Harry Potter and the Multiverse - Chapter 25 - andromeda543 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Draco is working on the vanishing cabinet when suddenly it bursts open and two people stumble out. He quickly takes a step back and takes out his wand. He doesn’t recognize those men, “Who are you?”

The taller one with the stubble, brown hair and brown eyes answers him,“I am Eliot and this is Quentin. Who are you? Where are we? When are we?”

Draco keeps his wand raised, “I am Draco Malfoy, you are at Hogwarts and it’s March 1997.” He looks at the smaller man who also has brown hair and eyes, but unlike the other, he is clean shaven.

“Hogwarts?” Quentin grabs Eliot’s arm, “We are at Hogwarts! It’s real just like Fillory.” Excitement runs through him, “I can’t believe it!”

“I know, Baby Q,” Eliot looks at Draco, “Don’t freak out but I am going to see if my magic works here.” Eliot does a simple spell with his hands, “Still works.”

“What did you do? Draco is intrigued, “Don’t you need a wand?”

“I checked if Q was human and we do magic with our hands. It’s really complicated. Honestly, using a wand would be so much easier.” Eliot looks around, “Room of Requirement?”

“Yeah, I had trouble learning some spells,” Q looks behind him, “The vanishing cabinet! You must be trying to get it to work to get the Death Eaters into the school.”

Draco snorts, “It’s working. It's been working for years. I’ve been trying to get it to send someone back in time. And the school is run by Death Eaters.” He shows them his mark, “I am one. And we are in the chamber of secrets.”

Q frowns, “Wait, so you don’t have to kill Dumbledore to prove your worth to Voldemort?” He takes a closer look around and sees a basilisk sleeping behind Draco.

Draco is confused, “No. Albus Dumbledore is a wanted man. He has been in hiding for over a decade. He and his order. And who is Voldemort?”

“Babe, I think the books were wrong.” Eliot laughs, “So, in our world there is a book series called, Harry Potter, it describes Harry’s life at school and his fight against Voldemort.”

Draco looks amused, “You best follow me.” They will be in for a surprise.

They are following him, Quentin is taking everything in, “You have electricity?”

“Yes, we are not in the stone age anymore. It’s so much easier than using candles.” Draco leads them to the headmaster’s office. He knocks and enters, “They fell out of the cabinet.”

“Hello,” Tom gets up and holds out his hand, “Tom Black, I am the headmaster. And you are?”

“Eliot and Quentin Coldwater. We are from another world.” Eliot looks around the office, he sees a phoenix sitting on the window still.

“They told me they have books in their world,” Draco chuckles, “Called, Harry Potter.”

“There are seven books,” Quentin sits down, “In the books Albus Dumbledore is headmaster until his death. Then Severus Snape takes over and after his death Minerva McGonagall is headmistress.”

“But we realise that things are different here,” Eliot also sits down.

“Fascinating,” Tom looks at them, “Do you mind if I run some scans? I want to make sure you are who you are.” After he has their permission he does and they come back clean, “All is on order. You are not from here. Your magic is different.” He puts his wand away, “I suggest we have a meeting tomorrow and you can tell us more about those books.” He gets up, “You will find the reality here a stark contrast to what you know.” He calls Kreacher, “Show our guests to a room,” he looks at them, “One or two beds?”

“One, Q and I are married, hence the same last name. Is the room soundproof? We tend to get loud.” Eliot looks at Q, “There is no chance in hell that I’ll pass up the opportunity to f*ck you at Hogwarts.”

Tom chuckles, “Yes, all the rooms are. They are monitored though in case there is an intruder or medical emergency.”

“Before we go, can we put on the hat?” Quentin bounces on his feet, “I am curious if the test on Pottermore is right.”

“Sure,” Tom takes the hat and puts it on Quentin’s head.

“Curious. Your magic is different from ours yet also the same. There is darkness in you but a lot of bravery too. You doubt yourself and think you are not good enough and surprise yourself with your power and knowledge. Hmm, you want to prove yourself to others, hmm, better be in Gryffindor.”

“No surprise there, baby Q,” Eliot kisses his cheek, “Let’s see.”

“Hm, you would do well in Slytherin, you are cunning yet you are also brave and loyal. There is a thirst for knowledge in you. You would do well in Ravenclaw. Hmm, better be Gryffindor.”

