Harrison James Orion Potter-Evans-Black - Chapter 1 - ATiredAndDeadWriter - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

As Harry looked upon Diagon Alley for the first time, he couldn't resist bouncing on his toes. There was so much to see, he momentarily forgot about the strange people who thanked him and shook his hands in the pub behind him.

As Hagrid asked Harry what he'd like to do, Harry immediately voted for the bank. Uncle Vernon told Dudley all the time that the first thing you should do in a new place was get money from a bank. Harry's awe only increased as they entered a large building Hagrid called Gringotts.

Hagrid called it The Wizarding Bank, which made no sense to Harry. Surely there was more than one, considering there were witches and wizards all around the world.

As they approached, Harry heard Hagrid talking but he ignored it after he heard the word "Goblin." He could tell Hagrid was nervous, so he tugged on the huge man's shirt.

"Hagrid, do you mind if I talk to the Goblins for you?" Harry asked, "I've never talked to a Goblin before." After a few seconds of Hagrid making excuses about how dark and terrible goblins were, Harry was allowed.

Beaming, Harry bounced up to the closest free goblin along the counter.

"Hello!" Harry said brightly to the frowning goblin. "My name is Harry Potter, and this is my first time in the Magical world. I need money." He explained easily. The goblin looked astonished, then confused.

"How did Mister Potter grow up without magic?" The goblin questioned suspiciously.

"I grew up with my Aunt and Uncle," Harry confided. "They don't have magic, and they hate it very much. Hate me too." Harry hummed at the end. The goblin nodded slowly.

"Would you like a Muggle-borns Starter Kit?" The goblin offered, "We give it to people with Muggle parents, but I assume you'd need one since you grew up like one." Harry nodded.

"Thank you very much! Now, how do I pay for the kit? I still have no money." The child reminded him. The Goblin smiled toothily.

"Does Mister Potter have his key?"

"I have never been given a key!" Harry announced, brightness never dimming. Hagrid spoke next.

"Oh! I'll be havin' it here some'o'where.." Harry turned to the goblin as Hagrid pulled random things out of his coat and whispered,

"Why does he have my key?" The goblin sneered at him.

"Your Magical Guardian must have given it to him." Harry tilted his head in confusion as the goblin's words.

"I have a Magical Guardian?" Harry asked.

"Of course you do." The goblin seemed surprised again. "One that should have visited you regularly." Harry shrugged.

"I never met anybody like that." He admitted. The goblin went to reply when Hagrid finally pulled out a small golden key with a triumphant 'Ah Ha!'

"Everything seems to be in order." The goblin said after a minute, inspecting the key.

"An' I've also got a letter here from Professor Dumbledore." He stuck his chest out with pride, holding out a letter. "It's about the you-know-what from Vault 713." Hagrid said conspiratorially. The goblin looked at him carefully and took the letter.

"Very well. I will have someone take you down to both vaults." The goblin then turned around. "Griphook!"

He and Hagrid were ushered into a cart, and they zoomed away.

Harry was thrilled by the feeling, like a roller-coaster, and was fascinated even more by the lack of steering. Griphook sat, same as them, but the cart moved flawlessly taking turns and going what Harry assumed was the correct way.

He thought he saw a ploom of fire, but it whipped by faster than he could double-check. They zipped past an underground lake that Harry beamed at the sight of. It was beautiful.

They rolled to a stop and Hagrid hopped out first to lean against a wall, knees shaking. He was looking a little green, and Harry steered clear as he climbed out himself. There was a small door, and Griphook stepped up to unlock it. Green smoke poured out, and Harry gaped as it cleared.

"This is all mine?" Harry asked, just to be sure.

"Yes it is." The goblin, Griphook, confirmed. "Here's your key." Harry took it gently, and tucked it into one of his ginormous pockets.

"Oh!" Harry exclaimed, beaming. "I need a whole new wardrobe. How much will I need for that?" He asked the goblin immediately. Hagrid faced Harry abruptly.

"Now now Harry, Dumbledore said yeh'd only be needin' 100 galleons for school supplies." Harry frowned.

"How much is that?" Harry asked the goblin.

"With that much, you'd be able to buy school supplies and a small snack, and nothing else." Harry frowned harder.

"What about my clothes?" He asked Hagrid, "My relatives don't buy my anything. These belong to my cousin, Dudley. You remember him." Hagrid looked suddenly nervous. "I want my own things."

"Now Harry," Hagrid said, leaning down. "Dumbledore only has yer bes' interest in mind, yah hear?" Harry frowned hard but agreed to settle the giant.

