,” Minerva glares at Lucius, “You can’t tell me that you don’t have an ulterior motive.”

“My son reached out to Harry on his own. I wasn’t even aware they were friends until the first task. I find it admirable that the students are looking for unity instead of strife, like it was in the past. Isn’t that what you’re preaching? You should be happy, but clearly you are not.” Lucius looks at her, “Mr Potter also told us how you turned him and the others down when they came to you to help in the first year.”

“My grandson also told me how you didn’t reprimand Granger for attacking him. Because it was an attack.” Augusta was surprised to learn what Minerva has been letting go or turning a blind eye to.

“She didn’t attack him,” Minerva looks at Augusta, “He was fine. Neville wasn’t injured.”

“But it was fine for three students to risk their lives because their teacher couldn’t be bothered to investigate and take them seriously?” Lucius eyes her coldly, “They could have died. And how about the fact that Ginny Weasley suffered no repercussions for her actions in her first year? She opened the chamber of secrets and let a monster lose. I know she was possessed but still, she should have told anyone about the diary. If I had known what it was, I never would have given it to her by accident.”

“Don’t waste your breath Lucius, Gryffindors can do no wrong. I vote for her to be removed from Hogwarts. She is clearly inept.”

“She is still a good teacher,” Lucius nods at Lord Greengrass, “I vote for her to be removed as head of house. I vote for Remus Lupin to be reinstated as DADA teacher and head of Gryffindor house. My son and his classmates told me he was an excellent teacher.”

“But he’s a werewolf!”

“Funny that you didn’t seem to have a problem with Albus hiring me last year but now you do.” Remus shows himself, “I would like to add that she turned a blind eye to the bullying James Potter and Sirius Black did back when we went to school. I also saw how unfair she was last year.” Remus tells them everything, “And I have a house-elf making sure I am taking my potion, if that is your concern.”

Everyone has left, Lucius is alone with Remus, “Let me make one thing clear, I don’t like you and if it were solely up to you would have been put down years ago. But I am giving you a job because I was telling the truth, the students all said you were the best DADA teacher they had.” He leans closer, “One toe out of line and you’re done.”

“I just want to do my job,” Remus nods at Lucius, “Good day.” He knows that Lucius will ask Draco to keep tabs on him. They are lucky that Lucius hasn’t figured out yet that Draco and Narcissa have been trying to get away from him.


“I’m glad Draco was the one I had to save,” Harry lies down on the couch, “I would have left Ron there.”

“I am glad it wasn’t me,” Severus runs a hand up and down Harry’s back, “That would have led to some questions we are not ready to answer yet.” He kisses his shoulder, “I am proud of you.”

“Can I tell Remus? About the thing?” Harry loves those moments between them.

“I believe he suspects. It is best if we tell him together.” Severus kisses him, “When do you want to reveal that Voldemort is dead?”

“When Dumbledore makes noise that he will be back or is back,” Harry sighs, “What happened to Pettigrew?”

“I made sure he was stuck in his rat form and let him loose in a zoo. He was trampled by a rhinoceros.” Severus puts up some wards to make sure they are not disturbed, “I bought a beanie for Dobby as a thank you for catching the rat.”

“He’s gonna cry.” Dobby always cries when he receives gifts.

“I have no doubt.”



“Can I f*ck you?”

“Thought you’d never ask.” Severus walks to their bedroom, shedding his clothes along the way.


Ron is hitting Draco, “You did something to him, you slimy snake!” He punches Draco in the face, breaking his nose, he kicks him in the stomach, breaking his ribs. He stomps on Draco’s face, breaking his jaw, “Harry never would turn his back on me! You put him under some spell!” He kicks Draco again, “I hate you, you Death Eater scum.” He kicks him in the head, “You should die!” He goes to kick him again when he is frozen.

Remus is furious, he kneels down and checks on Draco, he curses when he realizes Draco’s been rendered immobile, preventing him from fighting back.

Poppy kneels down next to him and runs a scan, “We need to get him to St. Mungos. He has a punctured lung and a cracked skull.” She still doesn’t know how she got here.

Remus looks at Ron, “Five hundred points from Gryffindor and you are hereby suspended. If it was within my power to expel you, I would” He looks at Dobby, “Inform Severus and Lucius what happened.” Remus and Poppy stabilize Draco and take him to the hospital.

Lucius is looking down at his son an hour later, “I am going to press charges against Ron Weasley.”