“Did you put me in the same house as Q because we are soulmates?” Eliot wraps his arms around his husband, “Do soulmates exist in this world?”

The hat chuckles, “Partly yes, but also you would do well in Gryffindor. You are both heroes in your own right.”

“Soulmates exist in this world, I am happy to hear they exist somewhere else too,” Tom bids them goodnight, “We’ll talk more tomorrow.” He goes home and tells his husband about their visitors.


“I can’t believe we are in the Great Hall,” Quentin looks around, “Where is everyone?”

“Classes, it’s ten past eight,” Tom leads them to the antechamber, “I informed the students that we have guests. Some will have questions.” They all sit down, “The meeting will take place after lunch until then I want you to remain here. You can explore the castle, Kreacher will be your guide.”

“Sure,” Eliot gets up and pulls Quentin with him, “I want to see the greenhouse.”

“You just want to see if they are growing weed here.” Quentin looks down at Kreacher, “Where is the best way to start?”

“Astronomy tower, it’s empty.” Kreacher grabs their hands and brings them there.

“The view is nice,” Quentin looks at the Great Lake, “Is it allowed to swim in there?”

“Not at the moment, Giant Squid had baby.” Kreacher leads them through the castle, “Forbidden Forest is also closed. Nasty spiders in there.”

Eliot watches Q take everything in and he falls even more in love with him.


Tom looks at the assembled, “Eliot and Quentin Coldwater. They are from another world, they stumbled out of the vanishing cabinet yesterday.”

“I was working on it when they were suddenly just there,” Draco rubs his chin, “I checked my work. I didn’t do anything unusual.”

“Hi, Charlie Black, was there a vanishing cabinet where you were?” His first thought was they were sent by Albus but Tom assured them they were who they said they were.”

“Nope,” Eliot huffs, “We believe Ember was up to his usual tricks again. Ember is a God in our and he loves to play pranks on us. Never anything harmful though.”

“Surprising yes, harmful not.” Quentin looks fondly at Eliot, “We have a daughter, Jane. When we got married Ember asked us if we wanted kids, we said yes and nine months later our daughter was born. Was his wedding present.”

“How old are you? Sorry, I’m Daphne Zabini.”

“I am twenty-eight and Q is twenty-five, Jane is not our only child. We have twins, Emma and Ted,” Eliot takes out his phone and shows them pictures, “And we have a dog, Fillory. I tried to call them but it seems interdemential calls do not work.”

Suddenly a bunny appears in the room, “Eliot, Q. Where the f*ck are you? Jane called me when Ember told her, you were gone on an important trip. Ted and Josh are with the kids right now. You better be alive or I will bring you back and kill you! I am too young to raise your kids!

Eliot chuckles, “Can’t believe this found us here.” He grabs the bunny, “Hey,Bambi. We are at Hogwarts, Q is fangirling so much and it is adorbs. We thought that Ember brought us here and I am sure he will bring us back when he feels like it. Give them our love and tell them daddy and papa miss them.”

“Talking bunnies?” Tom laughs, “Before we continue, I should introduce the rest. You already met Draco, he is our potions teacher and he is studying alchemy, he is sitting next to his husband Remus Lupin, our transfiguration teacher. Next to him is my husband Regulus Black, he is the Chief Warlock. On the other loveseat we have Bellatrix Black, she is our DADA teacher, she is married to Charlie, he is our history teacher, and yes, he took the Black name. Next to Daphne, who is an Auror, is Luna Black, our daughter, we adopted her.” He smirks, “Then we have the person you know as Harry Potter.”

Harry makes gagging noises, “I hate that name. I am Harry Black, next to me is my husband Severus Black. The Potters dried to forcefully blood adopt me. It backfired on them and they died.”

“I took Harry’s last name, my family the Princes sided with Albus and I wanted nothing to do with them.”

“Reggie and I are Harry’s parents.” Tom chuckles at the look on their faces.

“So not like in the books, you are also older.” Quentin is fascinated, “In the books, Reggie is dead, Tom is a madman and Harry is the hero and Severus is the anti-hero.”

“Tell us. We are hoping to learn something that might help us locate Albus.” Narcissa wants to find the man and have him jailed, “I am Minister Narcissa Black.”