"I'm getting the Muggle-born kit though." He whispered to the goblin. "I guess, charge it to my Vault?" The goblin nodded and snapped his fingers. A box appeared and he handed it to Harry. The goblin tapped it, and Harry watched as it shrunk to fit in his pocket.

"Just tap it twice, Mister Potter, and it will unshrink." Harry nodded excitedly as he tucked it away.

As Hagrid walked back to the cart, Harry turned to the goblin. "If I come back later, alone, would you help me with everything else?" He whispered. The goblin grinned nastily.

"Just ask for Griphook." The goblin said, still grinning. Harry beamed back, and they followed Hagrid back to the carts.

They stopped at Vault 713, and Harry stayed in the cart. Hagrid returned with a tiny package wrapped in what looked like cardboard colored paper. He tucked it away and Harry shrugged. Not his business.

Peacefully above ground again, Harry turned to Hagrid.

"Hagrid, why don't you go back to the Leaky Cauldron?" He suggested, "I have the 100 galleons, and I shop for Petunia all the time. Plus, you could get a drink. Those carts didn't like you very much." Hagrid looked contemplative, then guilty, then thankful.

"Will ya be needing me to stick 'round?" Hagrid said finally. "I ca' take ya back tuh yer relatives after." Harry shook his head with a smile.

"No thanks, I can just take the Underground back. Feel free to go home, Hagrid." Hagrid looked extremely tempted, but said nothing. "Come on Hagrid, it's Muggle London, what could happen?" Harry teased lightly.

"'Right then, Harry," He said eventually, "I'll be off then. You do be'ter to avoid Knockturn, right?" Harry nodded easily, not having the faintest clue what that was. Hagrid departed.

Harry waited until the giant was out of sight to turn around, and he sat down in front of Gringotts to pull out the Muggle-born kit. Tapping it twice, he once again had the heavy box in his hands.

It held books, as well as pamphlets. Harry first scanned the titles of the books.

A Worldview on Wizarding Etiquette by Samantha Edmonds

Purebloods and Half-Bloods and by Samantha Edmonds

Wizarding Politics by Samantha Edmonds

How To: Greet Creatures In Their Ways by Samantha Edmonds

Standard Book of Spells by Miranda Goshawk

Immediately, Harry grabbed and opened the book of greetings. He looked over the table of contents before flipping to the pages marked as Goblins.

"Goblins are Dark creatures that value honesty, power, and money. They like to surround themselves with wealth whether it's theirs or not. This makes it easy for wizards to let them reside in Wizarding banks."

Harry paused to congratulate himself on being correct about wizards having banks in multiple places.

"When meeting Goblins, there are multiple greetings that are acceptable, depending on the person offering the greeting.

If a wixen is offering a greeting, it is appropriate to say 'May your gold ever flow' or 'May your enemies ever fall'. If it's your first time meeting, adding 'sir / lady goblin' is considered polite.

If a fellow goblin is offering a greeting, it is polite to say 'well met', as it is proper to say to anyone's own kind."

Harry continued reading the three pages offered on goblins, and found it very educational and interesting.

Happy with what he'd learned, he put the book aside and looked through the pamphlets he'd been given.

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning

Navigating Magical Areas

Useful Items for New Wizards: Diagon Alley

Harry didn't know there were other schools and immediately thought 'they can't be as good as Hogwarts.' He paused. Why would he think that? He'd never even heard of the other schools before.

Of course, Harry recognized bias when he saw it. He was being biased without any prior information. Why was that?

He almost dropped the brochures when he realized it was because Hagrid had been praising Hogwarts and Dumbledore non-stop since he'd shown up the day prior. He shuddered, and decided he'd rather not be biased, and read the pamphlets thoroughly.

Both schools were on par with Hogwarts, though Durmstrang had four houses like Hogwarts, while Beauxbaton only had three. It also looked like each school presented classes differently.

Durmstrang ranked each class by year and skill. In each year there were three groups for each class. Low level understanding, moderate level of understanding, and high level of understanding. Each person learned at their proper understanding level according to their year.

Beauxbaton did everything by skill level. First years could take classes with Seventh years if they were at the same understanding level, regardless of age. It was mentioned that this made the students bond more closely. Harry was interested immediately.

Alternatively, Hogwarts did everything by year. It seemed a little stupid, compared to the other schools. No matter how intelligent or ahead of the curriculum you were, you were kept with your own age group. He could see the advantage, like at Durmstrang, to be around people your age, but Harry shuddered when he thought about Muggle school, learning things he'd already known and being immensely bored.