“You can have my memories.” Remus is still mad, “Draco was waiting for me when he was attacked. He was going to hand me the papers you sent for me. Dobby came to get me.”

“That seems so inconsequential now,” Lucius nods when Narcissa enters, “Good, you’re here. I will be heading to the Ministry.”

Narcissa waits until Lucius is gone, she turns to Lupin, “How bad is it, Remus?”

“Punctured lung, broken and bruised ribs, broken jaw, broken nose, bruises and some mild internal bleeding. He also has a concussion and a cracked skull.” Remus looks gravely at her, “Ron used immobulus on him before he attacked. Draco was defenseless. ”

“Lucius is going to demand the kiss.” She looks at the wolf, “And how are you?”

“Mad, I wanted to kill Ron.” Remus sighs, “I hate that we still need Lucius. The whole time we were here he was talking about dealing with Ron and the Weasleys. He never once asked how Draco was or if he was fine.”

“That sadly is how it always has been. Lucius is proud of Draco for befriending Harry. All he sees is the potential to use Harry in the future. Not once did it enter his mind that Draco genuinely wants to be friends with Harry.” Narcissa winces when she sits down, “I am fine, Remus.”

“I will need to read the Black books, maybe there is something in there to help both of you.” He hands her a salve, “I was going to have Dobby bring you this. Severus made it.”

“Thank you,” she squeezes his hand, “I can take whatever Lucius does to me.”

“You shouldn’t have to,” Remus kisses Draco’s hand, “If I ever catch Lucius hitting you or Draco, I’ll kill him.”


Albus is furious, Ron was expelled and is now in Azkaban for attempted murder. Lucius wanted the kiss but Ron got fifty years instead. Minerva was forced to retire when students came forth with more complaints about her and when Lucius learned that she overheard Ron making threats and did nothing, he pressed charges against her. Hermione’s gone too, she’s been expelled from the magical world and had her memories erased and magic bound. Luckily Albus was able to talk his way out of charges against him. Worse, Harry is friendly with those snakes. Severus told him there are no ulterior motives. Albus doesn't believe this. He would use Ginny but he will wait to use her for now. He wants to wait until Voldemort is back. Ginny can comfort Harry when the time is right. He needs to contact Molly to knit Harry another jumper or send him some biscuits. Harry needs to be on their side again.


“Molly has been arrested for dosing her biscuits with compulsion and obedience potions,” Severus sits down, “Lucius made sure they raided the Burrow. They found many potions, some of them illegal. Molly is going away for a long time.”

“Good,” Harry walks over to him and straddles him, “Arthur?”

“In trouble for the experiments he did on the muggle objects. One blew up and coated an Auror in acid.” He kisses Harry softly, “Once we have no more use for Lucius, we’ll get rid of him.”

Harry nods and rests his head on Sev’s shoulder, “The third task is in two weeks.”

“Barty is dead, the real Moody killed him after Barty tried to escape during his trial. The cup won’t be a portkey this time. I asked Dobby to put some protective spells on it. Fudge agreed with me that the winner gets brought to the start of the maze by a house-elf, after they touch the cup.”

“What do you think Dumbledore is going to do when nothing happens?”

“I don’t know.” Severus kisses Harry’s neck, “He can’t reveal that he knows about horcruxes now or he will have to admit he knew all along that Tom was going to be back.

“Can we get him for sending me back to be abused?”

“We could, but that would mean you would have to go to him and ask him to remain here. And if he denies your request and sends you back, it would mean you would actually have to go back. Your case works best with new memories and the old memories would back up your claims.”

“I think we should do that.”

“You know what happened to the other Harry.” Severus is scared that his lover will suffer the same fate.

“I’ll take Dobby with me.”

“I don’t like this.” Severus hugs him tightly, “I have a bad feeling about all this.”

“I’ll be fine,” Harry gets rid of their clothes, “f*ck me.”


“You won,” Draco looks at the cup, “You actually won.”

“Yep,” Harry looks at the money, “I’ll give this to the twins. They can use it to open their shop.”

Albus intercepts Harry on his way back, “Well done my boy,” he is confused and mad. Harry was supposed to bring Voldemort back but nothing of the sort happened. “I am sorry that you lost your friends this year.”

“I realised they weren’t my real friends, Sir.” Harry looks him into the eyes, his shields intact, “Hermione was just bossing me around and getting me to do stuff she wanted me to do and Ron was only my friend because he wanted to be associated with Harry Potter the savior and share my spotlight. They both thought being with me would open doors for them.”