“Not Malfoy?”

“I am not allowed to use the Malfoy name in a position of power since I only married into the family and was not born a Malfoy.” She huffs in disgust, “Even then I would still not be allowed to be in a position of power. The Malfoys are a patriarchy. The Black name gives me more opportunities and freedom.”

“Where is Lucius,” Quentin hasn’t seen him yet.

“We do not know.”

“Let me try something,” Eliot looks up, “Ember, can we have our Harry Potter copies, please.” Two sets of books appear in the room, “Thank you. Oh and the box set too.” He hands the first book to Harry, “I have to say, you do look like your movie version. You all kinda do. Except Severus, he looks younger.”

“I suggest reading the books first, the movies don’t have everything and are not a hundred percent accurate.” Quentin looks at Harry, “You also don’t have a scar on your forehead.”

“I have a scar on my calf from a Quidditch accident,” he hands a book to Severus, “I don’t want to read them, you can give me a summary later.”

“Then you can take Eliot and Quentin to Hogsmeade. I am sure they want to see more than just Hogwarts.” Tom hands his son a list, “And go to Diagon Alley, I need a few things.”

“Sure,” Harry kisses Severus and gets up, “If you want anything, I will pay for your stuff. I have enough money.”

“I am not sure if we can take stuff back with us,” Eliot gets up when his phone rings, “Oh, it finally works.” He sees that Jane is calling him, “Hold on, I’ll put you on speaker.”

“Daddy? Papa? When are you coming home?”

“Hey sweetling, I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Ember. He brought us here.” Quentin moves closer to Eliot, “Are you okay? How are Emma and Ted?”

“Yeah, I just miss you. You weren’t there to read me a story. They miss you too. They slept in my bed, uncle Josh put a spell around my bed, so they wouldn’t fall out…Aunt Margo wants to talk to you. Love you.”

“We love you too.”

“Hey, dipsh*ts, Ember said you’ll be back when you complete your task.”

“I wasn’t aware we had a task,” Eliot sighs, “Well I hope it won’t be too long. How are the twins?”

“Cranky and doing what toddlers do.”

“Is dad there?”

“He is in Fillory with Penny, they’re asking our friends if they know why Ember sent you to another world.” There is crying in the background, “Have to go, call later.”

Eliot pockets his phone, “So it seems we are here to help you.” He looks up, “What is the task?” Nothing, Eliot sighs.

“I think Ember brought us here to help you find Albus and his order,” Quentin looks at Regulus, “Does Grimmauld Place exist?”

“Yeah, it’s an orphanage. I turned it into one after my mother died. We live in Slytherin Manor. Tom is his heir, I am the Gryffindor heir, Bellatrix is the Hufflepuff heir and Narcissa is the Ravenclaw heir.”

“We asked Kreacher to give us a rundown of the history of this world. You booted Albus out of Hogwarts and exposed him for the Dark Lord that he is.” Eliot points at the mark, “He told us this is a protection mark.”

“Yes, the mark is called “Death Eater.” Hence why we are called that,” Tom strokes it, “It saved our lives many times in the past.” He gets up, “How about we read the books compare notes later?”

The group breaks up.


“So Harry, do you like treacle tart?” Quentin asks him as they enter Honeydukes.

“Yeah, I love it. “ He grabs a basket, “Get whatever you want. Keep an eye out for cinnamon toffee, if you see it, grab it.”

Eliot is browsing the shelves, “I found something for Penny,” he shows it to Quentin who laughs.

“How long have you been married?” Harry is intrigued by them.

“We got married after my eighteenth birthday, so six years. But we’ve been together for seventeen years.” Q tells Harry their story, “We were kinda together before we’ve even been born.”

“That’s romantic. Sev is my soulmate,” Harry smiles fondly, “We met at Hogwarts and instantly started hanging out. Was not long after we met that we had our first kiss and at the end of my first year, we were bonded. Sev then moved in with us after his family showed their true colors.”

“I found the toffee,” Eliot chuckles when Harry takes them all.

“Sev loves them.”


“You are still a werewolf in the books,” Draco puts it away, “I am a spoiled brat in those.”

“Some things don’t change.”

“Hey,” Draco tackles Remus, “I am not that spoiled.”