He tucked the pamphlets away and picked up the box. He thought for a second before tucking his 100 galleons and his Vault Key inside as well. He tentatively tapped it twice, and was excited to see it shrink again. Finally ready, Harry moved back into the building. Gringotts, he remembered.

Tentatively stepping up to an empty space with a goblin, Harry spoke.

"May your gold ever flow, uh, sir goblin." The goblin looked up in surprise.

"May your enemies ever fall, sir wizard." The goblin said finally. "What can I do for you, sir wizard?"

"My name is Harry Potter, and I need to speak to Griphook." Harry told the goblin. Again, the goblin looked surprised.

"Of course, Mister Potter. I'll be right back." The odd creature disappeared, leaving Harry standing at the counter alone. He waited patiently.

Harry saw him return, familiar goblin in tow, and beamed.

"Hello Mister Potter." Griphook grinned.

"Hello Griphook. May your enemies ever fall." He said with a wave. The goblin's smirk widened. "I'm here to do whatever it is that wizards usually do, plus grab some more gold." Griphook nodded as the other goblin left again.

"Usually wizards come to Gringotts to perform Inheritance Tests, as well as Health Checks, and to accept Lord and Heirships." Griphook said.

"Can you explain those one at a time? I probably want to do all of those." Harry admitted.

"Of course. We should move to a waiting area though." The goblin told him. Harry nodded easily, and followed Griphook into a small room with sleek black couches and several large blue doors. Griphook gestured to a couch, and they sat.

"An Inheritance Test is done for multiple reasons." Griphook started. "It verifies your identity, for one. It tells you your name, and your parents' names. What people usually come for though is what they're entitled to from their parents and others. An Inheritance Test will also show that." Harry nodded for Griphook to continue.

"A Health Check is something wixen do yearly and children do monthly that ensures they are healthy and have no compulsions, blocks, or magical issues. It also checks for abuse or neglect that are affecting a wixen's body and helps to heal it." Harry paled, but nodded. He'd probably need that one.

"Lastly is the Lordship and Heirship acceptance. A Lordship is an acknowledgement that you are the oldest and most eligible magical person in your family. Make sense?" Harry nodded. "A Lord gets a Wizengamot seat, which gives them political power and freedom. A Lord also has properties that are handed down to them from previous Lords, and any properties current Lords buy will be handed down as well." Harry thought that sounded so cool. "Now, an Heirship is basically the same, but it's given to the first born child of a Lord, or whoever is named their Heir. For example, if a Lord has no children, he or she can name their brother as the Heir, or even a spouse or a friend. It's rare to give an Heirship to someone outside the family, but it does happen." Harry nodded in understanding.

"Okay, I definitely want the Health Check, but the other two wouldn't hurt to get as well." Harry said. "Where should we start?"

"If you'd like, we can end with the Health Check." Harry shuddered, and nodded. "Then we'll start with your Inheritance, and move to Heirships before the Health Check." Harry nodded in acceptance, and stood with Griphook.

"If you'd follow me." Griphook led Harry through one of the blue doors and found himself in a large dome-like room. It had a basin of some sort, as well as several desks and couches. Griphook led him to a desk, and they sat on opposite sides.

Bringing out a piece of paper and a thin knife, Griphook gestured to Harry with a hand. "I'll need you to give three drops of blood to the paper." He instructed.

Obediently, Harry took the needle-like dagger and pressed the tip firmly to the side of his wrist. Skin parting, blood welled up on the small wound. Setting the knife down, Harry pinched the wound and watched three crimson blotches mar the paper on the desk before pressing a fingertip to the pin prick wound.

"Give me your wrist." Griphook commanded. Surprised, Harry gently raised his hand and removed the pressure. A drop welled up, but Griphook snapped his fingers and the wound closed. Harry watched in wonder, as the drop that was sealed out of his body slid down his arm and soaked into his unnecessarily baggy jeans. Harry grinned.

"That was so cool, thank you." Harry said sincerely. The goblin just grinned before turning to the paper. Harry blinked when he realized words had formed in the spaces the blood had fallen. "What the-" He leaned forward.

Griphook snapped his fingers and suddenly the blood was gone, fully absorbed into the paper. His blood slowly leaked back out of the paper, this time in curved letters. Griphook handed it to him.

"Your Inheritance Test, Mister Potter." Harry took it, grin matching Griphook's.