“I am sure that was not the case,” Albus’ eyes twinkle, “Can you honestly tell me Malfoy isn’t your friend because you can be useful to him?”

“Yes.” Harry hears his name being called, “Excuse me Sir.”

Remus hugs Harry, “Well done.” He knew Harry and Severus were in a relationship but they both surprised him when they told him they got married. He suspected one of them was pregnant, luckily that is not the case.

Later that night, Draco climbs under the covers, “I am not ready to have sex.”

“We’re just cuddling,” Remus pulls Draco close, “Unlike Severus, I do have a problem with bedding a fourteen year old.”

“Has anyone told Black that their broken bond has been fixed?”

“No,” Remus chuckles, “Someone should at some point.”


Severus is pacing his home at Spinner’s End, Harry’s been with the Dursleys for a week and so far nothing happened. He hopes his worst fears don’t come true. He decided to go to his lab and brew. Several hours later he hears a crash and Harry’s voice. He quickly returns upstairs, he quickly closes the distance between him and Harry. He kneels down and sees Harry naked, “What happened?”

Harry is crying, “Petunia, she put some sleeping pills in my food. I woke up naked and Vernon was in my room. He hit me with his belt, then he pulled down his trousers, he was hard. He told me he had been waiting a long time for this. He said he finally had permission. That’s when Dobby brought me here.”

“I knew it.” Severus puts his robes around Harry, “I knew this was a bad idea.” He picks him up, “I am sorry but I have to take you to St. Mungos like this.” He kisses Harry’s temple, “We want this done by the book. Afterwards I will kill your aunt and uncle.”

“Sev?” Harry’s voice is small, “Do you think Dumbledore gave him permission?” Severus’ silence speaks volumes.


Fudge has personally been handling Harry’s case, he has made sure Albus can’t weasel his way out of this one. And if he does, Fudge knows which people to arrest as conspirators. He looks at Mme Bones, “Ready?”

She nods, “Yes.” She walks into Hogwarts and enters the Great Hall, “Albus Dumbledore, you are under arrest for child neglect.” They will address the other charges later.

“I am sure this is just a small misunderstanding,” Albus gets up, he will humor them, “Let’s talk in my office.”

“I am afraid this is not a simple matter,” Fudge smirks at him, “After the recent revelations it was agreed that you are no longer fit to be headmaster.” He looks at Pomona, “Professor Sprout, you are acting headmistress.”

Albus is fuming but he swallows his anger, “I am sure we can clear this up in no time.” He follows them to the Ministry. He declines to call his lawyer and sits down. His face blanches when he is read all the charges. His face turns gray when he is confronted with the evidence.

Fudge is loving this, “As you can see, there is no small misunderstanding.”

“I would like to talk to my lawyer.” Albus needs to call in some favors. Luckily a lot of people owe him.


Severus kisses Harry, “I’ll be back later.”

Harry nods, “Don’t get caught.”

“I won’t.” Severus makes his way to Private Drive, he silently enters the residence. He made sure that Dudley is away tonight. He makes his way up to the bedroom, Vernon and Petunia are lucky, their laws don’t extend to the muggle world, or they would be in Azkaban. He enters their bedroom, he has something special in mind. He will make them suffer the same pain Harry suffered and the pain will drive them to madness until they take their own lives. He quickly casts the spells and returns downstairs. He takes out a muggle camera and takes pictures of where Harry used to sleep. He will make sure those pictures find their way to Fudge and Mme Bones.

Harry is awake, he hears Severus enter, “That was quick.”

“Didn’t want to waste too much time on them,” Severus joins Harry in bed, “Do you want to know?” At Harry’s nod, he tells him, “I also left some evidence for social services to find. Dudley will be taken away from them.”

“You’re wicked,” Harry kisses him, “Have your wicked way with me.”

“I want to ride you,” Severus casts the spells, “I love riding you.”


Severus is reading a letter Lucius sent him, “Albus called in favors and those who tried to cover this up all have been arrested and have been sentenced to Azkaban, along with Albus.” He keeps reading and laughs, “Fudge was caught in the net. The fact that Sirius never got a real trial was brought up and that Fudge ignored everything Barty was doing. He was removed as Minister and also in Azkaban for corruption.”

“Great.” Harry hugs him from behind, “What else?” He hated working with Fudge for the past year. But it was necessary to bring several people down.