“Whatever you say, love.” Remus kisses him quickly, “Let me finish the chapter, you’re about to kill Albus.”

“Wish it were true.” Draco plays with Remus’ shirt, he pounces on him when he sees that Remus is done reading, “I’ve wanted you all day.”

“Did you, now?” Remus kisses him hard, “I am afraid you have to wait. I have a meeting with Daphne.”

Draco groans in frustration, “Fine, I’ll go look for the duo. I am curious about their world.” He finds them some time later sitting by the Great Lake. He sits down, “You mentioned Fillory. What is it?”

Quentin is all too happy to explain, “That’s now two book series that turned out to be real places. I wonder if Middle Earth exists somewhere.”

“We have those books here too, Rem loves them.” Draco plays with his wedding ring and asks them about their world.


They have read the books, Quentin has made a list with the differences, “This world is basically the total opposite of the books. Some people like Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley don’t even exist here.”

“And you are all born at different times,” Eliot looks at Quentin’s notes, “Grindelwald also never existed here.”

“El and I have been investigating the past three days and we are pretty sure that Albus is hiding in Godric’s Hollow in Bathilda Bagshot’s house and is using polyjuice potions and pretending to be her. Her writing style has changed too much compared to a few decades ago. I also compared it to some of Albus’ speeches and the patterns are almost identical.”

“As for the order, we believe his order has been hiding in the village where Albus was born. We went around that place and we could feel a heavy weight of magic around the place.” Eliot shows them some pictures he took, “I am pretty sure that is Molly Weasley.”

Charlie looks at the picture, “It’s her. I would recognize my mother anywhere.” He looks at them, “Mould-on-the-Wold, the town is said to be abandoned.”

“It is made to look like it. We believe a goblin is helping them. It didn’t feel like your magic.” Q explains to them how each magic feels differently, “Your magic feels more earthy, ours feels more archaic. The magic on the town felt more ancient, like at Gringotts.”

“It would explain a lot. We never accounted for a goblin helping them, since they sided with us,” Tom gets up and looks at Narcissa, “Call an emergency meeting with The King, as the Minister, he won’t make you wait.”

Narcissa nods, “I hope we can finally find out what happened to my husband.” Lucius disappeared over a decade ago.

“We have a theory about that. One you won’t like,” Eliot clears his throat, “We believe he joined Albus and his order. How else have they been able to survive? None would be able to get a job? He could have funded them, he is rich after all. And with the goblin help, they could have kept it from you.”

“You told us, you have no access to the Malfoy fortune and that even Draco, as the heir, has no access.” Quentin leans forward, “I believe the reason for that is because Lucius is using his money for them and the goblin on the inside is covering for him. I also believe that once Draco turns seventeen, he will be disowned as a Malfoy.”

“Lucius hates werewolves, you told us that. There is no way that he will want any part of his money to go to one.” Eliot looks at the couple, “If I were you, I would take the Lupin name and have an article printed in the newspaper. I am sure it will piss him off.”

“And if you were to take his money too, it just might draw him out,” Reggie smirks, “If the goblin helping them is dealt with, you might have access to the Malfoy money and you can cut them off from the money.”

“Good idea,” Draco smirks, “It would be nice to get revenge.”

“What if Albus made horcruxes? Like Tom did in the book?” Severus looks up from his notes, “I don’t want Albus to hover around forever.”

“The book doesn’t exist in this world. We checked the registry of books at the Ministry,” Eliot hums, “Half the stuff that happened in the books has never happened here and never will.”

“We should watch the movies,” Quention claps his hands, “It might be helpful.”


“I am glad that I am not a teacher,” Severus runs a hand through Harry’s hair, “And I am glad I am not so coldhearted and cruel as this person.”

“Not so coldhearted, only hiding your heart. That Snape is a hero,” Harry softly kisses him, “You’re my hero.”

“I don’t like how the fight between them ended. The book version was better,” Bella frowns, “And the poor dragon! I am glad Gringotts here don't keep a dragon in their basem*nt.”

“Don’t get Q started on books vs movies. He can debate for days,” Eliot kisses Q’s cheek, “You’re hot when you get passionate.” He looks up, “Did you learn anything?”

“That Albus is a cold hearted bastard?” Charlie huffs, “He’s as manipulative in the books and movies as here.”