Name: Harrison James Orion Potter-Evans-Black

Mother: Lily Jane Potter-Evans-Black
Father: Sirius Orion Potter-Evans-Black
BA(P): James Fleamount Potter-Evans-Black

Age: 11
Magical core: Dark-leaning Neutral

Inherited abilities:
Emotion-based Magics (Dark) - Father
Control-based Magics (Light) - Mother
Mixed Magics (Neutral) - Self
Parseltongue (Dark) - Other

Inherited Lordships:
Lordship Potter - BA(P)
Lordship Peverell - BA(P)
Lordship Black - Father

Inherited Heirships:
Heir Potter - BA(P)
Heir Peverell - BA(P)
Heir Slytherin - Other

Inherited Properties:
Potter Manor - In stasis
House in Godric's Hollow - Unusable
Grimmauld Place - Unprepared
Black Manor - In stasis
Peverell Palace - In stasis
Slytherin Castle - Unprepared

Note: Any and all properties cannot be accessed until corresponding Lordships are accepted
Note: BA(P) placed BAG(P) with consent from (:Sirius Orion Black)

Harry stared at the paper. He decided to ignore the properties he owed, since he couldn't access them. "What's a BAP?" He asked Griphook. Griphook cackled.

"It's a B-A-P, child. Not a 'Bap'." Harry looked at him curiously. "It's an abbreviation, it means Blood Adoption, Paternal. The B-A-G is a Blood Adoption Glamour."

"Well what's that?" Harry asked quickly.

"A Blood Adoption is when an adult uses their blood in a ritual to make a child biologically theirs using magic. A Blood Glamour replaces one parent's physical features with another. It's usually used when both parents of the child are dead, but it's also used when three people are in a relationship together." Harry was floored. My parents were in a three-way marriage?

"Okay, so who's Sirius Black?" Harry had heard his Aunt rant about 'stupid Lily and her freakish Potter' but he'd never heard of a Sirius Black.

"Sirius Black was falsely accused of betraying your parents and being responsible for their deaths. He was charged with the murder of 12 Muggles and a Wizard." Griphook told him conversationally as though it was the weather. "We know this isn't true, considering the man he was accused of murdering is, in fact, alive. His Vault is still keyed to his name."

"If he's innocent, where is he?" Harry asked, tilting his head, "He's not in prison is he?"

"He's in Azkaban, the Wizard prison." Griphook confirmed. "He never received a trial by order of Bartemius Crouch Senior, even though the Head of the Wizengamot should've given him one." Harry was immediately furious.

"Wasn't given a trial?" Harry fumed quietly. "Who's the Head of the Wiz-thing?" He remembered the word, but couldn't pronounce it.

"Wizengamot, and the Head is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Harry paused.

"Why does someone need so many names? And did you say Dumbledore???" Harry froze, "Like Headmaster of Hogwarts Dumbledore?" Griphook nodded.

Harry shook his head to clear it, assurances that Dumbledore had his best interest in mind bouncing around.

"Griphook, my brain is refusing to let me process that." He complained. "I want to believe you, considering you have evidence but my logic is failing me." He admitted. He winced, head pounding.

"Mister Potter, do you mind if we move right to your Check? I have an idea as to why that's happening." Harry nodded.

"Yes please. My head is killing me."

Harry followed Griphook to a white room with a few beds with clean sheets. There were women in white aprons with bandanas on their heads moving about carrying bottles of liquid in varying colors. He followed Griphook to a bed, and sat when instructed.

"Griphook, may your enemies ever fall, what can I do for you?" A woman bustled over, brushing off her apron.

"Mister Harry Potter-Evans-Black is here for a Health Check." Griphook said, a hand waving at Harry.

"Of course, we can start now." The woman said with a nod. She turned to Harry. "My name is Evenlyn Pomfrey, and I will be your healer today. When was your last Check up?"

"I've never had one." Harry told her. Her face scrunched up like she'd sucked a lemon.

"Right then, we'll do a full panel then. Lay back, and I'll explain everything I'm doing." Harry shook off his shoes and laid down obediently.

"I'm going to start with an injury panel." She pulled out some paper and continued, "This parchment will fill with every injury you've received ever, as well as how it healed and if it needs more treatment." Harry nodded and watched as she waved her stick. Harry assumed it was a magic wand.

The parchment got longer and longer in her hand, and her eyes got wider and wider as she read it. She was pale by the end, but found her composure quickly.

"Mister Potter, it would seem you live in an abusive environment. You'll need immediate treatment for your current and past injuries." Harry blinked in confusion, but nodded. "Why didn't you tell me you were injured?"