“Kingsley and Moody got the kiss, they murdered a lot of people in cold blood. Albus will be pushed through the veil of death tomorrow. Mme Bones is now Minister.” He turns his head and pecks Harry’s lips, “They had enough evidence, your case wasn’t even brought up. I asked Dobby to burn everything concerning you.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


“My father wants to be Minister,” Draco is pacing, “We can’t let that happen. He’s been talking to a woman called Umbridge. She came to the Manor, she gives me the creeps.”

“He won’t,” Remus wraps his arms around Draco, “We don’t need Lucius anymore. Severus is going to kill him.”

“I should feel bad but then I look at the scars on my back and how often my mother has to hide her bruises and I wish he was dead a long time ago.” Draco sighs, “I wish our laws were not so outdated or mother could have left him years ago.”

“Soon, you’ll be free.” Remus kisses his cheek, “I want to suck your co*ck.”

“Yes.” Ever since Draco turned sixteen, he and Remus have been having sex. And Harry was right, he is happier since he gets regularly shagged.


Ginny is following Harry, she hasn’t given up on their plan of her being Lady Potter. She had to keep her head down for a while. Once she is, she will use Harry’s money and power to get her brother and mother out of Azkaban. She hates that they have to live with Aunt Muriel but they lost their home because of their father. She sees him walk into a greenhouse and follows him. Once she is inside though, she can’t see him. She frowns and leaves.

Harry removes his cloak, he hoped Ginny would not become a problem but seems he was wrong. He waits ten minutes and walks back. Luck is not on his side and Ginny runs into him.

“Hey Harry,” she has to work fast, “How about you help me with my homework,” she whispers, “I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Sorry, but I have a date.” Harry sees the flash of anger in her eyes, “My partner doesn’t like it when I am late.”

“Malfoy? Are you dating him?” It would explain why he spends so much time with the blonde git.

Harry laughs, “No. He is not my type. I am not into blondes, besides he’s seeing someone too..”

“Whoever it is. I'm sure they don't appreciate you.”

“He appreciates me very much. He does those small things to show me how much he loves me.” Harry stage-whispers, “He knows how to please me.”

Ginny reels back, “You’re gay!”


“You cannot be!” She will change that. She wishes Hermione was still here, she would know where to look. Ginny just has to hit the books on her own.

“I am.” Harry raises an eyebrow, “What is it to you anyway? I barely know you.” Luckily he sees Luna and quickly joins her.


“You’re head of the Malfoy family now,” Remus runs a hand over Draco’s back. Lucius finally met his demise. It was Severus’ birthday gift to Draco.

“Hm, mother wants to remodel and redecorate Malfoy Manor. I am letting her have free reign. She also has plans for the gardens. She wants to have fountains in the front yard.” He lets out a content sigh, “Everyone expects me to be like him. Lord Parkinson already approached me about joining his cause. And that Umbridge woman also contacted me and wants me to push forward the muggle registration act.”

“Wasn’t she the one who tortured students in the other timeline,” Remus wraps his arms around Draco, “I think she is on Severus’ list.”

“I can take her down,” Draco hums, “She was bragging to me about how she killed her mudblood mother. She also gave me a list of her plans.”

“You should talk to Amelia,” Remus inhales Draco’s scent, “Whatever happened to Rita?”

Draco chuckles, “Severus used her as potion ingredients. After the article she printed after Harry won the chess tournament, he paid her a visit.” He wiggles his but, “I am pretty sure, he is waiting for Ginny to do something so he can kill her.”

“She’s been too quiet. There is no doubt she told Rita those lies.” Remus kisses Draco’s cheek, “I think she expected everyone to turn against him by revealing he was gay.” After Harry won the tournament, an article appeared in the newspaper that Harry was a mini dark lord and that he used his dark powers to cheat in the tournament, and that he was a dark lord because he was gay. Severus recognized Ginny’s wording in all the quotes, supposedly given by students. Harry also sued the daylights out of the Prophet.

“Fat chance. Everyone with a brain knows Harry isn’t a dark lord..” Draco opens his legs, “Your lord wants your co*ck.”

Remus snorts, “My lord is so demanding,” and swiftly enters him.


Ginny has a plan, she has been observing and making notes for the past few months. She knows that Harry is protected against most spells but what he is not protected against is muggle means. She plans to get him drunk, f*ck him, fall pregnant with his child and force him to marry her to avoid a scandal. She used her charms on a muggle boy to get alcohol. Now she just needs to get Harry alone. Ginny looks at Tonks, “Any luck with Remus?”