“I am just glad that I was not headmaster when Granger attended, she really is an insufferable know-it-all,” Tom looks at Remus, “Your wolf was ugly in the movies.”

He nods, “I think it’s Griphook who is working with them,” Remus looks at Narcissa, “Remember a few years back, the mishap with your vault key? Griphook was the goblin who messed up.”

“I remember,” Narcissa’s eyes widen, “I bet Lucius wanted a copy of the key. There are a few things in my vault that could be useful to them. I am glad I got a high security vault.” She gets up, “I will inform the King.” The sooner this matter is settled the better.

“I never asked,” Eliot looks at Draco, “Why did you want to travel back in time?”

“To kill Dumbledore,” Draco leans against Remus, “A lot of people died because of him.”

“My parents,” Luna looks sadly at them, “He killed them when I was just two months old. He thought my mother was a seer and wanted to eliminate her. But I am the seer he was after.”

“Did you see us coming?” Eliot wonders if they were destined to come here.

“No, the last vision I had showed me Pansy dying. I got the vision too late and we weren’t able to save her. I have been taking a potion to block my visions.” She hugs herself, “They are awful. I only ever got two happy visions. One was of Daphne winning the chess tournament, the other was of dad becoming Chief Warlock.”

“I am sorry,” Quentin sighs, “About two years ago, we had a visitor from another universe. Her name was Alice Quinn. She traveled back in time and took over the Alice Quinn in our world. She wanted a fresh start for herself and she wanted everything she couldn’t have in the world she came from. It didn’t turn out the way she wanted it to.”

“She was in love with the Q from her world and thought she could have the Q from our world. She planned on marrying him and starting a family. Little did she know our world ran on soulmate magic and that we were soulmates. When she found out we were married and expecting twins, she went nuts, turned into a niffin and wanted to kill our children and me to have Q for herself.” Eliot pulls Q closer, “She failed of course and our Alice was saved and she was expelled and Hades took her to hell. The sad thing was, the Q from her world was brought back from the dead by my counterpart. They got married and started a family. But Alice did some damage in our world before she was stopped.”

“What we are trying to say is, just because you travel back in time, doesn’t mean it will work out for you.” Q fidgets, “What if you make things worse? What if his order isn’t hiding and wants revenge. What if they turned him into a martyr and a rebellion against you starts?”

“You have a point,” Tom looks thoughtful, “If we ever manage to go back in time, it would need to be after he was exposed and before he disappeared. Quentin is right, before that, his death would turn him into a martyr.”

“Since we are not near figuring out time travel and time turners don’t exist here, we should go after Dumbledore and his order. Arrest them, give them trials.” Reggie gets up, “I will talk to Yaxley, get everything ready.”

Tom nods, “Get some sleep, everyone. We will make plans when we have concrete proof that they are there.”


Draco sits down next to Eliot, “I emptied out the Malfoy vaults, everything is now in Remus’ vault.”

“Good. You know I could have sworn I heard a scream of rage yesterday. The article was excellent.” Eliot looks at Draco, “Are you really pregnant?”

“Yes,” Draco strokes his flat stomach, “We have decided it was time.”

“Sorry, but to me you are sixteen and not twenty. Sometimes I confuse the books with this world.” Eliot chuckles, “And Harry is twenty two and Severus is twenty-five. It’s weird when you have an image in your mind of how things should be and then reality is different.”

“Have you met their children?” Draco hums, “Another reason we decided to have a child now is so there won’t be a big age gap between our kids and theirs.”

“Yes, they make me miss my kids. At least video calls are working,” Eliot is ready to go home, “I hope that once we’ve taken care of them, Ember brings us home. I miss my own bed.”

“I am sure you will.”

“The first thing I will do though is hug my kids, then f*ck Q in our bed.”

Draco laughs, “Do you do anything besides f*cking?”

“Yes,” Eliot smirks, “But I love sex with Q and I never pass up an opportunity. Don’t tell me, you are not the same?”



“I am broke!” Lucius looks at his bank statement, “Draco cleaned me out!”

“How?” Albus needs Lucius’ money.

“I don’t know!” Lucius will make his son pay for this, “I will go to Gringotts and talk to Griphook.”

An hour later he is arrested by Daphne, his disguise no longer hiding him.