"It's not that bad." Harry said immediately. "I'm used to being in pain, honestly I didn't even notice." He admitted. The woman huffed.

"You have a crack in your ribs, as well as a mild concussion and bruising in multiple places." Harry nodded. That seemed right. "I'll administer all the treatments at the end." She told him. "Next, I'll be scanning you physically, and it will fill out another parchment showing anything wrong in your body besides injuries. For example, viruses, lack of vaccinations, malnutrition, and more." She once again waved her wand, and her new parchment once again elongated. Instead of growing pale, she grew red in anger at what she read.

"Malnutrition and lack of vaccination, right?" Harry threw a guess. She nodded sharply.

"You also have terrible eyesight caused by hours every day in the dark for your entire life." She said, "I can fix it at the end if you want, since it's caused by damage and not genetics." Harry nodded immediately.

Pomfrey cleared her throat, setting the paper down on the table with the other one. "This next scan will show any outside tampering. It'll tell me if you have any excess Magics attached to you, as well as compulsions and blocks." Griphook leaned forward to view the paper as it too grew in size. Both looked disgusted, and then shocked.

"Mister Potter," Griphook grabbed his attention, "You'll want to see this one." Harry nodded curiously, taking the paper.

Name: Harrison James Orion Potter-Evans-Black
Age: 11

Number of Compulsions: 6
Number of Blocks: 3
Glamours: 1

Mild loyalty to Albus Dumbledore (A.D.)
Mild loyalty to Gryffindor (A.D.)
Mild avoidance of Slytherins (A.D.)
Complete avoidance of Dark Magics (A.D.)
Complete avoidance of Dark Rituals (A.D.)
Complete Hatred of Tom Riddle (A.D.)

Note: (:A.D.) Any and all Compulsions keyed to grow stronger as years pass, reaching Complete Hatred or Complete Loyalty Level by 18 years of age

Parseltongue (A.D.) - FAILED
Horcrux (A.D.) - Current
Dark Core (A.D.) - Current

Note: (:A.D.) Any and all Blocks keyed to remain the same until in need of complete reapplication at 15 years of age

Blood Glamour - Paternal - Active

Note: (:J.P-E-B.) Any and all Glamours keyed to stick permanently until or unless voluntarily removed or cleansed.

Harry stared at the paper in the same glazed confusion as the Inheritance Test.

"I'd love to process this, but I physically can't." He announced. "Thinking that Dumbledore basically controls my views in life and trying to not think that way is giving me a worse headache than the one I already had." The two other people exchanged looks.

"Why don't we remove them and then do everything else?" Griphook suggested. Harry nodded.

"Let's get this show on the road." He said, wincing. Miss Pomfrey led him through a door at the back of the Infirmary, and led him to a small pool filled with black-tinted water.

"This is a cleansing pool. It removes any and all Compulsions, Blocks, and Glamours. Unfortunately, it will remove your Blood Glamour. It can't change your heritage, so you'll still have three parents' blood, but you'll only look like your two original parents. Is that acceptable?" Harry waved a wand.

"I don't care, just get the compulsions off." She nodded and gestured to the water.

"Remove your clothes and step in. It'll tingle and probably burn for a second. When the sensation is gone, come on up. You'll find a pile of clothes that will replace the ones you removed, just in case your clothes were affected by the magic. Then knock on the door four times in rapid succession and we'll return." Then she and Griphook left, leaving Harry alone in the room.

He glanced at the water, and shrugged. He stripped, avoiding the mirror to his left, and dipped his foot in first. Surprisingly, the water was the perfect temperature. It was warm, and felt soothing on his skin, but didn't burn in any way. He briefly wondered why it didn't burn in the way Pomphrey described, but ignored it.

Stepping in fully, he waded to the center when it came up to his waist, and took several deep breaths before dunking himself under.

Once his head was fully immersed, the sensation started. It tingled and zipped across his skin like electricity. He felt it slowly sink into him, and had to resist a scream as it touched his organs one by one. Eventually it stopped near his heart and cradled something he'd never noticed before.

With a flinch as it made contact, he realized the water was swirling around his magical core. He memorized the location and vowed to find it again if only to learn more about it. It was a part of him after all.

It was only a few seconds before the feeling dissipated, and Harry waited a second longer to double check it was gone before surfacing. He stood, gasping at his own light headedness, and realized the water no longer covered his hips. He realized he was suddenly several inches taller than before. That would definitely take some time getting used to.

Harrison James Orion Potter-Evans-Black - Chapter 1 - ATiredAndDeadWriter - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.