“I haven’t talked to him,” Tonks has a crush on the wolf, “I’ve been busy learning the ropes. Let me tell you, being a teacher is not that easy. There are a lot of rules.” She quit her job as an Auror when Kingsley was arrested and traveled around the world before accepting a teaching position.

“Just bump into him or ask him to help you.”

“You might be onto something.”


“This would be easier if you take notes,” Remus looks at Tonks, “I did that at the beginning.”

“Right,” Tonks starts to write down a few things, “I don’t know what I should let go or not. I mean when two students are having a tiff.”

“You have to go with your gut,” he hands her a list, “Those are the students you need to look out for.”

She takes it and reads it, “Seamus?”

“He has pyromaniac tendencies.”

“Gotcha,” she studies him, “So, I went over the charter. There is nothing against two professors dating.”

“I know. Pomona is dating Septima.”



“Cool,” she moves closer to him, “I’m gonna be honest with you. I have a crush on you and I want to date you.”

“I am flattered but I am seeing someone.”

“Oh,” she deflates, “Is it serious?”

“Yes.” Remus needs to talk to Harry about Tonks.


Ginny groans, her head is pounding. She only remembers following Harry to an empty classroom. She feels a hard body against her back and smiles. She feels something poking her backside and pushes back. She feels hands on her body and soon she is filled and moans in ecstacy. She hears grunts behind her and soon she feels warm liquid fill her. She turns around, her eyes still closed and accepts the kiss.

“You’re a good f*ck, Weasley.”

Ginny opens her eyes, she darts away and lands on the floor, “McLaggen?”

“Yes. Who else did you think I was? If I had known you wanted me, I would have shagged you a long time ago.” He looks down at her, “You’re a real slu*t you know that?”

“I don’t want you!” She winces when she moves, “What did you do to me?”

“f*cked your ass, you were begging for it. You give good head,” he gets up, “You were the one who jumped me.” His co*ck is hard again, “You were the one who told me alcohol would make the sex better.”

“This is all wrong!” Ginny gets up and gets tangled in the sheets and falls down.

He gets behind, “Do you want it? You sure are wet for me.”

Ginny needs to figure out what happened, might as well enjoy this while she does.


Tonks is stalking Remus, she won’t give up on him. She asked Sybill to read her future and Sybill told her she and Remus are meant to be. She needs to figure out who he is dating and show him, she is the better option. She sees him drop something and rushes towards him, “Let me help.”

“Oh, thanks.” Remus takes out his wand and gathers his papers, “Mock test for my class.”

“That’s a good idea.” Both are still kneeling, Tonks is so close, she can smell Remus’ earthy scent. If she would lean forward she would kiss him.

Remus sees her eyeing his lips, he gets up, “I heard your mother and Narcissa made up.”

“Yes,” she gets up too, “How did you know?”

“Draco told me,” Remus takes his papers from her, “Sorry I have to go.” He wonders if she noticed the ring on his finger.


Harry is laughing, “Ginny is pregnant with McLaggen’s love child.” He is wiping away some tears, “They had a huge fight in the common room. McLaggen accused her of trying to trap him. In her anger, she let it slip that it was supposed to me. Neville and Remus overheard. Ginny’s been suspended and Neville’s gran contacted me and urged me to file charges against Ginny.”

“So I can’t kill her?” Severus hands Harry a glass of firewhiskey, “I think she will see this only as a setback.”

“You can kill her after she’s given birth. Fred wrote to me, Arthur wants her to have the baby.” Harry empties his glass, “I want to visit Sirius after I’ve graduated. I want you to come with me.”

Severus raises an eyebrow, “Why?”

“To show him he failed.” Harry gets up and kisses him, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Severus runs his hand over Harry’s ass, “I’ll do it. But afterwards I get to tie you up and you’ll beg me to f*ck you.”

Harry moans.


Tonks looks around the redecorated Malfoy Manor, “I like what you’ve done with the place.”

“Thank you,” Narcissa leads Tonks to the family room, “Lucius always wanted to have dinner in the dining room at the long table. I prefer this. It’s more intimate.”

Tonks greets her cousin, “Hey Draco.”

“Tonks,” Draco keeps talking to Ted, “What is the best car to buy?”

“Depends on what you want.” Ted was surprised when Draco reached out to him last year. “If you want to show off your wealth, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Porsche. If you want something practical, a sedan.”

“I have enough money and I can afford multiple cars. Is BMW a good brand?”

“Yes,” Ted chuckles, “I myself drive a Ford.”

“Can you go with me when I go buy a car?”

“Sure,” Ted at first was wary about his wife reconnecting with Narcissa and Draco, but he’s been pleasantly surprised.