“Well that was too easy,” Eliot looks at the dead body of Albus Dumbledore, “All I did was shake his hand.”

Reggie kneels down, “I think your magic overpowered his magic and killed him,” he sees a necklace around Albus’ neck, “Hmm, this is goblin made. Will need to talk to The King but I feel this helped him prolong his life.”

“You’re right,” Narcissa kneels down next to him, “I read about this, it has some elixir from the philosopher’s stone imbued in it.” She runs a scan on Albus’ body, “The spell Severus hit him with all those years ago was slowly killing him. The necklace extended his life.” She gets up, “I will take his body to the medical examiner. I want this done by the book and then his body will be set on fire.”

“We are going to round up the order now,” Reggie gets up and looks at Eliot, “Ready?”


The King is looking at the wards, “I can take them down.” His men tortured Griphook until he confessed everything. He wanted to be King and thought siding with Dumbledore would get him there.

Yaxley nods, “Take them down.”

The King crashes the wards and a fully functioning village is revealed. Yaxley quickly orders his men to stun everyone. He walks into the center where a fountain is pulsing, “What is this?”

“It siphons magic from the outside and feeds the inside,” The King takes it down and a wave of magic is released, “This was the disturbance in the air we couldn’t figure out and why so many had weaker magic.”

Reggie looks at his brother, “Hello Sirius. It’s over.” His brother turned his back on his family long before he sided with Albus. Their father disowned Sirius ages ago. He looks at James, Sirius’ husband, “Your half-sister Lily was the one who warned us what your brother and his wife wanted to do.” They erased Lily’s memory and took her magic, and according to her wishes, placed her into a muggle community in Canada.

Eliot and Quentin have been looking around, they are in a small shed. Eliot removes a cover, “sh*t.” He quickly drags Q out, “There are muggle bombs in this shed.”

“I know how to dispose of them,” Bellatrix walks into the shed and comes out ten minutes later, “Taken care of.”

“We found plans,” Q shows them what they found, “They wanted to bomb several places at once. They wanted to use the chaos to strike against you.”

“This will send them all to Azkaban for a long time.” Reggie looks at the prisoners, “Albus is dead.” He sees shock on multiple faces, “You are all under arrest for terrorism.” He watches as they are led away.


“It’s been two days and we are still here,” Q looks at his husband, “I want to go home.” He wants to hold his children again.

“Me too. As much fun as it was being here, I miss our children and our home,” Eliot kisses Q, “Unless this is not what Ember’s task was.”

“I can’t think of anything else we’ll need your help with,” Tom hands them a small bag, “Thank you gift from all of us. Something for your children. Don’t open it until you are back in your world.”

As soon as Eliot grabs the bag, he can feel it, “Q!”

“What?” Quentin looks at his husband with worry.

“I’m pregnant!” He puts Quentin’s hand on his stomach, “Twins. I can feel them.”

Quentin hugs Eliot and plants kisses all over his face, “I love you.”

Eliot is laughing, “I love you too.”

Ember appears in the middle of the room, “Now you can go home. Was waiting for Q to knock you up. Happened yesterday morning if ya wondering. You forgot that you are in another world and didn’t use contraception.” He looks around, “Hi, I am Ember. Those two told you all you need to know about me and they were not exaggerating. Brought them here to help you out. Otherwise, your world would have been blown up.”

Reggie eyes the newcomer, “Why did you help us? We are not from your world. Not that I am not glad for your help.”

“Someone in your world made a wish that reached our world. You see once every thousand years, the walls between your world and our world collide and create a small opening for about an hour. In that hour a lot can happen. My brother accidentally landed in Nepal and scared the locals. They now worship him since he fertilized their lands. Anyway, I heard the wish and decided to act after I looked into your future.”

“Who made the wish?” Tom wants to thank whoever did it.

“I did.” Luna looks at Ember, “I heard about wish magic but it never worked but I also never gave up trying.”

“Wish magic doesn’t exist in this world.” Ember walks over to her and touches her temple, “From now on your visions will be happy ones.”

“Thank you.” She gets up and hugs the God, “Thank you.”

Ember pats her head, he looks at Eliot and Q, “Ready to go?”


Harry Potter and the Multiverse - Chapter 25 - andromeda543 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.