Harry and Severus enter the room, “Sorry, we’re late. Dobby was in hysterics.”

“Where is he? I told you to bring him with you.” Narcissa greets them, “You’re not late.”

“He and Kreacher will be here soon,” Severus nods at Tonks and goes to join Ted and Draco.

Several minutes later Remus joins them, Tonk’s face lights up. She was happy when her mother told her Remus would be attending. Soon after they are having dinner. Tonks’ belly is full, she looks at Remus who’s in a deep conversation with Narcissa. Narcissa laughs at something and touches Remus’ arm. Jealousy flares through her, has Remus been seeing Narcissa this whole time?

Harry gets up, “Presents.” He hands his to Severus, “I hope you’ll like it.”

Severus opens it, he gasps, “A first edition of Morgana LeFye potions book.” He opens the first page and reads, “It was said this book was lost, This has her notes.” He puts the book down and pulls Harry in for a deep kiss, “I love you, you mad creature.”

Harry opens his and laughs, “Muggle eye surgery?” He kisses Severus, “I love you.” Harry explains it to the others, “I’ve always been pushing it off.”

Narcissa opens her presents and thanks them.

Draco hands Remus a box, “Open it.”

Remus removes some keys, “I don’t understand,” he sees something else and removes a miniature bike.

“I bought you a Harley Davidson, it’s in the garage.” Draco blushes, “I also bought you a helmet, jacket, gloves and whatnot.”

Remus drags Draco into his lap and kisses him hard, “It’s great.” He kisses him again, “I love you.” He hands Draco an envelope.

Draco opens it, he reads it and tears well in his eyes, “I love you so much.” He wraps his arms around Remus’ neck and kisses him, “You’re the best.”

Narcissa picks up the dropped paper, “You adopted a tiger?”

“It’s the tiger cup I saved on our safari.” Draco kisses Remus’ cheek.

Tonks feels like someone punched her in the gut, Remus and Draco are dating? She almost misses what Narcissa says next. Tonks has to fight back tears, Draco and Remus are married. All her hopes were for naught. But Sybill saw her future with Remus. What does it mean?


“Ginny is dead,” Harry enters their rooms, “She tried to abort the baby herself and killed herself and the child.”

“Poor child to have such a braindead woozy as a mother.” Severus joins his husband on the couch, “Remus and Draco are worried about Tonks.”

“Luna is handling it.”


Tonks can’t believe what just happened. Sybill was exposed as a fake seer by a real seer, Luna Lovegood. The prophecy was forced by Molly Weasley and Albus Dumbledore. Everything Sybill ever predicted was horsesh*t. Tonks has put all her hopes and believes that she and Remus were meant to be but they are not. But Tonks still has feelings for Remus and they just keep growing. She decides to go out this evening and bury her sorrows in a nameless guy.


“Harry?” Sirius is looking at his godson. He’s grown up a lot since he last saw him.

“Hello Sirius.” Harry takes a step closer and shows Sirius his soulmark.

Sirius cries, “NO!”

“Yes,” Severus takes a stand next to Harry and shows his own mark.

“I’ll kill you,” Sirius tries to reach Severus through the bars, “You bastard! We broke the bond to save Harry!”

Harry lets out a bitter laugh, “Save me? You did it because you hated Severus more than you loved me!” Harry shows him the memories of his older self, “If I hadn’t traveled to the future, this would have been me! Voldemort would have won! You were ready to doom the world!”

“Lies.” Sirius spits at Severus, “You must be happy to have married into money!”

“Shows how little you know. I made a fortune selling potions. I never needed the Potter money.” Severus sneers at Sirius, “Thanks to our bond, Harry never had to face Voldemort. We killed him and destroyed all his horcruxes before Harry’s first task.”

“All the others who were in on it, are dead too. You’re the only one who’s still alive.” Harry leans closer, “Because of your actions, Severus and I had to have sex to bond and repair it. Because of you, Severus had to have sex with a fourteen year old.”

“NO!” Sirius is raging, “I’ll kill you, you’re f*cking scum!”

“You’ll never get out. The whole world knows what you, Lily, James and Albus did and failed to do.” Severus smirks at the mutt, “Harry wanted to come visit you after his graduation but we decided to travel the world and well, then we found out I was pregnant and we were delayed. Our child is two now and we thought we’d share the good news that Harry is expecting our second child, with you.”


Harry Potter and the Multiverse - Chapter 29 - andromeda543 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.